(build-docs-target)= # Building documentation :::{important} Ensure `nox` is installed. If you followed the [first steps](first-steps-target), you should be all set. ::: ## Prerequisites On some systems (macOS, WSL, and certain Linux distributions), you must install the `enchant` library to build the documentation. :::{tab} Linux/WSL ```bash sudo apt-get install -y enchant ``` ::: :::{tab} MacOS ```bash brew install -y enchant ``` :::{important} On Apple Silicon, you might need to ensure your environment points to the correct library location: ```bash export PYENCHANT_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib/libenchant-2.2.dylib ``` ::: ## Build once To build your documentation once: ```bash nox -e docs ``` The rendered documentation will be located in `docs/_build/html`. ## Live preview For continuous development, you can start a live preview that automatically reloads when changes are made: ```bash nox -e docs-dev ``` This command builds the documentation, starts an HTTP server, opens your default browser, and watches for changes. :::{note} If building on a remote system, override the default `localhost` host with: ```bash nox -e docs-dev -- --host= ``` :::