Publishing your Saltext


This guide assumes your repository is hosted on GitHub.

There are currently no included workflows for other Git hosting providers or CI systems.

Once your Salt extension is ready, you can submit it to PyPI.

0: Prerequisites

  • Your project is hosted on GitHub.

  • It is either in the salt-extensions organization or you have set up the required secrets.

  • You have commit rights to the repository.

  • You have added a git remote upstream to your local repository, pointing to the official repository via SSH.

  • You have followed the first steps to setup your repository and virtual environment.

  • You have activated your virtual environment.

Ensure your main branch is up to date:

git switch main && git fetch upstream && git rebase upstream/main

1: Build the changelog

Create and switch to a new branch:

git switch -c release/100

You have been keeping a changelog with towncrier, now is the time to compile it.

towncrier build --yes --version v1.0.0

This command combines all news fragments into and clears them. Commit the change.

2: Submit the changelog

Submit this commit as a PR and merge it into the default branch on upstream.


Squash-merging this PR results in a cleaner tag target.

3: Tag a release

Ensure your main branch is up to date (again):

git switch main && git fetch upstream && git rebase upstream/main

Create a new tag named after the version:

git tag v1.0.0


The tag must start with v for the default publishing workflows to work correctly.

4: Push the tag

Push the new tag upstream to trigger the publishing workflow:

git push upstream v1.0.0

5: Check the result

If CI passes, a new release should be available on both PyPI and your GitHub repository.