Source code for saltext.apache.modules.suse_apache

Support for Apache

Please note: The functions in here are SUSE-specific. Placing them in this
separate file will allow them to load only on SUSE systems, while still
loading under the ``apache`` namespace.

import logging

import salt.utils.path

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "apache"

[docs] def __virtual__(): """ Only load the module if apache is installed. """ if salt.utils.path.which("apache2ctl") and __grains__["os_family"] == "Suse": return __virtualname__ return (False, "apache execution module not loaded: apache not installed.")
[docs] def check_mod_enabled(mod): """ Checks to see if the specific apache mod is enabled. This will only be functional on operating systems that support `a2enmod -l` to list the enabled mods. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' apache.check_mod_enabled status """ if mod.endswith(".load") or mod.endswith(".conf"): mod_name = mod[:-5] else: mod_name = mod cmd = "a2enmod -l" try: active_mods = __salt__[""](cmd, python_shell=False).split(" ") except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except return e return mod_name in active_mods
[docs] def a2enmod(mod): """ Runs a2enmod for the given mod. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' apache.a2enmod vhost_alias """ ret = {} command = ["a2enmod", mod] try: status = __salt__["cmd.retcode"](command, python_shell=False) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except return e ret["Name"] = "Apache2 Enable Mod" ret["Mod"] = mod if status == 1: ret["Status"] = f"Mod {mod} Not found" elif status == 0: ret["Status"] = f"Mod {mod} enabled" else: ret["Status"] = status return ret
[docs] def a2dismod(mod): """ Runs a2dismod for the given mod. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' apache.a2dismod vhost_alias """ ret = {} command = ["a2dismod", mod] try: status = __salt__["cmd.retcode"](command, python_shell=False) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except return e ret["Name"] = "Apache2 Disable Mod" ret["Mod"] = mod if status == 256: ret["Status"] = f"Mod {mod} Not found" elif status == 0: ret["Status"] = f"Mod {mod} disabled" else: ret["Status"] = status return ret