Source code for saltext.apcups.modules.apcups

Module for apcupsd.

Requires ``apcaccess`` in ``$PATH``.

import logging

import salt.utils.path
from salt.utils import decorators

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Define the module's virtual name
__virtualname__ = "apcups"

def _check_apcaccess():
    Looks to see if apcaccess is present on the system
    return salt.utils.path.which("apcaccess")

def __virtual__():
    if _check_apcaccess():
        return __virtualname__
    return (
        f"{__virtualname__} module can only be loaded on when apcupsd is installed",

[docs] def status(): """ Return apcaccess output CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' apcups.status """ ret = {} apcaccess = _check_apcaccess() res = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](apcaccess) retcode = res["retcode"] if retcode != 0: ret["Error"] = "Something with wrong executing apcaccess, is apcupsd running?" return ret for line in res["stdout"].splitlines(): line = line.split(":") ret[line[0].strip()] = line[1].strip() return ret
[docs] def status_load(): """ Return load CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' apcups.status_load """ data = status() if "LOADPCT" in data: load = data["LOADPCT"].split() if load[1].lower() == "percent": return float(load[0]) return {"Error": "Load not available."}
[docs] def status_charge(): """ Return battery charge CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' apcups.status_charge """ data = status() if "BCHARGE" in data: charge = data["BCHARGE"].split() if charge[1].lower() == "percent": return float(charge[0]) return {"Error": "Load not available."}
[docs] def status_battery(): """ Return true if running on battery power CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' apcups.status_battery """ data = status() if "TONBATT" in data: return not data["TONBATT"] == "0 Seconds" return {"Error": "Battery status not available."}