Source code for saltext.consul.sdb.consul

Consul sdb Module

:maintainer:    SaltStack
:maturity:      New
:platform:      all

This module allows access to Consul using an ``sdb://`` URI

Like all sdb modules, the Consul module requires a configuration profile to
be configured in either the minion or master configuration file. This profile
requires very little. For example:

.. code-block:: yaml

      driver: consul
      port: 8500
      token: b6376760-a8bb-edd5-fcda-33bc13bfc556
      scheme: http
      consistency: default
      dc: dev
      verify: True

The ``driver`` refers to the Consul module, all other options are optional.
For option details see:

from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError

    import consul

    HAS_CONSUL = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_CONSUL = False

__func_alias__ = {"set_": "set"}

def set_(key, value, profile=None):
    if not profile:
        return False

    conn = get_conn(profile)

    return conn.kv.put(key, value)

def get(key, profile=None):
    if not profile:
        return False

    conn = get_conn(profile)

    _, result = conn.kv.get(key)

    return result["Value"] if result else None

[docs] def get_conn(profile): """ Return a client object for accessing consul """ params = {} for key in ("host", "port", "token", "scheme", "consistency", "dc", "verify"): if key in profile: params[key] = profile[key] if HAS_CONSUL: return consul.Consul(**params) else: raise CommandExecutionError( "(unable to import consul, " "module most likely not installed. PLease install python-consul)" )