Source code for saltext.elasticsearch.modules.elasticsearch8_mod

Salt execution module

Elasticsearch - A distributed RESTful search and analytics server for Elasticsearch 8
Module to provide Elasticsearch compatibility to Salt
(compatible with Elasticsearch version 8+).  Copied from module and updated.

.. versionadded:: 3005.1

:codeauthor: Cesar Sanchez <>

:depends: elasticsearch-py <>

:configuration: This module accepts connection configuration details either as
                parameters or as configuration settings in /etc/salt/minion on the relevant

.. code-block:: yaml

      host: ''

        - ''
        - ''
        - ''

        - ''
      use_ssl: True
      verify_certs: True
      ca_certs: /path/to/custom_ca_bundle.pem
      number_of_shards: 1
      number_of_replicas: 0
        - 'saltutil.find_job'
        - 'pillar.items'
        - 'grains.items'

        - http: http://proxy:3128
        - https: http://proxy:1080

When specifying proxies the requests backend will be used and the 'proxies'
data structure is passed as-is to that module.

This data can also be passed into pillar. Options passed into opts will
overwrite options passed into pillar.

Some functionality might be limited by elasticsearch-py and Elasticsearch server versions.

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
import logging
import re

from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import elasticsearch
    from elastic_transport import RequestsHttpNode

    ES_MAJOR_VERSION = elasticsearch.__version__[0]
except ImportError:

__virtualname__ = "elasticsearch"

[docs] def __virtual__(): """ Only load if elasticsearch librarielastic exist and ES version is 8+. """ if not HAS_ELASTICSEARCH: return ( False, "Cannot load module elasticsearch: elasticsearch librarielastic not found", ) if ES_MAJOR_VERSION < 8: return (False, "Cannot load the module, elasticserach version is not 8+") return __virtualname__
def _get_instance(hosts=None, profile=None): """ Return the elasticsearch instance """ elastic = None proxies = None ca_certs = None verify_certs = True http_auth = None timeout = 10 _profile = None if profile is None: profile = "elasticsearch" if isinstance(profile, str): _profile = __salt__["config.option"](profile) elif isinstance(profile, dict): _profile = profile if _profile: hosts = _profile.get("host", hosts) if not hosts: hosts = _profile.get("hosts", hosts) proxies = _profile.get("proxies", None) ca_certs = _profile.get("ca_certs", None) verify_certs = _profile.get("verify_certs", True) username = _profile.get("username", None) password = _profile.get("password", None) timeout = _profile.get("timeout", 10) if username and password: http_auth = (username, password) if hosts is None: hosts = [""] if isinstance(hosts, str): _re = re.compile(r"(http[s]*://)(.*)") match = _re.match(hosts) if match: (schema, hostport) = match.groups() (host, port) = hostport.split(":") if port is None: port = "9200" hosts = [f"{schema}{host}:{port}"] else: hosts = [hosts] try: if proxies: elastic = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch( hosts, ca_certs=ca_certs, verify_certs=verify_certs, http_auth=http_auth, request_timeout=timeout, node_class=RequestsHttpNode, ) else: elastic = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch( hosts, ca_certs=ca_certs, verify_certs=verify_certs, http_auth=http_auth, request_timeout=timeout, ) # Try the connection except elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Could not connect to Elasticsearch host/ cluster {hosts} due to {err.errors}" ) from err return elastic
[docs] def ping( hosts=None, profile=None, allow_failure=False, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Test connection to Elasticsearch instance. This method does not fail if not explicitly specified. allow_failure Throw exception if ping fails CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion allow_failure=True salt myminion profile=elasticsearch-extra """ try: _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) except CommandExecutionError: if allow_failure: raise return False return True
[docs] def info( hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, pretty=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Return Elasticsearch information. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion salt myminion profile=elasticsearch-extra """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, pretty=pretty ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve server information, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def node_info( hosts=None, profile=None, node_id=None, metric=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=False, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Return Elasticsearch node information. node_id Comma-separated list of node IDs or namelastic used to limit returned information. metric Limits the information returned to the specific metrics. Supports a comma-separated list, such as http,ingest. flat_settings If true, returns settings in flat format. master_timeout Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. timeout Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.node_info flat_settings=True """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return node_id=node_id, metric=metric, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, flat_settings=flat_settings, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve node information, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def cluster_health( index=None, level="cluster", local=False, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, wait_for_active_shards=None, wait_for_events=None, wait_for_no_initializing_shards=None, wait_for_no_relocating_shards=None, wait_for_nodes=None, wait_for_status=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Return Elasticsearch cluster health. index Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and index aliases used to limit the request. Wildcard expressions (*) are supported. To target all data streams and indices in a cluster, omit this parameter or use _all or '*'. expand_wildcards Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. Valuelastic can be 'all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open' level Can be one of cluster, indices or shards. Controls the details level of the health information returned. local If true, the request retrievelastic information from the local node only. Defaults to false, which means information is retrieved from the master node. master_timeout Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. timeout Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. wait_for_active_shards A number controlling to how many active shards to wait for, all to wait for all shards in the cluster to be active, or 0 to not wait. wait_for_events Can be one of immediate, urgent, high, normal, low, languid. Wait until all currently queued events with the given priority are processed. wait_for_no_initializing_shards A boolean value which controls whether to wait (until the timeout provided) for the cluster to have no shard initializations. Defaults to false, which means it will not wait for initializing shards. wait_for_no_relocating_shards A boolean value which controls whether to wait (until the timeout provided) for the cluster to have no shard relocations. Defaults to false, which means it will not wait for relocating shards. wait_for_nodes The request waits until the specified number N of nodes is available. It also accepts >=N, <=N, >N and <N. Alternatively, it is possible to use ge(N), le(N), gt(N) and lt(N) notation. wait_for_status One of green, yellow or red. Will wait (until the timeout provided) until the status of the cluster changelastic to the one provided or better, i.e. green > yellow > red. By default, will not wait for any status. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.cluster_health """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return index=index, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, level=level, local=local, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, wait_for_active_shards=wait_for_active_shards, wait_for_events=wait_for_events, wait_for_no_initializing_shards=wait_for_no_initializing_shards, wait_for_no_relocating_shards=wait_for_no_relocating_shards, wait_for_nodes=wait_for_nodes, wait_for_status=wait_for_status, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve health information, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def cluster_allocation_explain( hosts=None, profile=None, current_node=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, include_disk_info=None, include_yes_decisions=None, index=None, pretty=None, primary=None, shard=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Return Elasticsearch cluster allocation explain current_node Specifielastic the node ID or the name of the node to only explain a shard that is currently located on the specified node. include_disk_info If true, returns information about disk usage and shard sizelastic. include_yes_decisions If true, returns YES decisions in explanation. index Specifielastic the name of the index that you would like an explanation for. primary If true, returns explanation for the primary shard for the given shard ID. shard Specifielastic the ID of the shard that you would like an explanation for. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.cluster_allocation_explain """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.cluster.allocation_explain( current_node=current_node, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, include_disk_info=include_disk_info, include_yes_decisions=include_yes_decisions, index=index, pretty=pretty, primary=primary, shard=shard, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve cluster allocation explanation, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def cluster_pending_tasks( hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Returns a list of any cluster-level changelastic (e.g. create index, update mapping, allocate or fail shard) which have not yet been executed. local Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false) master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.cluster_pending_tasks """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.cluster.pending_tasks( error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, local=local, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve cluster allocation explanation, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def cluster_stats( node_id=None, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=None, human=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Return Elasticsearch cluster stats. node_id Comma-separated list of node filters used to limit returned information. Defaults to all nodes in the cluster. flat_settings Return settings in flat format (default: false) timeout Period to wait for each node to respond. If a node does not respond before its timeout expires, the response does not include its stats. However, timed out nodes are included in the response’s _nodes.failed property. Defaults to no timeout. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.cluster_stats """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.cluster.stats( node_id=node_id, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, flat_settings=flat_settings, human=human, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve cluster stats, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def cluster_get_settings( hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=False, human=None, include_defaults=False, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Return Elasticsearch cluster settings. flat_settings Return settings in flat format (default: false) include_defaults Whether to return all default clusters setting. master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node timeout Explicit operation timeout CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.cluster_get_settings """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.cluster.get_settings( error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, flat_settings=flat_settings, human=human, include_defaults=include_defaults, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve cluster settings, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def cluster_put_settings( body=None, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=False, human=None, master_timeout=None, persistent=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, transient=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long .. versionadded:: 3000 Set Elasticsearch cluster settings. body The settings to be updated. Can be either 'transient' or 'persistent' (survives cluster restart) flat_settings Return settings in flat format. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.cluster_put_settings '{"persistent": {"indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec": "50mb"}}' salt myminion elasticsearch.cluster_put_settings '{"transient": {"indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec": "50mb"}}' """ if body is None and persistent is None and transient is None: message = ( "You must provide a body with settings or provide the persistent or transient data" ) raise SaltInvocationError(message) elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: if body is not None: return elastic.cluster.put_settings( body=body, flat_settings=flat_settings, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body else: return elastic.cluster.put_settings( flat_settings=flat_settings, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, transient=transient, persistent=persistent, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot update cluster settings, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def alias_create( indices, alias, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_=None, filter_path=None, human=None, index_routing=None, is_write_index=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, routing=None, search_routing=None, timeout=None, ): """ Create an alias for a specific index/indices indices A comma-separated list of index namelastic the alias should point to (supports wildcards); use _all to perform the operation on all indices. alias The name of the alias to be created or updated filter Filter definittion index_routing index_routing is_write_index is_write_index master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master routing Routing definition search_routing search_routing timeout Explicit timestamp for the document CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.alias_create testindex_v1 testindex """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.indices.put_alias( index=indices, name=alias, error_trace=error_trace, filter=filter_, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, index_routing=index_routing, is_write_index=is_write_index, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, routing=routing, search_routing=search_routing, timeout=timeout, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot create alias {alias} in index {indices}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def alias_delete( indices, aliases, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ Delete an alias of an index indices Single or multiple indices separated by comma, use _all to perform the operation on all indices. aliases Alias namelastic separated by comma CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.alias_delete testindex_v1 testindex """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.indices.delete_alias( index=indices, name=aliases, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot delete alias {aliases} in index {indices}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def alias_exists( aliases, indices=None, hosts=None, profile=None, allow_no_indices=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, local=None, pretty=None, ): """ Return a boolean indicating whether given alias exists indices A comma-separated list of index namelastic to filter aliases aliases A comma-separated list of alias namelastic to return allow_no_indices Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includelastic _all string or when no indices have been specified) expand_wildcards Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. Valid valuelastic are 'all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open' ignore_unavailable Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) local Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.alias_exists None testindex """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.indices.exists_alias( name=aliases, index=indices, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, local=local, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return False except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot get alias {aliases} in index {indices}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def alias_get( aliases, indices=None, hosts=None, profile=None, allow_no_indices=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, local=None, pretty=None, ): """ Check for the existence of an alias and if it exists, return it indices A comma-separated list of index namelastic to filter aliases aliases A comma-separated list of alias namelastic to return allow_no_indices Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includelastic _all string or when no indices have been specified) expand_wildcards Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. Valid valuelastic are 'all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open' ignore_unavailable Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) local Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.alias_get testindex """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.indices.get_alias( index=indices, name=aliases, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, local=local, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot get alias {aliases} in index {indices}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def document_create( index, body=None, hosts=None, profile=None, source=None, document=None, id_=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, if_primary_term=None, if_seq_no=None, op_type=None, pipeline=None, pretty=None, refresh=None, require_alias=None, routing=None, timeout=None, version=None, version_type=None, wait_for_active_shards=None, ): """ Create a document in a specified index index Index name where the document should reside body Document to store source URL of file specifying document to store. Cannot be used in combination with body. document Document to store. If body doesn't exist, this is the dictionary with the document contents if_primary_term only perform the index operation if the last operation that has changed the document has the specified primary term if_seq_no only perform the index operation if the last operation that has changed the document has the specified sequence number op_type Explicit operation type. Defaults to index for requests with an explicit document ID, and to createfor requests without an explicit document ID pipeline The pipeline id to preprocess incoming documents with refresh If true then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if wait_for then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if false (the default) then do nothing with refreshelastic. require_alias When true, requirelastic destination to be an alias. Default is false routing Specific routing value timeout Explicit operation timeout version Explicit version number for concurrency control version_type Specific version type wait_for_active_shards Sets the number of shard copielastic that must be active before proceeding with the index operation. Defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. Set to all for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copielastic for the shard (number of replicas + 1) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.document_create testindex doctype1 '{}' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) if source and body: message = "Either body or source should be specified but not both." raise SaltInvocationError(message) if source: body = __salt__["cp.get_file_str"](source, saltenv=__opts__.get("saltenv", "base")) try: if body is not None: return elastic.index( index=index, document=body, id=id_, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, if_primary_term=if_primary_term, if_seq_no=if_seq_no, op_type=op_type, pipeline=pipeline, pretty=pretty, refresh=refresh, require_alias=require_alias, routing=routing, timeout=timeout, version=version, version_type=version_type, wait_for_active_shards=wait_for_active_shards, ).body else: return elastic.index( index=index, document=document, id=id_, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, if_primary_term=if_primary_term, if_seq_no=if_seq_no, op_type=op_type, pipeline=pipeline, pretty=pretty, refresh=refresh, require_alias=require_alias, routing=routing, timeout=timeout, version=version, version_type=version_type, wait_for_active_shards=wait_for_active_shards, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot create document in index {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def document_delete( index, id_, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, if_primary_term=None, if_seq_no=None, pretty=None, refresh=None, routing=None, timeout=None, version=None, version_type=None, wait_for_active_shards=None, ): """ Delete a document from an index index The name of the index if_primary_term only perform the delete operation if the last operation that has changed the document has the specified primary term if_seq_no only perform the delete operation if the last operation that has changed the document has the specified sequence number refresh If true then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if wait_for then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if false (the default) then do nothing with refreshelastic. routing Specific routing value timeout Explicit operation timeout version Explicit version number for concurrency control version_type Specific version type wait_for_active_shards Sets the number of shard copielastic that must be active before proceeding with the delete operation. Defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. Set to all for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copielastic for the shard (number of replicas + 1) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.document_delete testindex doctype1 AUx-384m0Bug_8U80wQZ """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.delete( index=index, id=id_, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, if_primary_term=if_primary_term, if_seq_no=if_seq_no, pretty=pretty, refresh=refresh, routing=routing, timeout=timeout, version=version, version_type=version_type, wait_for_active_shards=wait_for_active_shards, ).body except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot delete document {id} in index {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def document_exists( index, id_, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, preference=None, pretty=None, realtime=None, refresh=None, routing=None, source=None, source_excludes=None, source_includes=None, stored_fields=None, version=None, version_type=None, ): """ Return a boolean indicating whether given document exists index The name of the index preference Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) realtime Specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode refresh Refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation routing Specific routing value source True or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return source_excludes A list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field source_includes A list of fields to extract and return from the _source field stored_fields A comma-separated list of stored fields to return in the response version Explicit version number for concurrency control version_type Specific version type. version_type must be one of ('external', 'external_gte', 'force', 'internal') CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.document_exists testindex AUx-384m0Bug_8U80wQZ """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.exists( index=index, id=id_, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, preference=preference, pretty=pretty, realtime=realtime, refresh=refresh, routing=routing, source=source, source_excludes=source_excludes, source_includes=source_includes, stored_fields=stored_fields, version=version, version_type=version_type, ).body except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return False except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve document {id} from index {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def document_get( index, id_, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, preference=None, pretty=None, realtime=None, refresh=None, routing=None, source=None, source_excludes=None, source_includes=None, stored_fields=None, version=None, version_type=None, ): """ Check for the existence of a document and if it exists, return it index Index name where the document resides doc_type Type of the document, use _all to fetch the first document matching the ID across all types CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.document_get testindex AUx-384m0Bug_8U80wQZ """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.get( index=index, id=id_, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, preference=preference, pretty=pretty, realtime=realtime, refresh=refresh, routing=routing, source=source, source_excludes=source_excludes, source_includes=source_includes, stored_fields=stored_fields, version=version, version_type=version_type, ).body except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve document {id} from index {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_create( index, hosts=None, profile=None, source=None, aliases=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, mappings=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, settings=None, timeout=None, wait_for_active_shards=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long Create an index index Index name source URL to file specifying index definition. Cannot be used in combination with body. index The name of the index aliases The list of aliases mappings Mapping for fields in the index. If specified, this mapping can include: - Field namelastic - Field data types - Mapping parameters master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master settings Settings timeout Explicit operation timeout wait_for_active_shards Set the number of active shards to wait for before the operation returns. It also accepts ('all', 'index-setting') CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_create testindex salt myminion elasticsearch.index_create testindex2 \ '{"settings" : {"index" : {"number_of_shards" : 3, "number_of_replicas" : 2}}}' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) if source and (settings or mappings): message = "Either (settings or mappings) or source should be specified but not both." raise SaltInvocationError(message) src_map = None if source: src_map = __salt__["cp.get_file_str"](source, saltenv=__opts__.get("saltenv", "base")) try: if src_map is not None: settings = src_map.get("settings") mappings = src_map.get("mappings") result = elastic.indices.create( index=index, aliases=aliases, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, mappings=mappings, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, settings=settings, timeout=timeout, wait_for_active_shards=wait_for_active_shards, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) and result.get("shards_acknowledged", True) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: if "index_already_exists_exception" in err.errors: return True raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot create index {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_delete( index, hosts=None, profile=None, allow_no_indices=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ Delete an index index A comma-separated list of indices to delete; use _all or * string to delete all indices allow_no_indices Ignore if a wildcard expression resolvelastic to no concrete indices (default: false) expand_wildcards Whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open, closed, or hidden indices. Accetps: ('all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open') ignore_unavailable Ignore unavailable indexelastic (default: false) master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master timeout Explicit operation timeout CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_delete testindex """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.indices.delete( index=index, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot delete index {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_exists( index, hosts=None, profile=None, allow_no_indices=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=False, human=None, ignore_unavailable=False, include_defaults=False, local=False, pretty=None, ): """ Return a boolean indicating whether given index exists index A comma-separated list of index names allow_no_indices Ignore if a wildcard expression resolvelastic to no concrete indices (default: false) expand_wildcards Whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open) Accepts values: ('all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open') flat_settings Return settings in flat format (default: false) ignore_unavailable Ignore unavailable indexelastic (default: false) include_defaults Whether to return all default setting for each of the indices. local Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_exists testindex """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.indices.exists( index=index, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, filter_path=filter_path, flat_settings=flat_settings, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, include_defaults=include_defaults, local=local, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return False except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve index {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_get( index, hosts=None, profile=None, allow_no_indices=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, features=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=False, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, include_defaults=False, local=False, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ Returns information about one or more indices. index Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and index aliases used to limit the request. Wildcard expressions (*) are supported. allow_no_indices If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applielastic even if the request targets other open indices. For example, a request targeting foo*,bar* returns an error if an index starts with foo but no index starts with bar. expand_wildcards Type of index that wildcard expressions can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determinelastic whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as 'all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open' features Return only information on specified index featurelastic. Support valuelastic such as 'aliases', 'mappings', 'settings' flat_settings If true, returns settings in flat format. ignore_unavailable If false, requests that target a missing index return an error. include_defaults If true, return all default settings in the response. local If true, the request retrievelastic information from the local node only. Defaults to false, which means information is retrieved from the master node. master_timeout Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_get testindex """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.indices.get( index=index, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, features=features, filter_path=filter_path, flat_settings=flat_settings, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, include_defaults=include_defaults, local=local, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve index {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_open( index, allow_no_indices=True, expand_wildcards="closed", ignore_unavailable=True, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, wait_for_active_shards=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Open specified index. index A comma separated list of indices to open allow_no_indices Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includelastic _all string or when no indices have been specified) expand_wildcards Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. Valid choicelastic are ('all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open') ignore_unavailable Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master timeout Explicit operation timeout wait_for_active_shards Sets the number of active shards to wait for before the operation returns. Valid choicelastic are an integer or 'all', 'index-setting' strings CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_open testindex """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = index=index, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, wait_for_active_shards=wait_for_active_shards, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot open index {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_close( index, allow_no_indices=True, expand_wildcards="open", ignore_unavailable=True, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, wait_for_active_shards=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Close specified index. index A comma separated list of indices to close allow_no_indices Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includelastic _all string or when no indices have been specified) expand_wildcards Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. Valid choicelastic are ('all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open') ignore_unavailable Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master timeout Explicit operation timeout wait_for_active_shards Sets the number of active shards to wait for before the operation returns. Valid choicelastic are an integer or 'all', 'index-setting' strings CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_close testindex """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.indices.close( index=index, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, wait_for_active_shards=wait_for_active_shards, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot close index {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_get_settings( hosts=None, profile=None, index=None, name=None, allow_no_indices=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, include_defaults=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long .. versionadded:: 3000 Check for the existence of an index and if it exists, return its settings index (Optional, string) A comma-separated list of index names; use _all or empty string for all indices. Defaults to '_all'. name (Optional, string) The name of the settings that should be included allow_no_indices (Optional, boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includelastic _all string or when no indices have been specified) expand_wildcards (Optional, string) Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. Valid choicelastic are: open closed, none, all, hidden flat_settings (Optional, boolean) Return settings in flat format ignore_unavailable (Optional, boolean) Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) include_defaults (Optional, boolean) Whether to return all default setting for each of the indices. local (Optional, boolean) Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node The defaults settings for the above parameters depend on the API version being used. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_get_settings index=testindex """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.indices.get_settings( index=index, name=name, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, filter_path=filter_path, flat_settings=flat_settings, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, include_defaults=include_defaults, local=local, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve index settings, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_put_settings( hosts=None, profile=None, source=None, settings=None, index=None, allow_no_indices=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, master_timeout=None, preserve_existing=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long .. versionadded:: 3000 Update existing index settings source URL to file specifying index definition. Cannot be used in combination with body. settings: The index settings to be updated index A comma-separated list of index names; use _all or empty string to perform the operation on all indices allow_no_indices Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includelastic _all string or when no indices have been specified) expand_wildcards Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. Valuelastic can be 'all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open' flat_settings Return settings in flat format (default: false) ignore_unavailable Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master preserve_existing Whether to update existing settings. If set to true existing settings on an index remain unchanged, the default is false timeout Explicit operation timeout The defaults settings for the above parameters depend on the API version being used. .. note:: Elasticsearch time units can be found here: CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_put_settings index=testindex body='{"settings" : {"index" : {"number_of_replicas" : 2}}}' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) if source and settings: message = "Either settings or source should be specified but not both." raise SaltInvocationError(message) src_map = {} if source: src_map = __salt__["cp.get_file_str"](source, saltenv=__opts__.get("saltenv", "base")) settings = src_map.get("settings", settings) try: result = elastic.indices.put_settings( settings=settings, index=index, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, filter_path=filter_path, flat_settings=flat_settings, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, master_timeout=master_timeout, preserve_existing=preserve_existing, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot update index settings, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def mapping_create( index, hosts=None, profile=None, source=None, allow_no_indices=None, date_detection=None, dynamic=None, dynamic_date_formats=None, dynamic_templates=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, field_names=None, filter_path=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, master_timeout=None, meta=None, numeric_detection=None, pretty=None, properties=None, routing=None, runtime=None, source_=None, timeout=None, write_index_only=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long Create a mapping in a given index index A comma-separated list of index namelastic the mapping should be added to (supports wildcards); use _all or omit to add the mapping on all indices. source URL to file specifying mapping definition. Cannot be used in combination with body. allow_no_indices Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includelastic _all string or when no indices have been specified) date_detection Controls whether dynamic date detection is enabled. dynamic Controls whether new fields are added dynamically. dynamic_date_formats If date detection is enabled then new string fields are checked against 'dynamic_date_formats' and if the value matchelastic then a new date field is added instead of string. dynamic_templates Specify dynamic templatelastic for the mapping. expand_wildcards Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. field_names Control whether field namelastic are enabled for the index. ignore_unavailable Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master meta A mapping type can have custom meta data associated with it. These are not used at all by Elasticsearch, but can be used to store application-specific metadata. numeric_detection Automatically map strings into numeric data typelastic for all fields. properties Mapping for a field. For new fields, this mapping can include: - Field name - Field data type - Mapping parameters routing Enable making a routing value required on indexed documents. runtime Mapping of runtime fields for the index. `source_` Control whether the _source field is enabled on the index. timeout Explicit operation timeout write_index_only When true, applielastic mappings only to the write index of an alias or data stream CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.mapping_create testindex user \ '{ "user" : { "properties" : { "message" : {"type" : "string", "store" : true } } } }' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) if source and properties: message = "Either properties or source should be specified but not both." raise SaltInvocationError(message) src_map = {} if source: src_map = __salt__["cp.get_file_str"](source, saltenv=__opts__.get("saltenv", "base")) properties = src_map.get("properties", properties) try: result = elastic.indices.put_mapping( index=index, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, date_detection=date_detection, dynamic=dynamic, dynamic_date_formats=dynamic_date_formats, dynamic_templates=dynamic_templates, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, field_names=field_names, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, master_timeout=master_timeout, meta=meta, numeric_detection=numeric_detection, pretty=pretty, properties=properties, routing=routing, runtime=runtime, source=source_, timeout=timeout, write_index_only=write_index_only, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot create mapping {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def mapping_get( index, hosts=None, profile=None, allow_no_indices=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ Retrieve mapping definition of index index A comma-separated list of index names allow_no_indices Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includelastic _all string or when no indices have been specified) expand_wildcards Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. ignore_unavailable Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) local Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false) master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.mapping_get testindex user """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.indices.get_mapping( index=index, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, local=local, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve mapping {index}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_template_create( name, hosts=None, profile=None, source=None, aliases=None, create=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=False, human=None, index_patterns=None, mappings=None, master_timeout=None, order=None, pretty=None, settings=None, timeout=None, version=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long Create an index template name The name of the template source URL to file specifying template definition. Cannot be used in combination with settings or mappings. aliases Aliases for the index. create If true, this request cannot replace or update existing index templatelastic. error_trace error_trace filter_path filter_path flat_settings Return settings in flat format (default: false) index_patterns Array of wildcard expressions used to match the names of indices during creation. mappings Mapping for fields in the index. master_timeout Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. order Order in which Elasticsearch applielastic this template if index matches multiple templatelastic. Templatelastic with lower 'order' values are merged first. Templatelastic with higher 'order' values are merged later, overriding templates with lower valuelastic. settings Configuration options for the index. timeout timeout version ersion number used to manage index templatelastic externally. This number is not automatically generated by Elasticsearch. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_template_create testindex_templ '{ "template": "logstash-*", "order": 1, "settings": { "number_of_shards": 1 } }' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) if source and (settings or mappings): message = "Either settings or source or mappings should be specified but not both." raise SaltInvocationError(message) src_map = {} if source: src_map = __salt__["cp.get_file_str"](source, saltenv=__opts__.get("saltenv", "base")) settings = src_map.get("settings", settings) mappings = src_map.get("mappings", mappings) try: result = elastic.indices.put_template( name=name, aliases=aliases, create=create, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, flat_settings=flat_settings, human=human, index_patterns=index_patterns, mappings=mappings, master_timeout=master_timeout, order=order, pretty=pretty, settings=settings, timeout=timeout, version=version, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot create template {name}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_template_delete( name, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ Delete an index template (type) along with its data name The name of the template master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master timeout Explicit operation timeout CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_template_delete testindex_templ user """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.indices.delete_template( name=name, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot delete template {name}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_template_exists( name, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ Return a boolean indicating whether given index template exists name Comma-separated list of index template namelastic used to limit the request. Wildcard (*) expressions are supported. master_timeout Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_template_exists testindex_templ """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.indices.exists_index_template( name=name, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve template {name}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def template_exists( name, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=False, human=None, local=False, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ Return a boolean indicating whether given index template exists name Comma-separated list of index template namelastic used to limit the request. Wildcard (*) expressions are supported. flat_settings Return settings in flat format (default: false) local Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false) master_timeout Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_template_exists testindex_templ """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.indices.exists_template( name=name, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, flat_settings=flat_settings, human=human, local=local, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve template {name}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def index_template_get( name=None, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, flat_settings=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Retrieve template definition of index or index/type name The comma separated namelastic of the index templates flat_settings Return settings in flat format (default: false) local Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false) master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.index_template_get testindex_templ """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.indices.get_template( name=name, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, flat_settings=flat_settings, human=human, local=local, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot retrieve template {name}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def geo_ip_stats( hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, pretty=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Returns statistical information about geoip databases CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.geo_ip_stats """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.ingest.geo_ip_stats( error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot get geo_ip_stats, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def processor_grok( hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, pretty=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Returns a list of built-in patterns CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.processor_grok """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.ingest.processor_grok( error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot get built-in patterns, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def pipeline_get( id_, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, summary=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Retrieve Ingest pipeline definition. Available since Elasticsearch 5.0. `id_` Comma separated list of pipeline ids. Wildcards supported master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node summary Return pipelinelastic without their definitions (default: false) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.pipeline_get mypipeline """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.ingest.get_pipeline( id=id_, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, summary=summary, ).body except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot create pipeline {id}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err except AttributeError as err: raise CommandExecutionError("Method is applicable only for Elasticsearch 5.0+") from err
[docs] def pipeline_delete( id_, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Delete Ingest pipeline. Available since Elasticsearch 5.0. `id_` Pipeline ID master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node timeout Explicit operation timeout CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.pipeline_delete mypipeline """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: ret = elastic.ingest.delete_pipeline( id=id_, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body return ret.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot delete pipeline {id}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err except AttributeError as err: raise CommandExecutionError("Method is applicable only for Elasticsearch 5.0+") from err
[docs] def pipeline_create( id_, hosts=None, profile=None, description=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, if_version=None, master_timeout=None, meta=None, on_failure=None, pretty=None, processors=None, timeout=None, version=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Create Ingest pipeline by supplied definition. Available since Elasticsearch 5.0. `id_` Pipeline id description Description of the ingest pipeline. if_version Required version for optimistic concurrency control for pipeline updates master_timeout Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. meta Optional metadata about the ingest pipeline. May have any contents. This map is not automatically generated by Elasticsearch. on_failure Processors to run immediately after a processor failure. Each processor supports a processor-level on_failure value. If a processor without an on_failure value fails, Elasticsearch uselastic this pipeline-level parameter as a fallback. The processors in this parameter run sequentially in the order specified. Elasticsearch will not attempt to run the pipeline's remaining processors. processors Processors used to perform transformations on documents before indexing. Processors run sequentially in the order specified. timeout Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. version Version number used by external systems to track ingest pipelinelastic. This parameter is intended for external systems only. Elasticsearch does not use or validate pipeline version numbers. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.pipeline_create mypipeline '{"description": "my custom pipeline", "processors": [{"set" : {"field": "collector_timestamp_millis", "value": "{{_ingest.timestamp}}"}}]}' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: out = elastic.ingest.put_pipeline( id=id_, description=description, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, if_version=if_version, master_timeout=master_timeout, meta=meta, on_failure=on_failure, pretty=pretty, processors=processors, timeout=timeout, version=version, ).body return out.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot create pipeline {id}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err except AttributeError as err: raise CommandExecutionError("Method is applicable only for Elasticsearch 5.0+") from err
[docs] def pipeline_simulate( id_=None, hosts=None, profile=None, docs=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, pipeline=None, pretty=None, verbose=False, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Simulate existing Ingest pipeline on provided data. Available since Elasticsearch 5.0. `id_` Pipeline id docs: Documents verbose Specify if the output should be more verbose CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.pipeline_simulate mypipeline '{"docs":[{"_index":"index","_type":"type","_id":"id","_source":{"foo":"bar"}}, {"_index":"index","_type":"type","_id":"id","_source":{"foo":"rab"}}]}' verbose=True """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.ingest.simulate( id=id_, docs=docs, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, pipeline=pipeline, pretty=pretty, verbose=verbose, ).body return result except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot simulate pipeline {id}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err except AttributeError as err: raise CommandExecutionError("Method is applicable only for Elasticsearch 5.0+") from err
[docs] def script_get( id_, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Obtain existing script definition. `id_` Script ID master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.script_template_get mytemplate """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.get_script( id=id_, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot obtain search template {id}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def script_create( id_, script=None, hosts=None, profile=None, context=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ Create cript by supplied script definition .. versionadded:: 3005.1 script Script definition CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.script_create mytemplate '{"template":{"query":{"match":{"title":"{{query_string}}"}}}}' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.put_script( id=id_, script=script, context=context, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot create search template {id}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def script_delete( id_, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Delete existing script. `id_` Script ID master_timeout Specify timeout for connection to master timeout Explicit operation timeout CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.script_delete id=id """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.delete_script( id=id_, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot delete search template {id}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def repository_get( name, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, local=False, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Get existing repository details. name comma-separated list of repository names local Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false) master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.repository_get testrepo """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.snapshot.get_repository( name=name, local=local, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot obtain repository {name}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def repository_cleanup( name, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Removelastic stale data from repository name comma-separated list of repository names local Return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false) master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node timeout Period to wait for a response. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.repository_get testrepo """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.snapshot.cleanup_repository( name=name, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot obtain repository {name}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def repository_create( name, hosts=None, profile=None, type_=None, settings=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, repository=None, timeout=None, verify=None, body=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Create repository for storing snapshots. Note that shared repository paths have to be specified in path.repo Elasticsearch configuration option. name A repository name hosts List of hosts to connect profile Security profile to use settings: Repository settings definition `type_`: Repository type master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node repository Repository timeout Explicit operation timeout verify Whether to verify the repository after creation body Repository definition as in The use of body is deprecated and it will be disabled in a coming release CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.repository_create testrepo '{"type":"fs","settings":{"location":"/tmp/test","compress":true}}' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: if body is not None: result = elastic.snapshot.create_repository(name=name, type=type_, settings=body).body else: result = elastic.snapshot.create_repository( name=name, type=type_, settings=settings, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, repository=repository, timeout=timeout, verify=verify, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot create repository {name}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def repository_delete( name, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Delete existing repository. name Name of the snapshot repository to unregister. Wildcard (*) patterns are supported. master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node timeout Explicit operation timeout CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.repository_delete testrepo """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.snapshot.delete_repository( name=name, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot delete repository {name}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def repository_verify( name, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Obtain list of cluster nodes which successfully verified this repository. name Repository name master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node timeout Explicit operation timeout CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.repository_verify testrepo """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.snapshot.verify_repository( name=name, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return None except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot verify repository {name}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def snapshot_status( hosts=None, profile=None, repository=None, snapshot=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Obtain status of all currently running snapshots. repository Particular repository to look for snapshots snapshot A comma-separated list of snapshot names ignore_unavailable Whether to ignore unavailable snapshots, defaults to false which means a SnapshotMissingException is thrown master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.snapshot_status ignore_unavailable=True """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.snapshot.status( repository=repository, snapshot=snapshot, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot obtain snapshot status, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def snapshot_clone( hosts=None, profile=None, repository=None, indices=None, target_snapshot=None, snapshot=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, timeout=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Clonelastic indices from one snapshot into another snapshot in the same repository. repository Particular repository to look for snapshots indices List of indices to snapshot snapshot The name of the snapshot to clone from target_snapshot The name of the cloned snapshot to create master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.snapshot_status ignore_unavailable=True """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.snapshot.clone( repository=repository, indices=indices, snapshot=snapshot, target_snapshot=target_snapshot, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, timeout=timeout, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot obtain snapshot status, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def snapshot_get( repository, snapshot, hosts=None, profile=None, after=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, from_sort_value=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=False, include_repository=None, index_details=None, index_names=None, master_timeout=None, offset=None, order=None, pretty=None, size=None, slm_policy_filter=None, sort=None, verbose=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Obtain snapshot residing in specified repository. repository Comma-separated list of snapshot repository namelastic used to limit the request. Wildcard (*) expressions are supported. snapshot Comma-separated list of snapshot namelastic to retrieve. Also accepts wildcards (*). - To get information about all snapshots in a registered repository, use a wildcard (*) or _all. - To get information about any snapshots that are currently running, use _current. after Offset identifier to start pagination from as returned by the next field in the response body. from_sort_value Value of the current sort column at which to start retrieval. Can either be a string snapshot- or repository name when sorting by snapshot or repository name, a millisecond time value or a number when sorting by index- or shard count. ignore_unavailable If false, the request returns an error for any snapshots that are unavailable. include_repository If true, returns the repository name in each snapshot. index_details If true, returns additional information about each index in the snapshot comprising the number of shards in the index, the total size of the index in bytes, and the maximum number of segments per shard in the index. Defaults to false, meaning that this information is omitted. index_names If true, returns the name of each index in each snapshot. master_timeout Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. offset Numeric offset to start pagination from based on the snapshots matching this request. Using a non-zero value for this parameter is mutually exclusive with using the after parameter. Defaults to 0. order Sort order. Valid valuelastic are asc for ascending and desc for descending order. Defaults to asc, meaning ascending order. size Maximum number of snapshots to return. Defaults to 0 which means return all that match the request without limit. slm_policy_filter Filter snapshots by a comma-separated list of SLM policy namelastic that snapshots belong to. Also accepts wildcards (*) and combinations of wildcards followed by exclude patterns starting with -. To include snapshots not created by an SLM policy you can use the special pattern _none that will match all snapshots without an SLM policy. sort Allows setting a sort order for the result. Defaults to start_time, i.e. sorting by snapshot start time stamp. verbose If true, returns additional information about each snapshot such as the version of Elasticsearch which took the snapshot, the start and end timelastic of the snapshot, and the number of shards snapshotted. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.snapshot_get testrepo testsnapshot """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.snapshot.get( repository=repository, snapshot=snapshot, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, after=after, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, from_sort_value=from_sort_value, human=human, include_repository=include_repository, index_details=index_details, index_names=index_names, master_timeout=master_timeout, offset=offset, order=order, pretty=pretty, size=size, slm_policy_filter=slm_policy_filter, sort=sort, verbose=verbose, ).body except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot obtain details of snapshot {snapshot} in repository {repository}, " f"server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def snapshot_create( repository, snapshot, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, feature_states=None, filter_path=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, include_global_state=None, indices=None, master_timeout=None, metadata=None, partial=None, pretty=None, wait_for_completion=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Create snapshot in specified repository by supplied definition. repository Repository name snapshot Snapshot name feature_states Feature statelastic to include in the snapshot. Each feature state includelastic one or more system indices containing related data. You can view a list of eligible featurelastic using the get features API. If include_global_state is true, all current feature statelastic are included by default. If include_global_state is false, no feature statelastic are included by default. ignore_unavailable If true, the request ignorelastic data streams and indices in indices that are missing or closed. If false, the request returns an error for any data stream or index that is missing or closed. include_global_state If true, the current cluster state is included in the snapshot. The cluster state includelastic persistent cluster settings, composable index templates, legacy index templates, ingest pipelines, and ILM policielastic. It also includelastic data stored in system indices, such as Watches and task records (configurable via feature_states). indices Data streams and indices to include in the snapshot. Supports multi-target syntax. Includelastic all data streams and indices by default. master_timeout Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. metadata Optional metadata for the snapshot. May have any contents. Must be less than 1024 bytelastic. This map is not automatically generated by Elasticsearch. partial If true, allows restoring a partial snapshot of indices with unavailable shards. Only shards that were successfully included in the snapshot will be restored. All missing shards will be recreated as empty. If false, the entire restore operation will fail if one or more indices included in the snapshot do not have all primary shards available. wait_for_completion If true, the request returns a response when the snapshot is complete. If false, the request returns a response when the snapshot initializelastic. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.snapshot_create testrepo testsnapshot '{"indices":"index_1,index_2","ignore_unavailable":true,"include_global_state":false}' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: response = elastic.snapshot.create( repository=repository, snapshot=snapshot, error_trace=error_trace, feature_states=feature_states, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, include_global_state=include_global_state, indices=indices, master_timeout=master_timeout, metadata=metadata, partial=partial, pretty=pretty, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, ).body return response.get("accepted", False) except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot create snapshot {snapshot} in repository {repository}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def snapshot_restore( repository, snapshot, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, ignore_index_settings=None, ignore_unavailable=None, include_aliases=None, include_global_state=None, index_settings=None, indices=None, master_timeout=None, partial=None, pretty=None, rename_pattern=None, rename_replacement=None, wait_for_completion=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Restore existing snapshot in specified repository by supplied definition. repository Repository name snapshot Snapshot name ignore_index_settings ignore_index_settings ignore_unavailable ignore_unavailable include_aliases include_aliases include_global_state include_global_state index_settings index_settings indices A list of indices to restore master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node partial partial rename_pattern rename_pattern rename_replacement rename_replacement wait_for_completion Should this request wait until the operation has completed before returning CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.snapshot_restore testrepo testsnapshot '{"indices":"index_1,index_2","ignore_unavailable":true,"include_global_state":true}' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: response = elastic.snapshot.restore( repository=repository, snapshot=snapshot, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, ignore_index_settings=ignore_index_settings, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, include_aliases=include_aliases, include_global_state=include_global_state, index_settings=index_settings, indices=indices, master_timeout=master_timeout, partial=partial, pretty=pretty, rename_pattern=rename_pattern, rename_replacement=rename_replacement, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, ).body return response.get("accepted", False) except elasticsearch.ApiError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot restore snapshot {snapshot} in repository {repository}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def snapshot_delete( repository, snapshot, hosts=None, profile=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 3005.1 Delete snapshot from specified repository. repository Repository name snapshot Snapshot name master_timeout Explicit operation timeout for connection to master node CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.snapshot_delete testrepo testsnapshot """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: result = elastic.snapshot.delete( repository=repository, snapshot=snapshot, error_trace=error_trace, filter_path=filter_path, human=human, master_timeout=master_timeout, pretty=pretty, ).body return result.get("acknowledged", False) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: return True except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError( f"Cannot delete snapshot {snapshot} from repository {repository}, server returned errors {err.errors}" ) from err
[docs] def flush( hosts=None, profile=None, index=None, allow_no_indices=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, force=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, pretty=None, wait_if_ongoing=None, ): """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long .. versionadded:: 3005.1 index: A comma-separated list of index names; use _all or empty string for all indices allow_no_indices: Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includelastic _all string or when no indices have been specified) expand_wildcards: Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both. Valid valuelastic are:: all - Expand to open and closed indices. open - Expand only to open indices. closed - Expand only to closed indices. none - Wildcard expressions are not accepted. force: Whether a flush should be forced even if it is not necessarily needed ie. if no changelastic will be committed to the index. This is useful if transaction log IDs should be incremented even if no uncommitted changes are present. (This setting can be considered as internal) ignore_unavailable: Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed) wait_if_ongoing: If set to true the flush operation will block until the flush can be executed if another flush operation is already executing. The default is true. If set to false the flush will be skipped iff if another flush operation is already running. The defaults settings for the above parameters depend on the API being used. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion elasticsearch.flush index='index1,index2' ignore_unavailable=True allow_no_indices=True expand_wildcards='all' """ elastic = _get_instance(hosts=hosts, profile=profile) try: return elastic.indices.flush( index=index, allow_no_indices=allow_no_indices, error_trace=error_trace, expand_wildcards=expand_wildcards, filter_path=filter_path, force=force, human=human, ignore_unavailable=ignore_unavailable, pretty=pretty, wait_if_ongoing=wait_if_ongoing, ).body except elasticsearch.TransportError as err: raise CommandExecutionError(f"Cannot flush, server returned errors {err.errors}") from err