Source code for saltext.grafana.states.grafana_datasource

Manage Grafana v2.0 data sources

.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0

.. code-block:: yaml

      grafana_timeout: 3
      grafana_token: qwertyuiop
      grafana_url: ''

.. code-block:: yaml

    Ensure influxdb data source is present:
        - name: influxdb
        - type: influxdb
        - url: http://localhost:8086
        - access: proxy
        - basic_auth: true
        - basic_auth_user: myuser
        - basic_auth_password: mypass
        - is_default: true

import requests

[docs] def __virtual__(): """Only load if grafana v2.0 is configured.""" if __salt__["config.get"]("grafana_version", 1) == 2: return True return (False, "Not configured for grafana_version 2")
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
[docs] def present( name, type, url, access="proxy", user="", password="", database="", basic_auth=False, basic_auth_user="", basic_auth_password="", is_default=False, json_data=None, profile="grafana", ): """ Ensure that a data source is present. name Name of the data source. type Which type of data source it is ('graphite', 'influxdb' etc.). url The URL to the data source API. user Optional - user to authenticate with the data source password Optional - password to authenticate with the data source basic_auth Optional - set to True to use HTTP basic auth to authenticate with the data source. basic_auth_user Optional - HTTP basic auth username. basic_auth_password Optional - HTTP basic auth password. is_default Default: False """ if isinstance(profile, str): profile = __salt__["config.option"](profile) ret = {"name": name, "result": None, "comment": None, "changes": {}} datasource = _get_datasource(profile, name) data = _get_json_data( name, type, url, access, user, password, database, basic_auth, basic_auth_user, basic_auth_password, is_default, json_data, ) if datasource: requests.put( _get_url(profile, datasource["id"]), data, headers=_get_headers(profile), timeout=profile.get("grafana_timeout", 3), ) ret["result"] = True ret["changes"] = _diff(datasource, data) if ret["changes"]["new"] or ret["changes"]["old"]: ret["comment"] = f"Data source {name} updated" else: ret["changes"] = {} ret["comment"] = f"Data source {name} already up-to-date" else: "{}/api/datasources".format( # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string profile["grafana_url"] ), # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string data, headers=_get_headers(profile), timeout=profile.get("grafana_timeout", 3), ) ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = f"New data source {name} added" ret["changes"] = data return ret
[docs] def absent(name, profile="grafana"): """ Ensure that a data source is present. name Name of the data source to remove. """ if isinstance(profile, str): profile = __salt__["config.option"](profile) ret = {"result": None, "comment": None, "changes": {}} datasource = _get_datasource(profile, name) if not datasource: ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = f"Data source {name} already absent" return ret requests.delete( _get_url(profile, datasource["id"]), headers=_get_headers(profile), timeout=profile.get("grafana_timeout", 3), ) ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = f"Data source {name} was deleted" return ret
def _get_url(profile, datasource_id): return "{}/api/datasources/{}".format( # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string profile["grafana_url"], datasource_id ) def _get_datasource(profile, name): response = requests.get( "{}/api/datasources".format( # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string profile["grafana_url"] ), headers=_get_headers(profile), timeout=profile.get("grafana_timeout", 3), ) data = response.json() for datasource in data: if datasource["name"] == name: return datasource return None def _get_headers(profile): return { "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format( # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string profile["grafana_token"] ), # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string } # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin def _get_json_data( name, type, url, access="proxy", user="", password="", database="", basic_auth=False, basic_auth_user="", basic_auth_password="", is_default=False, json_data=None, ): return { "name": name, "type": type, "url": url, "access": access, "user": user, "password": password, "database": database, "basicAuth": basic_auth, "basicAuthUser": basic_auth_user, "basicAuthPassword": basic_auth_password, "isDefault": is_default, "jsonData": json_data, } def _diff(old, new): old_keys = old.keys() old = old.copy() new = new.copy() for key in old_keys: if key in ("id", "orgId"): del old[key] elif key not in new.keys(): del old[key] elif old[key] == new[key]: del old[key] del new[key] return {"old": old, "new": new}