Source code for saltext.influxdb.states.influxdb_user

Manage InfluxDB 0.9-1.x users statefully.

.. important::
    You can optionally specify default connection parameters via the general :ref:`influxdb setup <influxdb-setup>`.

def __virtual__():
    if "influxdb.db_exists" in __salt__:
        return "influxdb_user"
    return (False, "influxdb module could not be loaded")

[docs] def present(name, passwd, admin=False, grants=None, **client_args): """ Ensure that given user is present. name Name of the user to manage passwd Password of the user admin : False Whether the user should have cluster administration privileges or not. grants Optional - Dict of database:privilege items associated with the user. Example: grants: foo_db: read bar_db: all **Example:** .. code-block:: yaml example user present in influxdb: influxdb_user.present: - name: example - passwd: somepassword - admin: False - grants: foo_db: read bar_db: all """ create = False ret = { "name": name, "changes": {}, "result": True, "comment": f"User {name} is present and up to date", } if not __salt__["influxdb.user_exists"](name, **client_args): create = True if __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = f"User {name} will be created" ret["result"] = None return ret else: if not __salt__["influxdb.create_user"](name, passwd, admin=admin, **client_args): ret["comment"] = f"Failed to create user {name}" ret["result"] = False return ret else: user = __salt__["influxdb.user_info"](name, **client_args) if user["admin"] != admin: if not __opts__["test"]: if admin: __salt__["influxdb.grant_admin_privileges"](name, **client_args) else: __salt__["influxdb.revoke_admin_privileges"](name, **client_args) if admin != __salt__["influxdb.user_info"](name, **client_args)["admin"]: ret["comment"] = f"Failed to set admin privilege to user {name}" ret["result"] = False return ret ret["changes"]["Admin privileges"] = admin if grants: db_privileges = __salt__["influxdb.list_privileges"](name, **client_args) for database, privilege in grants.items(): privilege = privilege.lower() if privilege != db_privileges.get(database, privilege): if not __opts__["test"]: __salt__["influxdb.revoke_privilege"](database, "all", name, **client_args) del db_privileges[database] if database not in db_privileges: ret["changes"][f"Grant on database {database} to user {name}"] = privilege if not __opts__["test"]: __salt__["influxdb.grant_privilege"](database, privilege, name, **client_args) if ret["changes"]: if create: ret["comment"] = f"Created user {name}" ret["changes"][name] = "User created" else: if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"User {name} will be updated with the following changes:" for k, v in ret["changes"].items(): ret["comment"] += f"\n{k} => {v}" ret["changes"] = {} else: ret["comment"] = f"Updated user {name}" return ret
[docs] def absent(name, **client_args): """ Ensure that given user is absent. name The name of the user to manage """ ret = { "name": name, "changes": {}, "result": True, "comment": f"User {name} is not present", } if __salt__["influxdb.user_exists"](name, **client_args): if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"User {name} will be removed" return ret else: if __salt__["influxdb.remove_user"](name, **client_args): ret["comment"] = f"Removed user {name}" ret["changes"][name] = "removed" return ret else: ret["comment"] = f"Failed to remove user {name}" ret["result"] = False return ret return ret