Source code for saltext.mysql.pillar.mysql

Retrieve Pillar data by doing a MySQL query

MariaDB provides Python support through the MySQL Python package.
Therefore, you may use this module with both MySQL or MariaDB.

This module is a concrete implementation of the sql_base ext_pillar for MySQL.

:maturity: new
:depends: python-mysqldb
:platform: all

Configuring the mysql ext_pillar

Use the 'mysql' key under ext_pillar for configuration of queries.

MySQL configuration of the MySQL returner is being used (mysql.db, mysql.user,
mysql.pass, mysql.port, for database connection info.

Required python modules: MySQLdb

Complete example

.. code-block:: yaml

      user: 'salt'
      pass: 'super_secret_password'
      db: 'salt_db'
      port: 3306
        cert: /etc/mysql/client-cert.pem
        key: /etc/mysql/client-key.pem

      - mysql:
            query: 'SELECT col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
                      FROM some_random_table
                     WHERE minion_pattern LIKE %s'
            depth: 5
            as_list: True
            with_lists: [1,3]

import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager

from salt.pillar.sql_base import SqlBaseExtPillar

# Set up logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # Trying to import MySQLdb
    import MySQLdb
    import MySQLdb.converters
    import MySQLdb.cursors
except ImportError:
        # MySQLdb import failed, try to import PyMySQL
        import pymysql

        import MySQLdb
        import MySQLdb.converters
        import MySQLdb.cursors
    except ImportError:
        MySQLdb = None

[docs] def __virtual__(): """ Confirm that a python mysql client is installed. """ return bool(MySQLdb), "No python mysql client installed." if MySQLdb is None else ""
[docs] class MySQLExtPillar(SqlBaseExtPillar): """ This class receives and processes the database rows from MySQL. """ @classmethod def _db_name(cls): return "MySQL" def _get_options(self): """ Returns options used for the MySQL connection. """ defaults = { "host": "localhost", "user": "salt", "pass": "salt", "db": "salt", "port": 3306, "ssl": {}, } _options = {} _opts = __opts__.get("mysql", {}) for attr, default in defaults.items(): if attr not in _opts: log.debug("Using default for MySQL %s", attr) _options[attr] = default continue _options[attr] = _opts[attr] return _options @contextmanager def _get_cursor(self): """ Yield a MySQL cursor """ _options = self._get_options() conn = MySQLdb.connect( host=_options["host"], user=_options["user"], passwd=_options["pass"], db=_options["db"], port=_options["port"], ssl=_options["ssl"], ) cursor = conn.cursor() try: yield cursor except MySQLdb.DatabaseError as err: log.exception("Error in ext_pillar MySQL: %s", err.args) finally: conn.close()
[docs] def extract_queries(self, args, kwargs): # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation """ This function normalizes the config block into a set of queries we can use. The return is a list of consistently laid out dicts. """ return super().extract_queries(args, kwargs)
[docs] def ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute queries against MySQL, merge and return as a dict """ return MySQLExtPillar().fetch(minion_id, pillar, *args, **kwargs)