Source code for saltext.pagerduty.runners.pagerduty

Runner Module for Firing Events via PagerDuty

.. versionadded:: 2014.1.0

:configuration: This module can be used by specifying the name of a
    configuration profile in the master config.

    For example:

    .. code-block:: yaml

            pagerduty.api_key: F3Rbyjbve43rfFWf2214
            pagerduty.subdomain: mysubdomain

import salt.utils.functools
import salt.utils.json
import salt.utils.yaml

from saltext.pagerduty.utils import pagerduty

[docs] def __virtual__(): """ No dependencies outside of what Salt itself requires """ return True
[docs] def list_services(profile=None, api_key=None): """ List services belonging to this account CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_services my-pagerduty-account """ return pagerduty.list_items( "services", "name", __salt__["config.option"](profile), api_key, opts=__opts__ )
[docs] def list_incidents(profile=None, api_key=None): """ List incidents belonging to this account CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_incidents my-pagerduty-account """ return pagerduty.list_items( "incidents", "id", __salt__["config.option"](profile), api_key, opts=__opts__ )
[docs] def list_users(profile=None, api_key=None): """ List users belonging to this account CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_users my-pagerduty-account """ return pagerduty.list_items( "users", "id", __salt__["config.option"](profile), api_key, opts=__opts__ )
[docs] def list_schedules(profile=None, api_key=None): """ List schedules belonging to this account CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_schedules my-pagerduty-account """ return pagerduty.list_items( "schedules", "id", __salt__["config.option"](profile), api_key, opts=__opts__ )
[docs] def list_windows(profile=None, api_key=None): """ List maintenance windows belonging to this account CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_windows my-pagerduty-account salt-run pagerduty.list_maintenance_windows my-pagerduty-account """ return pagerduty.list_items( "maintenance_windows", "id", __salt__["config.option"](profile), api_key, opts=__opts__, )
# The long version, added for consistency list_maintenance_windows = salt.utils.functools.alias_function( list_windows, "list_maintenance_windows" )
[docs] def list_policies(profile=None, api_key=None): """ List escalation policies belonging to this account CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_policies my-pagerduty-account salt-run pagerduty.list_escalation_policies my-pagerduty-account """ return pagerduty.list_items( "escalation_policies", "id", __salt__["config.option"](profile), api_key, opts=__opts__, )
# The long version, added for consistency list_escalation_policies = salt.utils.functools.alias_function( list_policies, "list_escalation_policies" )
[docs] def create_event(service_key=None, description=None, details=None, incident_key=None, profile=None): """ Create an event in PagerDuty. Designed for use in states. CLI Example: .. code-block:: yaml salt-run pagerduty.create_event <service_key> <description> <details> \ profile=my-pagerduty-account The following parameters are required: service_key This key can be found by using pagerduty.list_services. description This is a short description of the event. details This can be a more detailed description of the event. profile This refers to the configuration profile to use to connect to the PagerDuty service. """ trigger_url = "" if isinstance(details, str): details = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(details) if isinstance(details, str): details = {"details": details} ret = salt.utils.json.loads( pagerduty.query( method="POST", profile_dict=__salt__["config.option"](profile), api_key=service_key, data={ "service_key": service_key, "incident_key": incident_key, "event_type": "trigger", "description": description, "details": details, }, url=trigger_url, opts=__opts__, ) ) return ret