Source code for saltext.pagerduty.states.pagerduty_service

Manage PagerDuty services

Escalation policies can be referenced by pagerduty ID or by namea.

For example:

.. code-block:: yaml

    ensure test service
            - name: 'my service'
            - escalation_policy_id: 'my escalation policy'
            - type: nagios


[docs] def __virtual__(): """ Only load if the pygerduty module is available in __salt__ """ if "pagerduty_util.get_resource" in __salt__: return "pagerduty_service" return (False, "pagerduty_util module could not be loaded")
[docs] def present(profile="pagerduty", subdomain=None, api_key=None, **kwargs): """ Ensure pagerduty service exists. This method accepts as arguments everything defined in Note that many arguments are mutually exclusive, depending on the "type" argument. Examples: .. code-block:: yaml # create a PagerDuty email service at ensure generic email service exists: pagerduty_service.present: - name: my email service - service: description: "email service controlled by salt" escalation_policy_id: "my escalation policy" type: "generic_email" service_key: "test-email" .. code-block:: yaml # create a pagerduty service using cloudwatch integration ensure my cloudwatch service exists: pagerduty_service.present: - name: my cloudwatch service - service: escalation_policy_id: "my escalation policy" type: aws_cloudwatch description: "my cloudwatch service controlled by salt" """ # TODO: aws_cloudwatch type should be integrated with boto_sns # for convenience, we accept id, name, or email for users # and we accept the id or name for schedules kwargs["service"]["name"] = kwargs["name"] # make args mirror PD API structure escalation_policy_id = kwargs["service"]["escalation_policy_id"] escalation_policy = __salt__["pagerduty_util.get_resource"]( "escalation_policies", escalation_policy_id, ["name", "id"], profile=profile, subdomain=subdomain, api_key=api_key, ) if escalation_policy: kwargs["service"]["escalation_policy_id"] = escalation_policy["id"] r = __salt__["pagerduty_util.resource_present"]( "services", ["name", "id"], _diff, profile, subdomain, api_key, **kwargs ) return r
[docs] def absent(profile="pagerduty", subdomain=None, api_key=None, **kwargs): """ Ensure a pagerduty service does not exist. Name can be the service name or pagerduty service id. """ r = __salt__["pagerduty_util.resource_absent"]( "services", ["name", "id"], profile, subdomain, api_key, **kwargs ) return r
def _diff(state_data, resource_object): """helper method to compare salt state info with the PagerDuty API json structure, and determine if we need to update. returns the dict to pass to the PD API to perform the update, or empty dict if no update. """ objects_differ = None for k, v in state_data["service"].items(): if k == "escalation_policy_id": resource_value = resource_object["escalation_policy"]["id"] elif k == "service_key": # service_key on create must 'foo' but the GET will return '' resource_value = resource_object["service_key"] if "@" in resource_value: resource_value = resource_value[0 : resource_value.find("@")] else: resource_value = resource_object[k] if v != resource_value: objects_differ = f"{k} {v} {resource_value}" break if objects_differ: return state_data return {}