Source code for saltext.pushover.modules.pushover_notify

Send notifications via `Pushover <>`_.

.. important::
    See :ref:`Configuration <pushover-setup>` for a description of
    available configuration parameters.

import logging
import urllib.parse

from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError

import saltext.pushover.utils.pushover

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__virtualname__ = "pushover"

def __virtual__():
    return __virtualname__

[docs] def post_message( user=None, device=None, message=None, title=None, priority=0, expire=None, retry=None, sound=None, api_version=1, # pylint: disable=unused-argument token=None, ): """ Send a message to a Pushover user or group. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pushover.post_message user='uQiRzpo4DXghDmr9QzzfQu27cmVRsG' title='Message from Salt' message='Build is done' salt '*' pushover.post_message user='uQiRzpo4DXghDmr9QzzfQu27cmVRsG' title='Message from Salt' message='Build is done' priority='2' expire='720' retry='5' user The user or group of users to send the message to. Must be a user/group ID (key), not a name or an email address. Required if not specified in the configuration. device The name of the device to send the message to. message The message to send to the Pushover user or group. Required. title The message title to use. Defaults to ``Message from SaltStack``. priority The priority of the message (integers between ``-2`` and ``2``). Defaults to ``0``. .. note:: Emergency priority (``2``) requires ``expire`` and ``retry`` parameters to be set. expire Stop notifying the user after the specified amount of seconds. The message is still shown after expiry. retry Repeat the notification after this amount of seconds. Minimum: ``30``. sound The `notification sound <>`_ to play. token The authentication token to use for the Pushover API. Required if not specified in the configuration. """ if not token: token = __salt__["config.get"]("pushover.token") or __salt__["config.get"]("pushover:token") if not token: raise SaltInvocationError("Pushover token is unavailable.") if not user: user = __salt__["config.get"]("pushover.user") or __salt__["config.get"]("pushover:user") if not user: raise SaltInvocationError("Pushover user key is unavailable.") if not message: raise SaltInvocationError('Required parameter "message" is missing.') if priority not in range(-2, 3): raise SaltInvocationError( f"Invalid priority {priority}. Needs to be an integer between -2 and 2 (inclusive)" ) if priority == 2 and not (expire and retry): raise SaltInvocationError( "Emergency messages require `expire` and `retry` parameters to be set" ) if retry and retry < 30: raise SaltInvocationError("`retry` needs to be at least 30 (seconds)") user_validate = saltext.pushover.utils.pushover.validate_user(user, device, token) if not user_validate["result"]: return user_validate if not title: title = "Message from SaltStack" parameters = {} parameters["user"] = user if device is not None: parameters["device"] = device parameters["token"] = token parameters["title"] = title parameters["priority"] = priority if expire is not None: parameters["expire"] = expire if retry is not None: parameters["retry"] = retry parameters["message"] = message if sound and saltext.pushover.utils.pushover.validate_sound(sound, token)["res"]: parameters["sound"] = sound result = saltext.pushover.utils.pushover.query( function="message", method="POST", header_dict={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, data=urllib.parse.urlencode(parameters), opts=__opts__, ) if result["res"]: return True return result