Source code for saltext.redis.pillar.redismod

Read pillar data from a Redis backend

.. versionadded:: 2014.7.0

:depends:   - redis Python module (on master)

Salt Master Redis Configuration

The module shares the same base Redis connection variables as
:py:mod:`salt.returners.redis_return`. These variables go in your master
config file.

* ``redis.db`` - The Redis database to use. Defaults to ``0``.
* ```` - The Redis host to connect to. Defaults to ``'salt'``.
* ``redis.port`` - The port that the Redis database is listening on. Defaults
  to ``6379``.
* ``redis.password`` - The password for authenticating with Redis. Only
  required if you are using master auth. Defaults to ``None``.

Configuring the Redis ext_pillar

    .. code-block:: yaml

          - redis: {function: key_value}


import salt.utils.json

__virtualname__ = "redis"

[docs] def __virtual__(): """ Only load if the redis module is in __salt__ """ if "redis.get_key" in __salt__: return __virtualname__ return False
[docs] def ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, function, **kwargs): """ Grabs external pillar data based on configured function """ if function.startswith("_") or function not in globals(): return {} # Call specified function to pull redis data return globals()[function](minion_id, pillar, **kwargs)
[docs] def key_value(minion_id, pillar, pillar_key="redis_pillar"): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Looks for key in redis matching minion_id, returns a structure based on the data type of the redis key. String for string type, dict for hash type and lists for lists, sets and sorted sets. pillar_key Pillar key to return data into """ # Identify key type and process as needed based on that type key_type = __salt__["redis.key_type"](minion_id) if key_type == "string": return {pillar_key: __salt__["redis.get_key"](minion_id)} elif key_type == "hash": return {pillar_key: __salt__["redis.hgetall"](minion_id)} elif key_type == "list": list_size = __salt__["redis.llen"](minion_id) if not list_size: return {} return {pillar_key: __salt__["redis.lrange"](minion_id, 0, list_size - 1)} elif key_type == "set": return {pillar_key: __salt__["redis.smembers"](minion_id)} elif key_type == "zset": set_size = __salt__["redis.zcard"](minion_id) if not set_size: return {} return {pillar_key: __salt__["redis.zrange"](minion_id, 0, set_size - 1)} # Return nothing for unhandled types return {}
[docs] def key_json(minion_id, pillar, pillar_key=None): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Pulls a string from redis and deserializes it from json. Deserialized dictionary data loaded directly into top level if pillar_key is not set. pillar_key Pillar key to return data into """ key_data = __salt__["redis.get_key"](minion_id) # Return nothing for non-existent keys if not key_data: return {} data = salt.utils.json.loads(key_data) # Return as requested if isinstance(data, dict) and not pillar_key: return data elif not pillar_key: return {"redis_pillar": data} else: return {pillar_key: data}