Source code for saltext.redis.tokens.rediscluster

Provide token storage in Redis cluster.

To get started simply start a redis cluster and assign all hashslots to the connected nodes.
Add the redis hostname and port to master configs as eauth_redis_host and eauth_redis_port.
Default values for these configs are as follow:

.. code-block:: yaml

    eauth_redis_host: localhost
    eauth_redis_port: 6379

:depends:   - redis-py-cluster Python package

import hashlib
import logging
import os

import salt.payload
from salt.config import DEFAULT_HASH_TYPE

    import rediscluster

    HAS_REDIS = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_REDIS = False

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "rediscluster"

def __virtual__():
    if not HAS_REDIS:
        return (
            "Could not use redis for tokens; rediscluster python client is not installed.",
    return __virtualname__

def _redis_client(opts):
    Connect to the redis host and return a RedisCluster client object.
    If connection fails then return None.
    redis_host = opts.get("eauth_redis_host", "localhost")
    redis_port = opts.get("eauth_redis_port", 6379)
        return rediscluster.RedisCluster(host=redis_host, port=redis_port, decode_responses=True)
    except rediscluster.exceptions.RedisClusterException as err:
        log.warning("Failed to connect to redis at %s:%s - %s", redis_host, redis_port, err)
        return None

[docs] def mk_token(opts, tdata): """ Mint a new token using the config option hash_type and store tdata with 'token' attribute set to the token. This module uses the hash of random 512 bytes as a token. :param opts: Salt master config options :param tdata: Token data to be stored with 'token' attribute of this dict set to the token. :returns: tdata with token if successful. Empty dict if failed. """ redis_client = _redis_client(opts) if not redis_client: return {} hash_type = getattr(hashlib, opts.get("hash_type", DEFAULT_HASH_TYPE)) tok = str(hash_type(os.urandom(512)).hexdigest()) try: while redis_client.get(tok) is not None: tok = str(hash_type(os.urandom(512)).hexdigest()) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.warning("Authentication failure: cannot get token %s from redis: %s", tok, err) return {} tdata["token"] = tok try: redis_client.set(tok, salt.payload.dumps(tdata)) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.warning("Authentication failure: cannot save token %s to redis: %s", tok, err) return {} return tdata
[docs] def get_token(opts, tok): """ Fetch the token data from the store. :param opts: Salt master config options :param tok: Token value to get :returns: Token data if successful. Empty dict if failed. """ redis_client = _redis_client(opts) if not redis_client: return {} try: tdata = salt.payload.loads(redis_client.get(tok)) return tdata except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.warning("Authentication failure: cannot get token %s from redis: %s", tok, err) return {}
[docs] def rm_token(opts, tok): """ Remove token from the store. :param opts: Salt master config options :param tok: Token to remove :returns: Empty dict if successful. None if failed. """ redis_client = _redis_client(opts) if not redis_client: return try: redis_client.delete(tok) return {} except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.warning("Could not remove token %s: %s", tok, err)
[docs] def list_tokens(opts): """ List all tokens in the store. :param opts: Salt master config options :returns: List of dicts (token_data) """ redis_client = _redis_client(opts) if not redis_client: return [] try: return [k.decode("utf8") for k in redis_client.keys()] except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.warning("Failed to list keys: %s", err) return []