Source code for saltext.snap.modules.snap_mod

Interface with the Snapd REST API and the ``snap`` CLI.

import json
import logging
import re
import shlex
import socket
from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from urllib.parse import urlencode

import salt.utils.path
import salt.utils.yamlloader
import yaml
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError

    import requests
    from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
    from urllib3.connection import HTTPConnection
    from urllib3.connectionpool import HTTPConnectionPool

except ImportError:
    HAS_REQUESTS = False
    # Fallback to stdlib
    import http.client

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "snap"
__func_alias__ = {
    "list_": "list",

LIST_RE = None

RISK_LEVELS = ("stable", "candidate", "beta", "edge")
CKEY = "_snapd_conn"
LIST_VERBOSE_FILTER = ("contact", "description", "icon", "links", "media", "website")

[docs] class SnapNotFound(CommandExecutionError): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(f'snap "{name}" is not installed')
[docs] class APIConnectionError(CommandExecutionError): """ Unifies http.client.HTTPException and requests.RequestException for error handling in callers. """
def __virtual__(): if salt.utils.path.which("snap"): return __virtualname__ return False, "Missing `snap` command in PATH" def __init__(_): global LIST_RE # pylint: disable=global-statement global SERVICE_RE # pylint: disable=global-statement # This regex is a best effort, but some special rows will not match, # usually because of empty fields (in try mode, for example) LIST_RE = re.compile( r"^(?P<name>\S+)\s+(?P<version>\S+)\s+(?P<revision>\S+)\s+(?P<channel>\S+)\s+(?P<publisher>\S+)\s+(?P<notes>\S+)" ) SERVICE_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>\S+)\s+(?P<startup>\S+)\s+(?P<status>\S+)\s+(?P<notes>\S+)")
[docs] def ack(path): """ Check and import assertions from a file. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.ack $(pwd)/hello-world_29.assert path The path to the assertions file. """ cmd = ["snap", "ack", path] _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def api(endpoint, method="get", **query): """ Query the Snapd REST API directly. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.api connections select=all endpoint The API endpoint, without ``/v2/`` prefix. method The API method to use. Defaults to ``get``. Query parameters can be passed as supplemental keyword arguments. """ return getattr(_conn(), method.lower())( endpoint, {k: v for k, v in query.items() if not k.startswith("_")} )
[docs] def connect(name, connector, target=None, wait=True): """ Connect a plug to a slot. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.connect bitwarden password-manager-service name The name of the snap to connect. connector The name of the snap's plug to connect. target A specification for the slot to connect to. Optional. Full spec: ``<snap_name>:<slot_name>``. If left unspecified, connects the plug to a slot of the core snap with a name matching ``plug``. If specified as a snap name only, connects the plug to the only slot in the provided snap that matches the connection interface, but fails if multiple potential slots exist. wait Wait for the operation to complete. Defaults to true. """ cmd = ["snap", "connect"] if not wait: cmd.append("--no-wait") cmd.append(f"{name}:{connector}") if target is not None: cmd.append(target) _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def connections(name=None, interface=None, all=False): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ List interface connection information. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.connections salt '*' snap.connections bw salt '*' snap.connections interface=network-bind name Only show connections involving this single snap. Optional. When this is specified, only connected plugs and slots are returned, regardless of ``all``. This is an API limitation. interface Only show connections involving this interface. Optional. all When ``name`` is unspecified, include unconnected plugs/slots in the output. When a name is specified, this is done automatically. Defaults to false. """ query = {"attrs": True} if name: query["snap"] = name elif all: query["select"] = "all" if interface: query["interface"] = interface return _conn().get("connections", query)
def _filter_conn_points(typ, name, entity, interface, connected): # Filtering by name only lists connected ones, hence we need # to do it here. data = connections(None, interface=interface, all=True) ret = {} for conn in data[f"{typ}s"]: if conn["snap"] != name: continue if entity is not None and conn[typ] != entity: continue if connected is not None: if connected is not bool(conn.get("connections")): continue if interface is not None: if conn["interface"] != interface: continue ret[conn[typ]] = { "interface": conn["interface"], "connections": conn.get("connections", []), "snap": conn["snap"], "attrs": conn.get("attrs", {}), } return ret
[docs] def plugs(name, plug=None, interface=None, connected=None): """ List plugs a snap exposes. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.plugs bitwarden name The name of the snap. plug Only return information about a plug with this name. Optional. interface Only return information about a plug with this interface. Optional. connected Filter by connection status. Optional. Set this to true to only show connected plugs, set this to false to only show unconnected ones. """ return _filter_conn_points("plug", name, plug, interface, connected)
[docs] def slots(name, slot=None, interface=None, connected=None): """ List slots a snap exposes. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.slots core name The name of the snap. slot Only return information about a slot with this name. Optional. interface Only return information about a slot with this interface. Optional. connected Filter by connection status. Optional. Set this to true to only show connected slots, set this to false to only show unconnected ones. """ return _filter_conn_points("slot", name, slot, interface, connected)
[docs] def disconnect(name, connector, target=None, forget=False, wait=True): """ Disconnect a plug's/slot's connections. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.disconnect bitwarden password-manager-service name The name of the snap to disconnect. The ``core`` snap must be spelled out as well. connector The name of the snap's plug/slot to disconnect. target A specification for the slot/plug to disconnect from in the format `<snap_name>:<slot_or_plug_name>``. Optional. If left unspecified, disconnects all connections of the plug/slot. forget When an automatic connection has been disconnected manually, its state will be remembered, even after a snap refresh. Set this to true to reset the connection's state, thus making it autoconnect again after a snap refresh. Defaults to false. wait Wait for the operation to complete. Defaults to true. """ cmd = ["snap", "disconnect"] if not wait: cmd.append("--no-wait") if forget: cmd.append("--forget") cmd.append(f"{name}:{connector}") if target is not None: cmd.append(target) _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def disable(name): """ Disable a snap. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.disable hello-world name The name of the snap. """ cmd = ["snap", "disable", name] _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def enable(name): """ Enable a snap. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.enable hello-world name The name of the snap. """ cmd = ["snap", "enable", name] _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def hold(name, duration=None): """ Exclude a snap from general refreshes. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.hold hello-world name The name of the snap. duration Optional duration to hold for, specified as a time string with a unit. If unspecified, holds forever until the snap is manually unheld. """ hold_arg = "--hold" if duration: hold_arg += f"={duration}" cmd = ["snap", "refresh", hold_arg, name] _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def unhold(name): """ Remove a hold on a snap. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.unhold hello-world name The name of the snap. """ cmd = ["snap", "refresh", "--unhold", name] _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def info(name, verbose=False): """ Show information about a snap. It does not have to be installed. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' hello-world salt '*' '[hello-world, core]' name The name(s) of the snap(s). verbose Include more details on the snap. """ # Using the API here would require heavy modifications and # two separate calls ( /find?name={name} and /snaps/{name}) # to get similar output to the CLI. # A benefit would be rich channel and app/service information. cmd = ["snap", "info", "--unicode=never", "--color=never"] if verbose: cmd.append("--verbose") if not isinstance(name, list): name = [name] cmd.extend(name) ret = {} for nam, snap in zip( name, list(yaml.load_all(_run(cmd), Loader=salt.utils.yaml.SaltYamlSafeLoader)) ): if "warning" in snap: log.warning(snap["warning"]) snap = {} ret[nam] = snap if len(ret) == 1: return ret[next(iter(ret))] return ret
[docs] def interfaces(name=None, all=False): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ Query interface types. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.interfaces salt '*' snap.interfaces network salt '*' snap.interfaces '[network, network-bind]' salt '*' snap.interfaces x11 all=true name Filter by interface name(s). Optional. all By default, this only lists interfaces with active connections. Set this to true to also list those without. """ query = {"plugs": True, "slots": True} if name: if not isinstance(name, list): name = [name] query["names"] = name if all: query["select"] = "all" else: # not specifying this parameter results in legacy output query["select"] = "connected" ret = {} for interface in _conn().get("interfaces", query): ret[interface["name"]] = { "name": interface["name"], "summary": interface["summary"], "plugs": interface.get("plugs", []), "slots": interface.get("slots", []), } if len(ret) == 1: return ret[next(iter(ret))] return ret
[docs] def install( name, channel=None, revision=None, classic=False, refresh=False ): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ Install a snap. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.install hello-world name The name of the snap or a path to a local file. If you're passing the path to a downloaded snap, ensure you have imported the accompanying assertions before using ``snap.ack``. The other parameters are irrelevant in that case. channel Follow this channel instead of stable. revision Install this revision instead of the latest one available in the channel. classic Enable classic mode and disable security confinement. Defaults to false. refresh Update an already installed snap instead of installing a new one. This can also be used to modify installation parameters like the channel. Defaults to false. """ cmd = ["snap", "refresh" if refresh else "install", "--unicode=never", "--color=never"] if channel: chan = channel.split("/") if len(chan) > 3: raise SaltInvocationError( f"Invalid channel name '{channel}', must follow <track>/<risk_level>[/<branch>]" ) if len(chan) == 1: if chan[0] in RISK_LEVELS: risk_level = chan[0] else: risk_level = "stable" else: risk_level = chan[1] if risk_level not in RISK_LEVELS: raise SaltInvocationError( f"Invalid channel risk level '{risk_level}', valid: {', '.join(RISK_LEVELS)}" ) cmd.extend(["--channel", channel]) if revision is not None: cmd.extend(["--revision", str(revision)]) if classic: cmd.append("--classic") cmd.append(name) res = _run(cmd, full=True) if not refresh and "is already installed" in res["stderr"]: raise CommandExecutionError(res["stderr"]) return True
[docs] def is_enabled(name): """ Check whether a snap is enabled. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.is_enabled hello-world name The name of the snap. """ snapinfo = list_(name) if not snapinfo: raise SnapNotFound(name) return snapinfo[name]["enabled"]
[docs] def is_held(name): """ Check whether a snap is held. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.is_held hello-world name The name of the snap. """ snapinfo = list_(name) if not snapinfo: raise SnapNotFound(name) return snapinfo[name]["held"]
[docs] def is_installed(name): """ Check whether a snap is installed. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.is_installed hello-world name The name of the snap. """ return bool(list_(name, revisions=True))
[docs] def is_uptodate(name=None, exclude_held=False): """ Check whether a snap/all installed snaps are up to date. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.is_uptodate salt '*' snap.is_uptodate hello-world name The name of the snap. Optional. If missing, will check all snaps. exclude_held Count held snaps as up to date. Defaults to False. """ if name and not is_installed(name): raise SnapNotFound(name) if name is None: return not bool(list_upgrades(exclude_held=exclude_held)) return name not in list_upgrades(exclude_held=exclude_held)
[docs] def known(assert_type, **kwargs): """ List known assertions. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.known snap-revision snap-sha3-384=sHvbeOdiwuYCDHX6_JIFWzI6b42jq0Kjlj2lreOGq6Efd-PI-Rm4qiPzqlwGyET5 assert_type The type of assertion to list. kwargs Filter returned assertions by header values, passed as supplemental keyword arguments. """ cmd = ["snap", "known", assert_type] + [ f"{header}={value}" for header, value in kwargs.items() if not header.startswith("_") ] out = _run(cmd) ret = [] for assrt in out.split("\n\n")[0::2]: try: val = yaml.safe_load(assrt) except ValueError as err: log.error("Failed parsing assertion: %s", err, exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG) else: if val: ret.append(val) return ret
[docs] def list_(name=None, revisions=False, verbose=False): """ List all installed snaps. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.list salt '*' snap.list hello-world salt '*' snap.list '[hello-world, core]' name Filter for the name(s) of specified snap(s). Optional. revisions List all revisions. Defaults to false. verbose List more detailed information. This requires being able to query the REST API. Defaults to false """ try: return _list_api(name, revisions, verbose=verbose) except APIConnectionError as err: if verbose: raise CommandExecutionError(f"Cannot query REST API: {err}") from err return _list_cli(name, revisions)
[docs] def list_upgrades(exclude_held=False): """ List available upgrades. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.list_upgrades exclude_held Don't list held snaps as upgradable. Defaults to False. """ cmd = ["snap", "refresh", "--unicode=never", "--color=never", "--list"] ret = _parse_list(_run(cmd)) for data in ret.values(): data["size"] = data.pop("channel") if exclude_held: snaps = list_(list(ret)) ret = {snap: data for snap, data in ret.items() if not snaps[snap]["held"]} return ret
[docs] def options(name, option=None): """ Get a snap's configuration option(s). If a value has not been set, returns None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.option core salt '*' snap.option core system.timezone name The name of the snap. option The name of the option. Nested keys are concatenated with a dot. Optional. If omitted, lists all configuration options. """ if not is_installed(name): # it happily returns an empty dict in this case raise SnapNotFound(name) cmd = ["snap", "get", "-d", name] if option: cmd.append(option) try: return _flatten_dict(json.loads(_run(cmd))) except CommandExecutionError as err: if option and f'has no "{option}" configuration option' in str(err): return None raise
[docs] def option_set(name, option, value): """ Set a snap configuration option. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.option_set system experimental.parallel-instances false name The name of the snap. option The name of the option. Nested keys are concatenated with a dot. value The value to set. """ cmd = ["snap", "set", "-t", name, f"{option}={json.dumps(value)}"] _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def option_unset(name, option): """ Get a snap's configuration option(s). CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.option_unset system experimental.parallel-instances name The name of the snap. option The name of the option. Nested keys are concatenated with a dot. value The value to set. """ cmd = ["snap", "unset", name, option] _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def purge(name, revision=None): """ Remove a snap without saving a snapshot of its data. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.purge hello-world name The name of the snap. revision Remove this revision only. Optional. """ return remove(name, revision=revision, purge=True)
[docs] def refresh(name, channel=None, revision=None, classic=False): """ Upgrade an installed snap or change some installation parameters. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' hello-world name The name of the snap. channel Follow this channel instead of stable. revision Install this revision instead of the latest one available in the channel. classic Enable classic mode and disable security confinement. Defaults to false. """ return install(name, channel=channel, revision=revision, classic=classic, refresh=True)
[docs] def remove(name, revision=None, purge=False): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ Remove a snap. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.remove hello-world name The name of the snap. revision Remove this revision only. Optional. purge Don't save a snapshot of its data. Defaults to false. """ cmd = ["snap", "remove"] if purge: cmd.append("--purge") if revision is not None: cmd.extend(("--revision", str(revision))) cmd.append(name) _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def service_enabled(name): """ Check if a snap's service is enabled to run at boot. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.service_enabled yubioath-desktop.pcscd name The name of the snap. """ try: return services()[name]["enabled"] except KeyError as err: raise CommandExecutionError(f"No such service: '{name}'") from err
[docs] def service_running(name): """ Check if a snap's service is currently running. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.service_running yubioath-desktop.pcscd name The name of the snap. """ try: return services()[name]["running"] except KeyError as err: raise CommandExecutionError(f"No such service: '{name}'") from err
[docs] def service_start(name, enable=False): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ Start a snap's service(s). CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.service_start yubioath-desktop.pcscd salt '*' snap.service_start yubioath-desktop name The name of the snap or one of its services. """ cmd = ["snap", "start"] if enable: cmd.append("--enable") cmd.append(name) _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def service_stop(name, disable=False): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ Stop a snap's service(s). CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.service_stop yubioath-desktop.pcscd salt '*' snap.service_stop yubioath-desktop name The name of the snap or one of its services. """ cmd = ["snap", "stop"] if disable: cmd.append("--disable") cmd.append(name) _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def service_restart(name, reload=False): """ Restart a snap's service(s). CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.service_restart yubioath-desktop.pcscd salt '*' snap.service_restart yubioath-desktop name The name of the snap or one of its services. """ cmd = ["snap", "restart"] if reload: cmd.append("--reload") cmd.append(name) _run(cmd) return True
[docs] def services(name=None, snap=None): """ List snap services and their status. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' name Only return information about this specific service. snap Only return information about services that belong to this snap. """ cmd = ["snap", "services"] res = _parse_list(_run(cmd), regex=SERVICE_RE) res = { name: { "enabled": serv["startup"] == "enabled", "running": serv["status"] == "active", "notes": serv["notes"], } for name, serv in res.items() } if name: try: return {name: res[name]} except KeyError as err: raise CommandExecutionError(f"No such service: '{name}'") from err if snap: return {name: status for name, status in res.items() if name.startswith(f"{snap}.")} return res
[docs] def upgrade_all(): """ Upgrade all snaps. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' snap.upgrade_all """ cmd = ["snap", "refresh", "--unicode=never", "--color=never"] _run(cmd) return True
def _parse_list(data, regex=None, duplicate=False): regex = regex or LIST_RE # since it's initialized late ret = {} for line in data.splitlines()[1:]: match = regex.match(line) if not match: continue parsed = match.groupdict() notes = parsed.pop("notes", "") if notes == "-": notes = [] else: notes = notes.split(",") parsed["notes"] = notes if duplicate: if parsed["name"] not in ret: ret[parsed["name"]] = [] ret[parsed["name"]].append(parsed) else: ret[parsed["name"]] = parsed return ret def _run(cmd, ignore_retcode=False, full=False): params = { "python_shell": False, "ignore_retcode": ignore_retcode, } res = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](shlex.join(cmd), **params) if res["retcode"]: raise CommandExecutionError(res["stderr"]) if full: return res return res["stdout"] def _flatten_dict(data, prefix=""): ret = {} if prefix: prefix = f"{prefix}." for key, val in data.items(): if isinstance(val, dict) and val: ret.update(_flatten_dict(val, prefix=f"{prefix}{key}")) continue ret[f"{prefix}{key}"] = val return ret #
[docs] class SnapdApiBase(ABC): def __init__(self, conn): self.conn = conn @abstractmethod def request(self, method, path, query=None, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def get(self, path, query=None, **kwargs): return self._check(self.request("GET", self._uri(path, query), **kwargs)) def post(self, path, **kwargs): return self._check(self.request("POST", self._uri(path), **kwargs)) def patch(self, path, **kwargs): return self._check(self.request("PATCH", self._uri(path), **kwargs)) def delete(self, path, query=None, **kwargs): return self._check(self.request("DELETE", self._uri(path, query), **kwargs)) def _check(self, data): if data["status-code"] >= 400: if data["result"]["kind"] == "snap-not-found": raise SnapNotFound(data["result"]["value"]) raise CommandExecutionError(f"{data['type']}: {data['result']['message']}") return data["result"] def _uri(self, path, query=None): path = path.lstrip("/") suffix = "?" if query: for param, val in query.items(): if isinstance(val, list): query[param] = ",".join(val) elif isinstance(val, bool): query[param] = str(val).lower() suffix += urlencode(query) return f"/v2/{path}{suffix}"
if HAS_REQUESTS: class SnapdConnection(HTTPConnection): def __init__(self): super().__init__("localhost") self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def connect(self): self.sock.connect("/run/snapd.socket")
[docs] def close(self): self.sock.close()
[docs] class SnapdConnectionPool(HTTPConnectionPool): def __init__(self): super().__init__("localhost") def _new_conn(self): return SnapdConnection()
[docs] class SnapdAdapter(HTTPAdapter):
[docs] def get_connection(self, url, proxies=None): return SnapdConnectionPool()
class SnapdApi(SnapdApiBase): def request(self, method, path, query=None, **kwargs): try: return self.conn.request(method, f"http://snapd{path}", json=query, **kwargs).json() except requests.RequestException as err: raise APIConnectionError(str(err)) from err else:
[docs] class SnapdConnection(http.client.HTTPConnection): # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment def __init__(self): super().__init__("localhost") self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
[docs] def connect(self): self.sock.connect("/run/snapd.socket")
[docs] class SnapdApi(SnapdApiBase): def request(self, method, path, query=None, **kwargs): body = None if query is not None: body = json.dumps(query).encode() try: self.conn.request(method, path, body=body, **kwargs) return json.loads(self.conn.getresponse().read()) except (http.client.HTTPException, json.JSONDecodeError) as err: raise APIConnectionError(str(err)) from err
def _conn(): if CKEY not in __context__: if HAS_REQUESTS: session = requests.Session() session.mount("http://snapd/", SnapdAdapter()) else: session = SnapdConnection() __context__[CKEY] = SnapdApi(session) return __context__[CKEY] def _list_api(name=None, revisions=False, verbose=False): """ This is the preferred method of listing installed snaps. It should work with and without ``requests`` installed. """ query = {} if name: if not isinstance(name, list): name = [name] query["snaps"] = name if revisions: query["all"] = True res = _conn().get("snaps", query) ret = {} for snap in res: name = snap["name"] if verbose: parsed = {k: v for k, v in snap.items() if k not in LIST_VERBOSE_FILTER} else: parsed = { "channel": snap.get("tracking-channel"), "name": name, "notes": [], "publisher": snap["publisher"]["username"], "revision": snap["revision"], "version": snap["version"], "devmode": snap["devmode"], } if snap["type"] == "base": parsed["notes"].append("base") if snap["confinement"] == "classic": # ? parsed["notes"].append("classic") if snap["type"] == "os": parsed["notes"].append("core") if snap["devmode"]: parsed["notes"].append("devmode") if snap["status"] == "installed": parsed["notes"].append("disabled") if snap["publisher"]["validation"] == "verified": parsed["publisher"] += "**" elif snap["publisher"]["validation"] == "starred": parsed["publisher"] += "*" parsed["enabled"] = snap["status"] == "active" parsed["classic"] = snap["confinement"] == "classic" if "hold" in snap: held_until = _time(snap["hold"]) parsed["held"] = < held_until if parsed["held"]: parsed["notes"].append("held") else: parsed["held"] = False parsed["notes"].sort() if name not in ret and revisions: ret[name] = [] if revisions: ret[name].append(parsed) continue # We don't need to account for multiple revisions being listed # since the API has the same parameter as the CLI ret[name] = parsed return ret def _time(iso): try: return datetime.fromisoformat(iso) except ValueError: # Python < 3.11 iso = re.sub(r"\.[\d]+", "", iso) iso = re.sub(r"Z$", "+00:00", iso) return datetime.fromisoformat(iso) def _list_cli(name=None, revisions=False): """ Fallback for listing snaps via CLI. This has some issues since * the tracking channel's branch is cropped * some rows have empty fields (try mode, for example) """ # It could mostly be fixed by only listing the names and then # running those through snap info --verbose though. def _amend(data): data["enabled"] = "disabled" not in data["notes"] data["classic"] = "classic" in data["notes"] data["devmode"] = "devmode" in data["notes"] data["held"] = "held" in data["notes"] if data["channel"] == "-": # e.g. locally installed data["channel"] = None cmd = ["snap", "list", "--unicode=never", "--color=never"] if revisions: cmd.append("--all") if name: if not isinstance(name, list): name = [name] cmd.extend(name) try: ret = _parse_list(_run(cmd, ignore_retcode=bool(name)), duplicate=revisions) except CommandExecutionError as err: if name and "no matching snaps installed" in str(err): return {} raise for snap in ret.values(): if revisions: for rev in snap: _amend(rev) else: _amend(snap) return ret