Source code for saltext.snap.states.snap_mod

Manage snaps, plugs and snap services statefully.

import json
import logging
import time
from pathlib import Path

from salt.defaults import NOT_SET
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "snap"

[docs] class NoServices(CommandExecutionError): """ Raised when no services to manage can be found """
def __virtual__(): try: __salt__["snap.list"] # pylint: disable=pointless-statement return __virtualname__ except KeyError: return False, "Did not find `snap` execution module"
[docs] def connected(name, connector, target=None): """ Ensure a snap's plug is connected. name The name of the snap to connect. connector The name of the snap's plug to connect. target A specification for the slot to connect to. Optional. Full spec: ``<snap_name>:<slot_name>``. If left unspecified, connects the plug to a slot of the core snap with a name matching ``plug``. If specified as a snap name only, connects the plug to the only slot in the provided snap that matches the connection interface, but fails if multiple potential slots exist. """ ret = { "name": name, "result": True, "comment": "The connection is already established", "changes": {}, } try: if target is None: target = f"core:{connector}" elif ":" not in target: try: interface = __salt__["snap.plugs"](name)[connector]["interface"] except KeyError as err: raise SaltInvocationError( f"The snap '{name}' does not have a plug named '{connector}'" ) from err try: possible_slots = __salt__["snap.slots"](target, interface=interface) except CommandExecutionError as err: if "is not installed" not in str(err) or not __opts__["test"]: raise ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = str(err) + " - if we weren't testing, this would be an error" return ret if len(possible_slots) != 1: raise SaltInvocationError( f"The target snap '{target}' does not expose exactly one slot with interface type '{interface}', but {len(possible_slots)}" ) target = f"{target}:{next(iter(possible_slots))}" try: curr = __salt__["snap.connections"](name) except CommandExecutionError as err: if "is not installed" not in str(err) or not __opts__["test"]: raise ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = str(err) + " - if we weren't testing, this would be an error" return ret target_snap, target_slot = target.split(":", maxsplit=1) for conn in curr["established"]: if ( conn["plug"]["plug"] == connector and conn["slot"]["snap"] == target_snap and conn["slot"]["slot"] == target_slot ): return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = ( f"Would have connected plug {name}:{connector} to slot " f"{target_snap}:{target_slot}" ) ret["changes"]["connected"] = f"{target_snap}:{target_slot}" return ret __salt__["snap.connect"](name, connector, target=target) curr_new = __salt__["snap.connections"](name) for conn in curr_new["established"]: if ( conn["plug"]["plug"] == connector and conn["slot"]["snap"] == target_snap and conn["slot"]["slot"] == target_slot ): ret["comment"] = ( f"Connected plug {name}:{connector} to slot {target_snap}:{target_slot}" ) ret["changes"]["connected"] = f"{target_snap}:{target_slot}" return ret raise CommandExecutionError("Tried to connect the plug, but the connection is not reported") except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) ret["changes"] = {} return ret
[docs] def disconnected(name, connector, target=None): """ Ensure a snap's plug(s)/slot(s) is/are connected. name The name of the snap. connector The name of the snap's plug/slot to disconnect. target A specification for the slot/plug to disconnect from in the format `<snap_name>:<slot_or_plug_name>``. Optional. If left unspecified, disconnects all connections of the plug/slot. """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "The connection is already cut", "changes": {}} try: try: if __salt__["snap.plugs"](name, connector): typ = "slot" this = "plug" elif __salt__["snap.slots"](name, connector): typ = "plug" this = "slot" else: raise SaltInvocationError( "The snap carries neither a slot nor a plug with this name" ) except CommandExecutionError as err: if "is not installed" not in str(err) or not __opts__["test"]: raise ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = str(err) + " - if we weren't testing, this would be an error" return ret curr = __salt__["snap.connections"](name) disconnect = [] target_snap = target_entity = None if target: target_snap, target_entity = target.split(":", maxsplit=1) for conn in curr["established"]: if conn[this]["snap"] != name or conn[this][this] != connector: continue if target and (conn[typ]["snap"] != target_snap or conn[typ][typ] != target_entity): continue disconnect.append((conn[typ]["snap"], conn[typ][typ])) if not disconnect: return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"Would have disconnected some {typ}s" ret["changes"]["disconnected"] = { f"{typ}s": [f"{tgt}:{ent}" for tgt, ent in disconnect] } return ret __salt__["snap.disconnect"](name, connector, target=target) curr_new = __salt__["snap.connections"](name) still_present = [] for conn in curr_new["established"]: if conn[this]["snap"] != name or conn[this][this] != connector: continue if target and (conn[typ]["snap"] != target_snap or conn[typ][typ] != target_entity): continue still_present.append((conn[typ]["snap"], conn[typ][typ])) actually_disconnected = [ f"{tgt}:{ent}" for tgt, ent in set(disconnect).difference(still_present) ] if actually_disconnected: ret["changes"]["disconnected"] = { f"{typ}s": [ f"{tgt}:{ent}" for tgt, ent in set(disconnect).difference(still_present) ] } if still_present: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = f"Tried to disconnect some {typ}s, but some connections remained" return ret ret["comment"] = f"Disconnected some {typ}s" except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) ret["changes"] = {} return ret
[docs] def enabled(name): """ Ensure a snap is enabled. name The name of the snap. """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "The snap is already enabled", "changes": {}} try: try: if __salt__["snap.is_enabled"](name): return ret except CommandExecutionError as err: if "is not installed" not in str(err) or not __opts__["test"]: raise ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = str(err) + " - if we weren't testing, this would be an error" return ret ret["changes"]["enabled"] = name if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Would have enabled the snap" return ret __salt__["snap.enable"](name) if not __salt__["snap.is_enabled"](name): raise CommandExecutionError("Tried to enable the snap, but it is still disabled") ret["comment"] = "Enabled the snap" except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) ret["changes"] = {} return ret
[docs] def disabled(name): """ Ensure a snap is disabled. name The name of the snap. """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "The snap is already disabled", "changes": {}} try: try: if not __salt__["snap.is_enabled"](name): return ret except CommandExecutionError as err: if "is not installed" not in str(err) or not __opts__["test"]: raise ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = str(err) + " - if we weren't testing, this would be an error" return ret ret["changes"]["disabled"] = name if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Would have disabled the snap" return ret __salt__["snap.disable"](name) if __salt__["snap.is_enabled"](name): raise CommandExecutionError("Tried to disable the snap, but it is still enabled") ret["comment"] = "Disabled the snap" except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) ret["changes"] = {} return ret
[docs] def installed( name, channel="latest/stable", revision=None, classic=False, held=None, assertions=None ): """ Ensure a snap is installed. name The name of the snap or a path to a local ``.snap`` file. In the latter case, ensure you also possess the accompanying assertions and specify the ``assertions`` parameter or import them in some other way before this state runs. channel Follow this channel instead of ``latest/stable``. revision Install this revision instead of the latest one available in the channel. Optional. If unset, will not upgrade after installation. Set this to ``latest`` to ensure this snap is kept up to date. classic Enable classic mode and disable security confinement. Defaults to false. held Whether the snap should be excluded from general refreshes. Optional. If unset, leaves the setting unmanaged. assertions When installing a snap from a file, import accompanying assertions from this file. Optional (if the assertions are imported otherwise). """ def _check_changes(curr, isfile): nonlocal revision changes = {} if not isfile: if channel and curr["channel"] != channel: changes["channel"] = {"old": curr["channel"], "new": channel} if revision == "latest": upgrades = __salt__["snap.list_upgrades"]() if name in upgrades: revision = upgrades[name]["revision"] else: revision = None if held is not None and curr["held"] is not held: changes["held"] = {"old": curr["held"], "new": held} if revision is not None and curr["revision"] != str(revision): changes["revision"] = {"old": curr["revision"], "new": str(revision)} return changes ret = { "name": name, "result": True, "comment": "The snap is already installed as specified", "changes": {}, } try: snap_name = name isfile = name.endswith(".snap") # this suffix is required by snap if isfile: path = Path(name) if not path.is_absolute(): raise SaltInvocationError(f"Specified path '{name}' is not absolute") if not path.exists(): msg = f"Specified path '{name}' does not exist" if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"{msg}. If we weren't testing, ths would be an error" return ret raise SaltInvocationError(msg) snapinfo = __salt__[""](name, verbose=True) snap_name = snapinfo["name"] match = {"snap-sha3-384": snapinfo["sha3-384"]} curr_assrts = __salt__["snap.known"]("snap-revision", **match) if not curr_assrts: if __opts__["test"]: if assertions: msg = "Would have imported assertions and installed the snap" ret["changes"]["installed"] = name else: msg = "Missing assertions. If we weren't testing, this would be an error" ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = msg return ret if not assertions: raise CommandExecutionError( "Missing assertions, either import them or pass the assertions file in `assertions`" ) __salt__["snap.ack"](assertions) curr_assrts = __salt__["snap.known"]("snap-revision", **match) if not curr_assrts: raise CommandExecutionError( "Imported assertions, but still could not find snap-revision" ) revision = curr_assrts[0]["snap-revision"] curr = __salt__["snap.list"](snap_name) if curr: changes = _check_changes(curr[snap_name], isfile) verb = "modified" else: changes = {"installed": name} verb = "installed" if not changes: return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"Would have {verb} the snap" ret["changes"] = changes return ret held_change = changes.pop("held", None) if changes: __salt__["snap.install"]( name, channel=channel, revision=revision if not isfile else None, classic=classic, refresh=bool(curr) and not isfile, ) ret["changes"].update(changes) if held_change: func = "hold" if held else "unhold" __salt__[f"snap.{func}"](name) ret["changes"].update({"held": held_change}) new = __salt__["snap.list"](snap_name) if not new: raise CommandExecutionError( f"{verb.capitalize()} the snap, but it could not be found afterwards" ) new_changes = _check_changes(new[snap_name], isfile) if new_changes: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = ( f"{verb.capitalize()} the snap, but there are still " f"pending changes: {json.dumps(new_changes)}" ) for change in new_changes: ret["changes"].pop(change, None) return ret ret["comment"] = f"{verb.capitalize()} the snap" except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) ret["changes"] = {} return ret
[docs] def option_managed(name, option=None, value=NOT_SET, options=None): """ Ensure a snap's options are set as specified. name The name of the snap. option The name of the option. Either this and ``value`` or ``options`` is required. value The value to set.. Either this and ``option`` or ``options`` is required. If the value is specified as None/``null`` (YAML), the value will be unset. options A mapping of option names to their values to set. If an option's value is None, it will be unset. """ def _check_changes(data): changes = {} to_set = [] to_unset = [] for opt, val in options.items(): if val is None: if opt in data: changes[opt] = {"old": data[opt], "new": val, "unset": True} to_unset.append(opt) elif opt not in data: changes[opt] = {"old": None, "new": val, "set": True} to_set.append(opt) elif data[opt] != val: changes[opt] = {"old": data[opt], "new": val} to_set.append(opt) return changes, to_set, to_unset ret = { "name": name, "result": True, "comment": "All options are in the correct state", "changes": {}, } try: single = option and value is not NOT_SET if not (single or options): raise SaltInvocationError("Either option and value or options are required") if single and options: raise SaltInvocationError( "Either specify option and value or options, not both variants" ) options = options or {option: value} try: curr = __salt__["snap.options"](name) except CommandExecutionError as err: if "is not installed" not in str(err) or not __opts__["test"]: raise ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = str(err) + " - if we weren't testing, this would be an error" return ret changes, to_set, to_unset = _check_changes(curr) if not changes: return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Would have modified some options" ret["changes"] = changes return ret errs = {} for opt in to_unset: try: __salt__["snap.option_unset"](name, opt) ret["changes"][opt] = changes[opt] except CommandExecutionError as err: errs[opt] = str(err) for opt in to_set: try: __salt__["snap.option_set"](name, opt, changes[opt]["new"]) ret["changes"][opt] = changes[opt] except CommandExecutionError as err: errs[opt] = str(err) if errs: msg = "\n".join(f"{opt}: {err}" for opt, err in errs.items()) raise CommandExecutionError(f"Encountered some errors:\n{msg}") new_changes, _, _ = _check_changes(__salt__["snap.options"](name)) if new_changes: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = ( f"Modified some snap options, but there are still " f"pending changes: {json.dumps(new_changes)}" ) for change in new_changes: ret["changes"].pop(change, None) return ret ret["comment"] = "Modified some options" except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) return ret
[docs] def removed(name, purge=False): """ Ensure a snap is removed. name The name of the snap. purge Don't save a snapshot of its data. Defaults to false. """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "The snap is already absent", "changes": {}} try: curr = __salt__["snap.list"](name) if not curr: return ret ret["changes"]["removed"] = name if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Would have removed the snap" return ret __salt__["snap.remove"](name, purge=purge) new = __salt__["snap.list"](name) if new: raise CommandExecutionError("Tried to remove the snap, but it is still present") ret["comment"] = "Removed the snap" except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) ret["changes"] = {} return ret
[docs] def service_running( name, service=None, enabled=None, timeout=10 ): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ Ensure a snap service is running. This state supports the ``watch`` requisite. name The name of the snap. service Restrict this state to one of its services. Optional. If unset, will manage all services of the snap. enabled Ensure the service is enabled to start at boot time. Optional. Can only be set to true. timeout This state waits for each service. If it is still not at the desired state after this amount of seconds, it will fail. Defaults to 10. reload When the ``watch`` requisite causes a restart, attempt to reload the service instead. Defaults to false. """ ret = { "name": name, "result": True, "comment": "All services are in the correct state", "changes": {}, } try: try: start, enable = _check_service_changes( name, service, running=True, enabled=enabled or None ) except NoServices as err: if not __opts__["test"]: raise ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = str(err) + " - if we weren't testing, this would be an error" return ret if not (enable or start): return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Would have started/enabled some services" if start: ret["changes"]["started"] = start if enable: ret["changes"]["enabled"] = enable return ret errs = {} ret["changes"] = {"enabled": [], "started": []} for serv in set(start + enable): try: __salt__["snap.service_start"](serv, enable=enabled) if serv in start: _timer( __salt__["snap.service_running"], serv, True, timeout, "Tried to start the snap service, but it is still not running", ) ret["changes"]["started"].append(serv) if serv in enable: _timer( __salt__["snap.service_enabled"], serv, True, timeout if serv not in start else 1, "Tried to enable the snap service, but it is still not enabled", ) ret["changes"]["enabled"].append(serv) except CommandExecutionError as err: errs[serv] = str(err) if errs: msg = "\n".join(f"{service}: {err}" for service, err in errs.items()) raise CommandExecutionError(f"Encountered some errors:\n{msg}") ret["comment"] = "Started/enabled some services" except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) for typ in ("enabled", "started"): if typ in ret["changes"] and not ret["changes"][typ]: ret["changes"].pop(typ) return ret
[docs] def service_dead( name, service=None, disabled=None, timeout=10 ): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ Ensure a snap service is dead. This state supports the ``watch`` requisite. name The name of the snap. service Restrict this state to one of its services. Optional. If unset, will manage all services of the snap. disabled Ensure the service is disabled (does not start at boot time). Optional. Can only be set to true. timeout This state waits for each service. If it is still not at the desired state after this amount of seconds, it will fail. Defaults to 10. """ ret = { "name": name, "result": True, "comment": "All services are in the correct state", "changes": {}, } try: try: stop, disable = _check_service_changes( name, service, running=False, enabled=False if disabled else None ) except NoServices as err: if not __opts__["test"]: raise ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = str(err) + " - if we weren't testing, this would be an error" return ret if not (stop or disable): return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = "Would have stopped/disabled some services" if stop: ret["changes"]["stopped"] = stop if disable: ret["changes"]["disabled"] = disable return ret errs = {} ret["changes"] = {"disabled": [], "stopped": []} for serv in set(stop + disable): try: __salt__["snap.service_stop"](serv, disable=disabled) if serv in stop: _timer( __salt__["snap.service_running"], serv, False, timeout, "Tried to stop the snap service, but it is still running", ) ret["changes"]["stopped"].append(serv) if serv in disable: _timer( __salt__["snap.service_enabled"], serv, False, timeout if serv not in stop else 1, "Tried to disable the snap service, but it is still enabled", ) ret["changes"]["disabled"].append(serv) except CommandExecutionError as err: errs[serv] = str(err) if errs: msg = "\n".join(f"{service}: {err}" for service, err in errs.items()) raise CommandExecutionError(f"Encountered some errors:\n{msg}") ret["comment"] = "Stopped/disabled some services" except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) for typ in ("disabled", "stopped"): if typ in ret["changes"] and not ret["changes"][typ]: ret["changes"].pop(typ) return ret
def _check_service_changes(name, service, running, enabled): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name if service: services = __salt__[""](f"{name}.{service}") else: services = __salt__[""](snap=name) if not services: raise NoServices("Did not find any service to manage") running_state = [] enable_state = [] for sname, status in services.items(): if status["running"] is not running: running_state.append(sname) if enabled is not None and status["enabled"] is not enabled: enable_state.append(sname) return running_state, enable_state def _timer(func, serv, check_exp, timeout, msg): start_time = time.time() while func(serv) is not check_exp: if time.time() - start_time > timeout: raise CommandExecutionError(msg) time.sleep(0.25)
[docs] def mod_watch(name, sfun=None, reload=False, **kwargs): """ Support the ``watch`` requisite for ``snap.service_running`` and ``snap.service_dead``. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": True, "comment": ""} pp_suffix = "ed" services = {} typ_func = {} try: # Note that we don't have to worry about enabled/disabled since # mod_watch would otherwise not run (the normal state would report changes). # if sfun in ["service_dead", "service_running"]: try: running_services, _ = _check_service_changes( name, kwargs.get("service"), running=False, enabled=None ) except NoServices as err: if not __opts__["test"]: raise ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = str(err) + " - if we weren't testing, this would be an error" return ret if sfun == "service_dead": if not running_services: ret["comment"] = "All snap services are already stopped." return ret verb = "stop" pp_suffix = "ped" typ_func[verb] = __salt__["snap.service_stop"] services = {verb: running_services} check_exp = False # "service_running" == sfun evidently else: check_exp = True dead_services, _ = _check_service_changes( name, kwargs.get("service"), running=True, enabled=None ) typ_func = { "start": __salt__["snap.service_start"], "restart": __salt__["snap.service_restart"], } services["restart"] = running_services services["start"] = dead_services verb = "(re)start" else: ret["comment"] = f"Unable to trigger watch for snap.{sfun}" ret["result"] = False return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"Would have {verb}{pp_suffix} some services." ret["changes"] = {typ + pp_suffix: lst for typ, lst in services.items() if lst} if reload and "restarted" in ret["changes"]: ret["changes"]["reloaded"] = ret["changes"].pop("restarted") return ret errs = {} ret["changes"] = {typ + pp_suffix: [] for typ in services} for typ, lst in services.items(): params = {} if typ == "restart": params["reload"] = reload for serv in lst: try: typ_func[typ](serv, **params) _timer( __salt__["snap.service_running"], serv, check_exp, kwargs.get("timeout", 10), f"Tried to {typ} the snap service, but it is still not {sfun.split('_')[-1]}.", ) ret["changes"][typ + pp_suffix].append(serv) except CommandExecutionError as err: errs[serv] = str(err) if errs: msg = "\n".join(f"{service}: {err}" for service, err in errs.items()) raise CommandExecutionError(f"Encountered some errors:\n{msg}") ret["comment"] = f"{verb}{pp_suffix} some services" except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) for typ in services: lookup = typ + pp_suffix if lookup in ret["changes"] and not ret["changes"][lookup]: ret["changes"].pop(lookup) if reload and "restarted" in ret["changes"]: ret["changes"]["reloaded"] = ret["changes"].pop("restarted") return ret