Source code for saltext.splunk.modules.splunk

Interface with the Splunk API.

.. important::
    This module requires the general :ref:`Splunk setup <splunk-setup>`.

import base64
import hmac
import logging
import subprocess

HAS_LIBS = False
    import splunklib.client
    from splunklib.binding import HTTPError
    from splunklib.client import AuthenticationError

    HAS_LIBS = True
except ImportError:

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "splunk"

SERVICE_NAME = "splunk"


REQUIRED_FIELDS_FOR_CREATE = ["realname", "name", "roles"]

def __virtual__():
    if HAS_LIBS:
        return __virtualname__
    return (
        "The splunk execution module failed to load: "
        "requires splunk python library to be installed.",

def _get_secret_key(profile):
    config = __salt__["config.option"](profile)
    return config.get("password_secret_key")

def _generate_password(email):
    m =
        str([email, SERVICE_NAME]),
    return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(m.digest()).strip().replace("=", "")

def _send_email(name, email):
    "send a email to inform user of account creation"
    config = __salt__["config.option"]("splunk")
    email_object = config.get("email")
    if email_object:
        cc = email_object.get("cc")
        subject = email_object.get("subject")
        message = email_object.get("message").format(name, name, _generate_password(email), name)

            mail_process = subprocess.Popen(
                ["mail", "-s", subject, "-c", cc, email], stdin=subprocess.PIPE
        except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            log.error("unable to send email to %s: %s", email, e)

        with mail_process:
            mail_process.communicate(message)"sent account creation email to %s", email)

def _populate_cache(profile="splunk"):
    config = __salt__["config.option"](profile)

    key = "splunk.users.{}".format(config.get("host"))

    if key not in __context__:
        client = _get_splunk(profile)
        kwargs = {"sort_key": "realname", "sort_dir": "asc"}
        users = client.users.list(count=-1, **kwargs)

        result = {}
        for user in users:
            result[] = user

        __context__[key] = result

    return True

def _get_splunk(profile):
    Return the splunk client, cached into __context__ for performance
    config = __salt__["config.option"](profile)

    key = "splunk.{}:{}:{}:{}".format(

    if key not in __context__:
        __context__[key] = splunklib.client.connect(

    return __context__[key]

[docs] def list_users(profile="splunk"): """ List all users in the splunk DB CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion splunk.list_users """ config = __salt__["config.option"](profile) key = "splunk.users.{}".format(config.get("host")) if key not in __context__: _populate_cache(profile) return __context__[key]
[docs] def get_user(email, profile="splunk", **kwargs): """ Get a splunk user by name/email CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion splunk.get_user '' user_details=false salt myminion splunk.get_user '' user_details=true """ user_map = list_users(profile) user_found = email.lower() in user_map.keys() if not kwargs.get("user_details", False) and user_found: # The user is in splunk group, just return return True elif kwargs.get("user_details", False) and user_found: user = user_map[email.lower()] response = {} for field in ["defaultApp", "realname", "name", "email"]: response[field] = user[field] response["roles"] = [] for role in user.role_entities: response["roles"].append( return response return False
[docs] def create_user(email, profile="splunk", **kwargs): """ create a splunk user by name/email CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion splunk.create_user roles=['user'] realname="Test User" name=testuser """ client = _get_splunk(profile) email = email.lower() user = list_users(profile).get(email) if user: log.error("User is already present %s", email) return False property_map = {} for field in ALLOWED_FIELDS_FOR_MODIFICATION: if kwargs.get(field): property_map[field] = kwargs.get(field) try: # create for req_field in REQUIRED_FIELDS_FOR_CREATE: if not property_map.get(req_field): log.error( "Missing required params %s", ", ".join([str(k) for k in REQUIRED_FIELDS_FOR_CREATE]), ) return False newuser = client.users.create( username=property_map["name"], password=_generate_password(email), roles=property_map["roles"], email=email, realname=property_map["realname"], ) _send_email(, response = {} for field in ["email", "password", "realname", "roles"]: response[field] = newuser[field] except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error("Caught exception %s", e) return False
[docs] def update_user(email, profile="splunk", **kwargs): """ Create a splunk user by email CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion splunk.update_user roles=['user'] realname="Test User" """ _get_splunk(profile) email = email.lower() user = list_users(profile).get(email) if not user: log.error("Failed to retrieve user %s", email) return False property_map = {} for field in ALLOWED_FIELDS_FOR_MODIFICATION: if kwargs.get(field): property_map[field] = kwargs.get(field) # update kwargs = {} roles = [ for role in user.role_entities] for k, v in property_map.items(): resource_value = user[k] if resource_value is not None: # you can't update the username in update api call if k.lower() == "name": continue if k.lower() == "roles": if isinstance(v, str): v = v.split(",") if set(roles) != set(v): kwargs["roles"] = list(set(v)) elif resource_value != v: kwargs[k] = v if kwargs: user.update(**kwargs).refresh() fields_modified = {} for field in ALLOWED_FIELDS_FOR_MODIFICATION: fields_modified[field] = user[field] else: # succeeded, no change return True
[docs] def delete_user(email, profile="splunk"): """ Delete a splunk user by email CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion splunk_user.delete '' """ client = _get_splunk(profile) user = list_users(profile).get(email) if user: try: client.users.delete( except (AuthenticationError, HTTPError) as e:"Exception: %s", e) return False else: return False return not in client.users