Source code for saltext.splunk.modules.splunk_search

Interface with the Splunk search API.

.. important::
    This module requires the general :ref:`Splunk setup <splunk-setup>`.

import logging
import urllib.parse

import salt.utils.yaml
from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict

HAS_LIBS = False
    import requests
    import splunklib.client

    HAS_LIBS = True
except ImportError:

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Don't shadow built-in's.
__func_alias__ = {"list_": "list"}

__virtualname__ = "splunk_search"

def __virtual__():
    if HAS_LIBS:
        return __virtualname__
    return (
        "The splunk_search execution module failed to load: "
        "requires both the requests and the splunk-sdk python library to be installed.",

def _get_splunk(profile):
    Return the splunk client, cached into __context__ for performance
    config = __salt__["config.option"](profile)
    key = "splunk_search.{}:{}:{}:{}".format(
    if key not in __context__:
        __context__[key] = splunklib.client.connect(
    return __context__[key]

def _get_splunk_search_props(search):
    Get splunk search properties from an object
    props = search.content
    props["app"] =
    props["sharing"] = search.access.sharing
    return props

[docs] def get(name, profile="splunk"): """ Get a splunk search CLI Example: splunk_search.get 'my search name' """ client = _get_splunk(profile) search = None # uglyness of splunk lib try: search = client.saved_searches[name] except KeyError: pass return search
[docs] def update(name, profile="splunk", **kwargs): """ Update a splunk search CLI Example: splunk_search.update 'my search name' sharing=app """ client = _get_splunk(profile) search = client.saved_searches[name] props = _get_splunk_search_props(search) updates = kwargs update_needed = False update_set = {} diffs = [] for key in sorted(kwargs): old_value = props.get(key, None) new_value = updates.get(key, None) if isinstance(old_value, str): old_value = old_value.strip() if isinstance(new_value, str): new_value = new_value.strip() if old_value != new_value: update_set[key] = new_value update_needed = True diffs.append(f"{key}: '{old_value}' => '{new_value}'") if update_needed: search.update(**update_set).refresh() return update_set, diffs return False
[docs] def create(name, profile="splunk", **kwargs): """ Create a splunk search CLI Example: splunk_search.create 'my search name' search='error msg' """ client = _get_splunk(profile) search = client.saved_searches.create(name, **kwargs) # use the REST API to set owner and permissions # this is hard-coded for now; all managed searches are app scope and # readable by all config = __salt__["config.option"](profile) url = "https://{}:{}".format(config.get("host"), config.get("port")) auth = (config.get("username"), config.get("password")) data = { "owner": config.get("username"), "sharing": "app", "": "*", } _req_url = "{}/servicesNS/{}/search/saved/searches/{}/acl".format( url, config.get("username"), urllib.parse.quote(name) ), auth=auth, verify=True, data=data, timeout=120) return _get_splunk_search_props(search)
[docs] def delete(name, profile="splunk"): """ Delete a splunk search CLI Example: splunk_search.delete 'my search name' """ client = _get_splunk(profile) try: client.saved_searches.delete(name) return True except KeyError: return None
[docs] def list_(profile="splunk"): """ List splunk searches (names only) CLI Example: splunk_search.list """ client = _get_splunk(profile) searches = [x["name"] for x in client.saved_searches] return searches
[docs] def list_all( prefix=None, app=None, owner=None, description_contains=None, name_not_contains=None, profile="splunk", ): """ Get all splunk search details. Produces results that can be used to create an sls file. if app or owner are specified, results will be limited to matching saved searches. if description_contains is specified, results will be limited to those where "description_contains in description" is true if name_not_contains is specified, results will be limited to those where "name_not_contains not in name" is true. If prefix parameter is given, alarm names in the output will be prepended with the prefix; alarms that have the prefix will be skipped. This can be used to convert existing alarms to be managed by salt, as follows: CLI Example: 1. Make a "backup" of all existing searches $ salt-call splunk_search.list_all --out=txt | sed "s/local: //" > legacy_searches.sls 2. Get all searches with new prefixed names $ salt-call splunk_search.list_all "prefix=**MANAGED BY SALT** " --out=txt | sed "s/local: //" > managed_searches.sls 3. Insert the managed searches into splunk $ salt-call state.sls managed_searches.sls 4. Manually verify that the new searches look right 5. Delete the original searches $ sed s/present/absent/ legacy_searches.sls > remove_legacy_searches.sls $ salt-call state.sls remove_legacy_searches.sls 6. Get all searches again, verify no changes $ salt-call splunk_search.list_all --out=txt | sed "s/local: //" > final_searches.sls $ diff final_searches.sls managed_searches.sls """ client = _get_splunk(profile) # splunklib doesn't provide the default settings for saved searches. # so, in order to get the defaults, we create a search with no # configuration, get that search, and then delete it. We use its contents # as the default settings name = "splunk_search.list_all get defaults" try: client.saved_searches.delete(name) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass search = client.saved_searches.create(name, search="nothing") defaults = dict(search.content) client.saved_searches.delete(name) # stuff that splunk returns but that you should not attempt to set. # cf readonly_keys = ( "triggered_alert_count", "", "action.populate_lookup", "action.rss", "action.script", "action.summary_index", "qualifiedSearch", "next_scheduled_time", ) results = OrderedDict() # sort the splunk searches by name, so we get consistent output searches = sorted((, s) for s in client.saved_searches) for name, search in searches: if app and != app: continue if owner and search.access.owner != owner: continue if name_not_contains and name_not_contains in name: continue if prefix: if name.startswith(prefix): continue name = prefix + name # put name in the OrderedDict first d = [{"name": name}] # add the rest of the splunk settings, ignoring any defaults description = "" for k, v in sorted(search.content.items()): if k in readonly_keys: continue if k.startswith("display."): continue if not v: continue if k in defaults and defaults[k] == v: continue d.append({k: v}) if k == "description": description = v if description_contains and description_contains not in description: continue results["manage splunk search " + name] = {"splunk_search.present": d} return salt.utils.yaml.safe_dump(results, default_flow_style=False, width=120)