Source code for saltext.telegram.beacons.telegram_bot_msg

Beacon to emit Telegram messages.

Configuration example

Include the following in the minion configuration:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - token: "<bot access token>"
        - accept_from:
          - "<valid username>"
        - interval: 10

import logging

import salt.utils.beacons

    import telegram

except ImportError:
    HAS_TELEGRAM = False

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "telegram_bot_msg"

def __virtual__():
        return __virtualname__
    err_msg = "telegram library is missing."
    log.error("Unable to load %s beacon: %s", __virtualname__, err_msg)
    return False, err_msg

[docs] def validate(config): """ Validate the beacon configuration """ if not isinstance(config, list): return False, "Configuration for telegram_bot_msg beacon must be a list." config = salt.utils.beacons.list_to_dict(config) if not all(config.get(required_config) for required_config in ["token", "accept_from"]): return ( False, "Not all required configuration for telegram_bot_msg are set.", ) if not isinstance(config.get("accept_from"), list): return ( False, "Configuration for telegram_bot_msg, accept_from must be a list of usernames.", ) return True, "Valid beacon configuration."
[docs] def beacon(config): """ Emit a dict with a key "msgs" whose value is a list of messages sent to the configured bot by one of the allowed usernames. """ config = salt.utils.beacons.list_to_dict(config) log.debug("telegram_bot_msg beacon starting") ret = [] output = {} output["msgs"] = [] bot = telegram.Bot(config["token"]) updates = bot.get_updates(limit=100, timeout=0) log.debug("Num updates: %d", len(updates)) if not updates: log.debug("Telegram Bot beacon has no new messages") return ret latest_update_id = 0 for update in updates: message = update.message latest_update_id = max(update.update_id, latest_update_id) if in config["accept_from"]: output["msgs"].append(message.to_dict()) # mark in the server that previous messages are processed bot.get_updates(offset=latest_update_id + 1) log.debug("Emitting %d messages.", len(output["msgs"])) if output["msgs"]: ret.append(output) return ret