
Vault-specific cache classes

class saltext.vault.utils.vault.cache.CommonCache(context, cbank, cache_backend=None, ttl=None, flush_exception=None)[source]

Base class that unifies context and other cache backends.

class saltext.vault.utils.vault.cache.VaultCache(context, cbank, ckey, cache_backend=None, ttl=None, flush_exception=None)[source]

Encapsulates session and other cache backends for a single domain like secret path metadata. Uses a single cache key.


Check whether data for this domain exists


Return the cached data for this domain or None


Flush the cache for this domain


Store data for this domain

class saltext.vault.utils.vault.cache.VaultConfigCache(context, cbank, ckey, opts, cache_backend_factory=<function _get_cache_backend>, init_config=None, flush_exception=None)[source]

Handles caching of received configuration


Check if a configuration has been loaded and cached


Return the current cached configuration


Flush all connection-scoped data


Reload cache configuration, then store the new Vault configuration, overwriting the existing one.

class saltext.vault.utils.vault.cache.LeaseCacheMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Mixin for auth and lease cache that checks validity and acts with hydrated objects

class saltext.vault.utils.vault.cache.VaultLeaseCache(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Handles caching of Vault leases. Supports multiple cache keys. Checks whether cached leases are still valid before returning. Does not enforce for per-lease min_ttl.

get(ckey, valid_for=0, flush=True)[source]

Returns valid cached lease data or None. Flushes cache if invalid by default.

store(ckey, value)[source]

Store a lease in cache

exists(ckey, flush=True)[source]

Check whether a named lease exists in cache. Does not filter invalid ones, so fetching a reported one might still return None.


Flush the lease cache or a single lease from the lease cache


List all cached leases. Does not filter invalid ones, so fetching a reported one might still return None.

class saltext.vault.utils.vault.cache.VaultAuthCache(context, cbank, ckey, auth_cls, cache_backend=None, ttl=None, flush_exception=None)[source]

Implements authentication secret-specific caches. Checks whether the cached secrets are still valid before returning.


Check whether data for this domain exists

get(valid_for=0, flush=True)[source]

Returns valid cached auth data or None. Flushes cache if invalid by default.


Store an auth credential in cache. Will overwrite possibly existing one.


Flush the cached auth credentials. If this is a token cache, flushing it will delete the whole session-scoped cache bank.