Source code for saltext.zookeeper.modules.zookeeper

Interface with a Zookeeper service.

.. important::
    This module requires the general :ref:`Zookeeper setup <zookeeper-setup>`.

import salt.utils.stringutils

    import kazoo.client

    HAS_KAZOO = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_KAZOO = False

__virtualname__ = "zookeeper"

def __virtual__():
    if HAS_KAZOO:
        return __virtualname__
    return (False, "Missing dependency: kazoo")

def _get_zk_conn(profile=None, **connection_args):
    if profile:
        prefix = "zookeeper:" + profile
        prefix = "zookeeper"

    def get(key, default=None):
        look in connection_args first, then default to config file
        return connection_args.get(key) or __salt__["config.get"](":".join([prefix, key]), default)

    hosts = get("hosts", "")
    scheme = get("scheme", None)
    username = get("username", None)
    password = get("password", None)
    default_acl = get("default_acl", None)

    if isinstance(hosts, list):
        hosts = ",".join(hosts)

    if username is not None and password is not None and scheme is None:
        scheme = "digest"

    auth_data = None
    if scheme and username and password:
        auth_data = [(scheme, ":".join([username, password]))]

    if default_acl is not None:
        if isinstance(default_acl, list):
            default_acl = [make_digest_acl(**acl) for acl in default_acl]
            default_acl = [make_digest_acl(**default_acl)]

    __context__.setdefault("zkconnection", {}).setdefault(
        profile or hosts,
        kazoo.client.KazooClient(hosts=hosts, default_acl=default_acl, auth_data=auth_data),

    if not __context__["zkconnection"][profile or hosts].connected:
        __context__["zkconnection"][profile or hosts].start()

    return __context__["zkconnection"][profile or hosts]

[docs] def create( path, value="", acls=None, ephemeral=False, sequence=False, makepath=False, profile=None, hosts=None, scheme=None, username=None, password=None, default_acl=None, ): """ Create Znode path path of znode to create value value to assign to znode (Default: '') acls list of acl dictionaries to be assigned (Default: None) ephemeral indicate node is ephemeral (Default: False) sequence indicate node is suffixed with a unique index (Default: False) makepath Create parent paths if they do not exist (Default: False) profile Configured Zookeeper profile to authenticate with (Default: None) hosts Lists of Zookeeper Hosts (Default: ' scheme Scheme to authenticate with (Default: 'digest') username Username to authenticate (Default: None) password Password to authenticate (Default: None) default_acl Default acls to assign if a node is created in this connection (Default: None) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt minion1 zookeeper.create /test/name daniel profile=prod """ if acls is None: acls = [] acls = [make_digest_acl(**acl) for acl in acls] conn = _get_zk_conn( profile=profile, hosts=hosts, scheme=scheme, username=username, password=password, default_acl=default_acl, ) return conn.create( path, salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(value), acls, ephemeral, sequence, makepath, )
[docs] def ensure_path( path, acls=None, profile=None, hosts=None, scheme=None, username=None, password=None, default_acl=None, ): """ Ensure Znode path exists path Parent path to create acls list of acls dictionaries to be assigned (Default: None) profile Configured Zookeeper profile to authenticate with (Default: None) hosts Lists of Zookeeper Hosts (Default: ' scheme Scheme to authenticate with (Default: 'digest') username Username to authenticate (Default: None) password Password to authenticate (Default: None) default_acl Default acls to assign if a node is created in this connection (Default: None) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt minion1 zookeeper.ensure_path /test/name profile=prod """ if acls is None: acls = [] acls = [make_digest_acl(**acl) for acl in acls] conn = _get_zk_conn( profile=profile, hosts=hosts, scheme=scheme, username=username, password=password, default_acl=default_acl, ) return conn.ensure_path(path, acls)
[docs] def exists( path, profile=None, hosts=None, scheme=None, username=None, password=None, default_acl=None, ): """ Check if path exists path path to check profile Configured Zookeeper profile to authenticate with (Default: None) hosts Lists of Zookeeper Hosts (Default: ' scheme Scheme to authenticate with (Default: 'digest') username Username to authenticate (Default: None) password Password to authenticate (Default: None) default_acl Default acls to assign if a node is created in this connection (Default: None) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt minion1 zookeeper.exists /test/name profile=prod """ conn = _get_zk_conn( profile=profile, hosts=hosts, scheme=scheme, username=username, password=password, default_acl=default_acl, ) return bool(conn.exists(path))
[docs] def get( path, profile=None, hosts=None, scheme=None, username=None, password=None, default_acl=None, ): """ Get value saved in znode path path to check profile Configured Zookeeper profile to authenticate with (Default: None) hosts Lists of Zookeeper Hosts (Default: ' scheme Scheme to authenticate with (Default: 'digest') username Username to authenticate (Default: None) password Password to authenticate (Default: None) default_acl Default acls to assign if a node is created in this connection (Default: None) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt minion1 zookeeper.get /test/name profile=prod """ conn = _get_zk_conn( profile=profile, hosts=hosts, scheme=scheme, username=username, password=password, default_acl=default_acl, ) ret, _ = conn.get(path) return salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(ret)
[docs] def get_children( path, profile=None, hosts=None, scheme=None, username=None, password=None, default_acl=None, ): """ Get children in znode path path path to check profile Configured Zookeeper profile to authenticate with (Default: None) hosts Lists of Zookeeper Hosts (Default: ' scheme Scheme to authenticate with (Default: 'digest') username Username to authenticate (Default: None) password Password to authenticate (Default: None) default_acl Default acls to assign if a node is created in this connection (Default: None) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt minion1 zookeeper.get_children /test profile=prod """ conn = _get_zk_conn( profile=profile, hosts=hosts, scheme=scheme, username=username, password=password, default_acl=default_acl, ) ret = conn.get_children(path) return ret or []
[docs] def set( path, value, version=-1, profile=None, hosts=None, scheme=None, username=None, password=None, default_acl=None, ): """ Update znode with new value path znode to update value value to set in znode version only update znode if version matches (Default: -1 (always matches)) profile Configured Zookeeper profile to authenticate with (Default: None) hosts Lists of Zookeeper Hosts (Default: ' scheme Scheme to authenticate with (Default: 'digest') username Username to authenticate (Default: None) password Password to authenticate (Default: None) default_acl Default acls to assign if a node is created in this connection (Default: None) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt minion1 zookeeper.set /test/name gtmanfred profile=prod """ conn = _get_zk_conn( profile=profile, hosts=hosts, scheme=scheme, username=username, password=password, default_acl=default_acl, ) return conn.set(path, salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(value), version=version)
[docs] def get_acls( path, profile=None, hosts=None, scheme=None, username=None, password=None, default_acl=None, ): """ Get acls on a znode path path to znode profile Configured Zookeeper profile to authenticate with (Default: None) hosts Lists of Zookeeper Hosts (Default: ' scheme Scheme to authenticate with (Default: 'digest') username Username to authenticate (Default: None) password Password to authenticate (Default: None) default_acl Default acls to assign if a node is created in this connection (Default: None) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt minion1 zookeeper.get_acls /test/name profile=prod """ conn = _get_zk_conn( profile=profile, hosts=hosts, scheme=scheme, username=username, password=password, default_acl=default_acl, ) return conn.get_acls(path)[0]
[docs] def set_acls( path, acls, version=-1, profile=None, hosts=None, scheme=None, username=None, password=None, default_acl=None, ): """ Set acls on a znode path path to znode acls list of acl dictionaries to set on the znode version only set acls if version matches (Default: -1 (always matches)) profile Configured Zookeeper profile to authenticate with (Default: None) hosts Lists of Zookeeper Hosts (Default: ' scheme Scheme to authenticate with (Default: 'digest') username Username to authenticate (Default: None) password Password to authenticate (Default: None) default_acl Default acls to assign if a node is created in this connection (Default: None) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt minion1 zookeeper.set_acls /test/name acls='[{"username": "gtmanfred", "password": "test", "all": True}]' profile=prod """ conn = _get_zk_conn( profile=profile, hosts=hosts, scheme=scheme, username=username, password=password, default_acl=default_acl, ) if acls is None: acls = [] acls = [make_digest_acl(**acl) for acl in acls] conn = _get_zk_conn( profile=profile, hosts=hosts, scheme=scheme, username=username, password=password, default_acl=default_acl, ) return conn.set_acls(path, acls, version)
[docs] def delete( path, version=-1, recursive=False, profile=None, hosts=None, scheme=None, username=None, password=None, default_acl=None, ): """ Delete znode path path to znode version only delete if version matches (Default: -1 (always matches)) profile Configured Zookeeper profile to authenticate with (Default: None) hosts Lists of Zookeeper Hosts (Default: ' scheme Scheme to authenticate with (Default: 'digest') username Username to authenticate (Default: None) password Password to authenticate (Default: None) default_acl Default acls to assign if a node is created in this connection (Default: None) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt minion1 zookeeper.delete /test/name profile=prod """ conn = _get_zk_conn( profile=profile, hosts=hosts, scheme=scheme, username=username, password=password, default_acl=default_acl, ) return conn.delete(path, version, recursive)
[docs] def make_digest_acl( username, password, read=False, write=False, create=False, delete=False, admin=False, allperms=False, ): """ Generate acl object .. note:: This is heavily used in the zookeeper state and probably is not useful as a cli module username username of acl password plain text password of acl read read acl write write acl create create acl delete delete acl admin admin acl allperms set all other acls to True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt minion1 zookeeper.make_digest_acl username=daniel password=mypass allperms=True """ return username, password, read, write, create, delete, admin, allperms )