Source code for saltext.namecheap.modules.namecheap_domains

Namecheap Domain Management

.. versionadded:: 2017.7.0


This module uses the ``requests`` Python module to communicate to the namecheap


The Namecheap username, API key and URL should be set in the minion configuration
file, or in the Pillar data.

.. code-block:: yaml companyname
    namecheap.key: a1b2c3d4e5f67a8b9c0d1e2f3
    #Real url
    #Sandbox url
    #namecheap.url: https://api.sandbox.namecheap.xml.response

import logging

from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError

from saltext.namecheap.utils import namecheap

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "namecheap_domains"

[docs] def __virtual__(): """ Check to make sure requests and xml are installed and requests """ return __virtualname__
[docs] def reactivate(domain_name): """ Try to reactivate the expired domain name Returns the following information: - Whether or not the domain was reactivated successfully - The amount charged for reactivation - The order ID - The transaction ID CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.reactivate my-domain-name """ opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "") opts["DomainName"] = domain_name response_xml = namecheap.post_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return {} domainreactivateresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainReactivateResult")[0] return namecheap.xml_to_dict(domainreactivateresult)
[docs] def renew(domain_name, years, promotion_code=None): """ Try to renew the specified expiring domain name for a specified number of years domain_name The domain name to be renewed years Number of years to renew Returns the following information: - Whether or not the domain was renewed successfully - The domain ID - The order ID - The transaction ID - The amount charged for renewal CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.renew my-domain-name 5 """ opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "") opts["DomainName"] = domain_name opts["Years"] = years if promotion_code is not None: opts["PromotionCode"] = promotion_code response_xml = namecheap.post_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return {} domainrenewresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainRenewResult")[0] return namecheap.xml_to_dict(domainrenewresult)
[docs] def create(domain_name, years, **kwargs): """ Try to register the specified domain name domain_name The domain name to be registered years Number of years to register Returns the following information: - Whether or not the domain was renewed successfully - Whether or not WhoisGuard is enabled - Whether or not registration is instant - The amount charged for registration - The domain ID - The order ID - The transaction ID CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.create my-domain-name 2 """ idn_codes = ( "afr", "alb", "ara", "arg", "arm", "asm", "ast", "ave", "awa", "aze", "bak", "bal", "ban", "baq", "bas", "bel", "ben", "bho", "bos", "bul", "bur", "car", "cat", "che", "chi", "chv", "cop", "cos", "cze", "dan", "div", "doi", "dut", "eng", "est", "fao", "fij", "fin", "fre", "fry", "geo", "ger", "gla", "gle", "gon", "gre", "guj", "heb", "hin", "hun", "inc", "ind", "inh", "isl", "ita", "jav", "jpn", "kas", "kaz", "khm", "kir", "kor", "kur", "lao", "lav", "lit", "ltz", "mal", "mkd", "mlt", "mol", "mon", "mri", "msa", "nep", "nor", "ori", "oss", "pan", "per", "pol", "por", "pus", "raj", "rum", "rus", "san", "scr", "sin", "slo", "slv", "smo", "snd", "som", "spa", "srd", "srp", "swa", "swe", "syr", "tam", "tel", "tgk", "tha", "tib", "tur", "ukr", "urd", "uzb", "vie", "wel", "yid", ) require_opts = [ "AdminAddress1", "AdminCity", "AdminCountry", "AdminEmailAddress", "AdminFirstName", "AdminLastName", "AdminPhone", "AdminPostalCode", "AdminStateProvince", "AuxBillingAddress1", "AuxBillingCity", "AuxBillingCountry", "AuxBillingEmailAddress", "AuxBillingFirstName", "AuxBillingLastName", "AuxBillingPhone", "AuxBillingPostalCode", "AuxBillingStateProvince", "RegistrantAddress1", "RegistrantCity", "RegistrantCountry", "RegistrantEmailAddress", "RegistrantFirstName", "RegistrantLastName", "RegistrantPhone", "RegistrantPostalCode", "RegistrantStateProvince", "TechAddress1", "TechCity", "TechCountry", "TechEmailAddress", "TechFirstName", "TechLastName", "TechPhone", "TechPostalCode", "TechStateProvince", "Years", ] opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "") opts["DomainName"] = domain_name opts["Years"] = str(years) def add_to_opts(opts_dict, kwargs, value, suffix, prefices): for prefix in prefices: nextkey = prefix + suffix if nextkey not in kwargs: opts_dict[nextkey] = value for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key.startswith("Registrant"): add_to_opts( opts, kwargs, value, key[10:], ["Tech", "Admin", "AuxBilling", "Billing"], ) if key.startswith("Tech"): add_to_opts( opts, kwargs, value, key[4:], ["Registrant", "Admin", "AuxBilling", "Billing"], ) if key.startswith("Admin"): add_to_opts( opts, kwargs, value, key[5:], ["Registrant", "Tech", "AuxBilling", "Billing"], ) if key.startswith("AuxBilling"): add_to_opts( opts, kwargs, value, key[10:], ["Registrant", "Tech", "Admin", "Billing"], ) if key.startswith("Billing"): add_to_opts( opts, kwargs, value, key[7:], ["Registrant", "Tech", "Admin", "AuxBilling"], ) if key == "IdnCode" and key not in idn_codes: log.error("Invalid IdnCode") raise CommandExecutionError("Invalid IdnCode") opts[key] = value for requiredkey in require_opts: if requiredkey not in opts: log.error("Missing required parameter '%s'", requiredkey) raise SaltInvocationError(f"Missing required parameter '{requiredkey}'") response_xml = namecheap.post_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return {} domainresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainCreateResult")[0] return namecheap.atts_to_dict(domainresult)
[docs] def check(*domains_to_check): """ Checks the availability of domains domains_to_check array of strings List of domains to check Returns a dictionary mapping the each domain name to a boolean denoting whether or not it is available. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.check domain-to-check """ opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "") opts["DomainList"] = ",".join(domains_to_check) response_xml = namecheap.get_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return {} domains_checked = {} for result in response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainCheckResult"): available = result.getAttribute("Available") domains_checked[result.getAttribute("Domain").lower()] = namecheap.string_to_value( available ) return domains_checked
[docs] def get_info(domain_name): """ Returns information about the requested domain returns a dictionary of information about the domain_name domain_name string Domain name to get information about CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.get_info my-domain-name """ opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "") opts["DomainName"] = domain_name response_xml = namecheap.get_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return [] domaingetinforesult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainGetInfoResult")[0] return namecheap.xml_to_dict(domaingetinforesult)
[docs] def get_tld_list(): """ Returns a list of TLDs as objects CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.get_tld_list """ opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "") response_xml = namecheap.get_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return [] tldresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("Tlds")[0] tlds = [] for e in tldresult.getElementsByTagName("Tld"): tld = namecheap.atts_to_dict(e) tld["data"] = categories = [] subcategories = e.getElementsByTagName("Categories")[0] for c in subcategories.getElementsByTagName("TldCategory"): categories.append(namecheap.atts_to_dict(c)) tld["categories"] = categories tlds.append(tld) return tlds
[docs] def get_list(list_type=None, search_term=None, page=None, page_size=None, sort_by=None): """ Returns a list of domains for the particular user as a list of objects offset by ``page`` length of ``page_size`` list_type : ALL One of ``ALL``, ``EXPIRING``, ``EXPIRED`` search_term Keyword to look for on the domain list page : 1 Number of result page to return page_size : 20 Number of domains to be listed per page (minimum: ``10``, maximum: ``100``) sort_by One of ``NAME``, ``NAME_DESC``, ``EXPIREDATE``, ``EXPIREDATE_DESC``, ``CREATEDATE``, or ``CREATEDATE_DESC`` CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.get_list """ opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "") if list_type is not None: if list_type not in ["ALL", "EXPIRING", "EXPIRED"]: log.error("Invalid option for list_type") raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid option for list_type") opts["ListType"] = list_type if search_term is not None: if len(search_term) > 70: log.warning("search_term trimmed to first 70 characters") search_term = search_term[0:70] opts["SearchTerm"] = search_term if page is not None: opts["Page"] = page if page_size is not None: if page_size > 100 or page_size < 10: log.error("Invalid option for page") raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid option for page") opts["PageSize"] = page_size if sort_by is not None: if sort_by not in [ "NAME", "NAME_DESC", "EXPIREDATE", "EXPIREDATE_DESC", "CREATEDATE", "CREATEDATE_DESC", ]: log.error("Invalid option for sort_by") raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid option for sort_by") opts["SortBy"] = sort_by response_xml = namecheap.get_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return [] domainresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainGetListResult")[0] domains = [] for d in domainresult.getElementsByTagName("Domain"): domains.append(namecheap.atts_to_dict(d)) return domains