Namecheap Domain Management
Added in version 2017.7.0.
This module uses the requests
Python module to communicate to the namecheap
The Namecheap username, API key and URL should be set in the minion configuration file, or in the Pillar data. companyname
namecheap.key: a1b2c3d4e5f67a8b9c0d1e2f3
#Real url
#Sandbox url
#namecheap.url: https://api.sandbox.namecheap.xml.response
- saltext.namecheap.modules.namecheap_domains.__virtual__()[source]¶
Check to make sure requests and xml are installed and requests
- saltext.namecheap.modules.namecheap_domains.reactivate(domain_name)[source]¶
Try to reactivate the expired domain name
Returns the following information:
Whether or not the domain was reactivated successfully
The amount charged for reactivation
The order ID
The transaction ID
CLI Example:
salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.reactivate my-domain-name
- saltext.namecheap.modules.namecheap_domains.renew(domain_name, years, promotion_code=None)[source]¶
Try to renew the specified expiring domain name for a specified number of years
- domain_name
The domain name to be renewed
- years
Number of years to renew
Returns the following information:
Whether or not the domain was renewed successfully
The domain ID
The order ID
The transaction ID
The amount charged for renewal
CLI Example:
salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.renew my-domain-name 5
- saltext.namecheap.modules.namecheap_domains.create(domain_name, years, **kwargs)[source]¶
Try to register the specified domain name
- domain_name
The domain name to be registered
- years
Number of years to register
Returns the following information:
Whether or not the domain was renewed successfully
Whether or not WhoisGuard is enabled
Whether or not registration is instant
The amount charged for registration
The domain ID
The order ID
The transaction ID
CLI Example:
salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.create my-domain-name 2
- saltext.namecheap.modules.namecheap_domains.check(*domains_to_check)[source]¶
Checks the availability of domains
- domains_to_check
array of strings List of domains to check
Returns a dictionary mapping the each domain name to a boolean denoting whether or not it is available.
CLI Example:
salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.check domain-to-check
- saltext.namecheap.modules.namecheap_domains.get_info(domain_name)[source]¶
Returns information about the requested domain
returns a dictionary of information about the domain_name
- domain_name
string Domain name to get information about
CLI Example:
salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.get_info my-domain-name
- saltext.namecheap.modules.namecheap_domains.get_tld_list()[source]¶
Returns a list of TLDs as objects
CLI Example:
salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.get_tld_list
- saltext.namecheap.modules.namecheap_domains.get_list(list_type=None, search_term=None, page=None, page_size=None, sort_by=None)[source]¶
Returns a list of domains for the particular user as a list of objects offset by
length ofpage_size
- list_typeALL
One of
- search_term
Keyword to look for on the domain list
- page1
Number of result page to return
- page_size20
Number of domains to be listed per page (minimum:
, maximum:100
)- sort_by
One of
CLI Example:
salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.get_list