Source code for saltext.namecheap.modules.namecheap_ssl

Namecheap SSL Certificate Management

.. versionadded:: 2017.7.0


This module uses the ``requests`` Python module to communicate to the namecheap


The Namecheap username, API key and URL should be set in the minion configuration
file, or in the Pillar data.

.. code-block:: yaml companyname
    namecheap.key: a1b2c3d4e5f67a8b9c0d1e2f3
    #Real url
    #Sandbox url
    #namecheap.url: https://api.sandbox.namecheap.xml.response

import logging

import salt.utils.files
import salt.utils.stringutils
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError

from saltext.namecheap.utils import namecheap

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "namecheap_ssl"

[docs] def __virtual__(): """ Check to make sure requests and xml are installed and requests """ return __virtualname__
[docs] def reissue( csr_file, certificate_id, web_server_type, approver_email=None, http_dc_validation=False, **kwargs, ): """ Reissues a purchased SSL certificate. Returns a dictionary of result values. csr_file Path to Certificate Signing Request file certificate_id Unique ID of the SSL certificate you wish to activate web_server_type The type of certificate format to return. Possible values include: - apache2 - apacheapachessl - apacheopenssl - apacheraven - apachessl - apachessleay - c2net - cobaltseries - cpanel - domino - dominogo4625 - dominogo4626 - ensim - hsphere - ibmhttp - iis - iis4 - iis5 - iplanet - ipswitch - netscape - other - plesk - tomcat - weblogic - website - webstar - zeusv3 approver_email The email ID which is on the approver email list. .. note:: ``http_dc_validation`` must be set to ``False`` if this option is used. http_dc_validation : False Whether or not to activate using HTTP-based validation. .. note:: For other parameters which may be required, see here__. .. __: CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_ssl.reissue my-csr-file my-cert-id apachessl """ return __get_certificates( "namecheap.ssl.reissue", "SSLReissueResult", csr_file, certificate_id, web_server_type, approver_email, http_dc_validation, kwargs, )
[docs] def activate( csr_file, certificate_id, web_server_type, approver_email=None, http_dc_validation=False, **kwargs, ): """ Activates a newly-purchased SSL certificate. Returns a dictionary of result values. csr_file Path to Certificate Signing Request file certificate_id Unique ID of the SSL certificate you wish to activate web_server_type The type of certificate format to return. Possible values include: - apache2 - apacheapachessl - apacheopenssl - apacheraven - apachessl - apachessleay - c2net - cobaltseries - cpanel - domino - dominogo4625 - dominogo4626 - ensim - hsphere - ibmhttp - iis - iis4 - iis5 - iplanet - ipswitch - netscape - other - plesk - tomcat - weblogic - website - webstar - zeusv3 approver_email The email ID which is on the approver email list. .. note:: ``http_dc_validation`` must be set to ``False`` if this option is used. http_dc_validation : False Whether or not to activate using HTTP-based validation. .. note:: For other parameters which may be required, see here__. .. __: CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_ssl.activate my-csr-file my-cert-id apachessl """ return __get_certificates( "namecheap.ssl.activate", "SSLActivateResult", csr_file, certificate_id, web_server_type, approver_email, http_dc_validation, kwargs, )
def __get_certificates( command, result_tag_name, csr_file, certificate_id, web_server_type, approver_email, http_dc_validation, kwargs, ): web_server_types = ( "apacheopenssl", "apachessl", "apacheraven", "apachessleay", "c2net", "ibmhttp", "iplanet", "domino", "dominogo4625", "dominogo4626", "netscape", "zeusv3", "apache2", "apacheapachessl", "cobaltseries", "cpanel", "ensim", "hsphere", "ipswitch", "plesk", "tomcat", "weblogic", "website", "webstar", "iis", "other", "iis4", "iis5", ) if web_server_type not in web_server_types: log.error("Invalid option for web_server_type=%s", web_server_type) raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid option for web_server_type=" + web_server_type) if approver_email is not None and http_dc_validation: log.error("approver_email and http_dc_validation cannot both have values") raise SaltInvocationError("approver_email and http_dc_validation cannot both have values") if approver_email is None and not http_dc_validation: log.error("approver_email or http_dc_validation must have a value") raise SaltInvocationError("approver_email or http_dc_validation must have a value") opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], command) with salt.utils.files.fopen(csr_file, "rb") as csr_handle: opts["csr"] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode( opts["CertificateID"] = certificate_id opts["WebServerType"] = web_server_type if approver_email is not None: opts["ApproverEmail"] = approver_email if http_dc_validation: opts["HTTPDCValidation"] = "True" for key, value in kwargs.items(): opts[key] = value response_xml = namecheap.post_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return {} sslresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName(result_tag_name)[0] result = namecheap.atts_to_dict(sslresult) if http_dc_validation: validation_tag = sslresult.getElementsByTagName("HttpDCValidation") if validation_tag: validation_tag = validation_tag[0] if validation_tag.getAttribute("ValueAvailable").lower() == "true": validation_dict = { "filename": validation_tag.getElementsByTagName("FileName")[0] .childNodes[0] .data, "filecontent": validation_tag.getElementsByTagName("FileContent")[0] .childNodes[0] .data, } result["httpdcvalidation"] = validation_dict return result
[docs] def renew(years, certificate_id, certificate_type, promotion_code=None): """ Renews an SSL certificate if it is ACTIVE and Expires <= 30 days. Returns the following information: - The certificate ID - The order ID - The transaction ID - The amount charged for the order years : 1 Number of years to register certificate_id Unique ID of the SSL certificate you wish to renew certificate_type Type of SSL Certificate. Possible values include: - EV Multi Domain SSL - EV SSL - EV SSL SGC - EssentialSSL - EssentialSSL Wildcard - InstantSSL - InstantSSL Pro - Multi Domain SSL - PositiveSSL - PositiveSSL Multi Domain - PositiveSSL Wildcard - PremiumSSL - PremiumSSL Wildcard - QuickSSL Premium - RapidSSL - RapidSSL Wildcard - SGC Supercert - SSL Web Server - SSL Webserver EV - SSL123 - Secure Site - Secure Site Pro - Secure Site Pro with EV - Secure Site with EV - True BusinessID - True BusinessID Multi Domain - True BusinessID Wildcard - True BusinessID with EV - True BusinessID with EV Multi Domain - Unified Communications promotional_code An optional promo code to use when renewing the certificate CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_ssl.renew 1 my-cert-id RapidSSL """ valid_certs = ( "QuickSSL Premium", "RapidSSL", "RapidSSL Wildcard", "PremiumSSL", "InstantSSL", "PositiveSSL", "PositiveSSL Wildcard", "True BusinessID with EV", "True BusinessID", "True BusinessID Wildcard", "True BusinessID Multi Domain", "True BusinessID with EV Multi Domain", "Secure Site", "Secure Site Pro", "Secure Site with EV", "Secure Site Pro with EV", "EssentialSSL", "EssentialSSL Wildcard", "InstantSSL Pro", "PremiumSSL Wildcard", "EV SSL", "EV SSL SGC", "SSL123", "SSL Web Server", "SGC Supercert", "SSL Webserver EV", "EV Multi Domain SSL", "Multi Domain SSL", "PositiveSSL Multi Domain", "Unified Communications", ) if certificate_type not in valid_certs: log.error("Invalid option for certificate_type=%s", certificate_type) raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid option for certificate_type=" + certificate_type) if years < 1 or years > 5: log.error("Invalid option for years=%s", str(years)) raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid option for years=" + str(years)) opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "namecheap.ssl.renew") opts["Years"] = str(years) opts["CertificateID"] = str(certificate_id) opts["SSLType"] = certificate_type if promotion_code is not None: opts["PromotionCode"] = promotion_code response_xml = namecheap.post_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return {} sslrenewresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("SSLRenewResult")[0] return namecheap.atts_to_dict(sslrenewresult)
[docs] def create(years, certificate_type, promotion_code=None, sans_to_add=None): """ Creates a new SSL certificate. Returns the following information: - Whether or not the SSL order was successful - The certificate ID - The order ID - The transaction ID - The amount charged for the order - The date on which the certificate was created - The date on which the certificate will expire - The type of SSL certificate - The number of years for which the certificate was purchased - The current status of the SSL certificate years : 1 Number of years to register certificate_type Type of SSL Certificate. Possible values include: - EV Multi Domain SSL - EV SSL - EV SSL SGC - EssentialSSL - EssentialSSL Wildcard - InstantSSL - InstantSSL Pro - Multi Domain SSL - PositiveSSL - PositiveSSL Multi Domain - PositiveSSL Wildcard - PremiumSSL - PremiumSSL Wildcard - QuickSSL Premium - RapidSSL - RapidSSL Wildcard - SGC Supercert - SSL Web Server - SSL Webserver EV - SSL123 - Secure Site - Secure Site Pro - Secure Site Pro with EV - Secure Site with EV - True BusinessID - True BusinessID Multi Domain - True BusinessID Wildcard - True BusinessID with EV - True BusinessID with EV Multi Domain - Unified Communications promotional_code An optional promo code to use when creating the certificate sans_to_add : 0 This parameter defines the number of add-on domains to be purchased in addition to the default number of domains included with a multi-domain certificate. Each certificate that supports SANs has the default number of domains included. You may check the default number of domains included and the maximum number of domains that can be added to it in the table below. +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Provider | Product name | Default number of | Maximum number of | Maximum number | | | | domains (domain from | total domains | of domains | | | | CSR is counted here) | | that can be | | | | | | passed in | | | | | | sans_to_add | | | | | | parameter | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Comodo | PositiveSSL | 3 | 100 | 97 | | | Multi-Domain | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Comodo | Multi-Domain | 3 | 100 | 97 | | | SSL | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Comodo | EV Multi- | 3 | 100 | 97 | | | Domain SSL | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Comodo | Unified | 3 | 100 | 97 | | | Communications | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | GeoTrust | QuickSSL | 1 | 1 domain + | The only | | | Premium | | 4 subdomains | supported | | | | | | value is 4 | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | GeoTrust | True | 5 | 25 | 20 | | | BusinessID | | | | | | with EV | | | | | | Multi-Domain | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | GeoTrust | True Business | 5 | 25 | 20 | | | ID Multi- | | | | | | Domain | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Thawte | SSL Web | 1 | 25 | 24 | | | Server | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Thawte | SSL Web | 1 | 25 | 24 | | | Server with | | | | | | EV | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Thawte | SGC Supercerts | 1 | 25 | 24 | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Symantec | Secure Site | 1 | 25 | 24 | | | Pro with EV | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Symantec | Secure Site | 1 | 25 | 24 | | | with EV | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Symantec | Secure Site | 1 | 25 | 24 | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ | Symantec | Secure Site | 1 | 25 | 24 | | | Pro | | | | +----------+----------------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+ CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_ssl.create 2 RapidSSL """ valid_certs = ( "QuickSSL Premium", "RapidSSL", "RapidSSL Wildcard", "PremiumSSL", "InstantSSL", "PositiveSSL", "PositiveSSL Wildcard", "True BusinessID with EV", "True BusinessID", "True BusinessID Wildcard", "True BusinessID Multi Domain", "True BusinessID with EV Multi Domain", "Secure Site", "Secure Site Pro", "Secure Site with EV", "Secure Site Pro with EV", "EssentialSSL", "EssentialSSL Wildcard", "InstantSSL Pro", "PremiumSSL Wildcard", "EV SSL", "EV SSL SGC", "SSL123", "SSL Web Server", "SGC Supercert", "SSL Webserver EV", "EV Multi Domain SSL", "Multi Domain SSL", "PositiveSSL Multi Domain", "Unified Communications", ) if certificate_type not in valid_certs: log.error("Invalid option for certificate_type=%s", certificate_type) raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid option for certificate_type=" + certificate_type) if years < 1 or years > 5: log.error("Invalid option for years=%s", str(years)) raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid option for years=" + str(years)) opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "namecheap.ssl.create") opts["Years"] = years opts["Type"] = certificate_type if promotion_code is not None: opts["PromotionCode"] = promotion_code if sans_to_add is not None: opts["SANStoADD"] = sans_to_add response_xml = namecheap.post_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return {} sslcreateresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("SSLCreateResult")[0] sslcertinfo = sslcreateresult.getElementsByTagName("SSLCertificate")[0] result = namecheap.atts_to_dict(sslcreateresult) result.update(namecheap.atts_to_dict(sslcertinfo)) return result
[docs] def parse_csr(csr_file, certificate_type, http_dc_validation=False): """ Parses the CSR. Returns a dictionary of result values. csr_file Path to Certificate Signing Request file certificate_type Type of SSL Certificate. Possible values include: - EV Multi Domain SSL - EV SSL - EV SSL SGC - EssentialSSL - EssentialSSL Wildcard - InstantSSL - InstantSSL Pro - Multi Domain SSL - PositiveSSL - PositiveSSL Multi Domain - PositiveSSL Wildcard - PremiumSSL - PremiumSSL Wildcard - QuickSSL Premium - RapidSSL - RapidSSL Wildcard - SGC Supercert - SSL Web Server - SSL Webserver EV - SSL123 - Secure Site - Secure Site Pro - Secure Site Pro with EV - Secure Site with EV - True BusinessID - True BusinessID Multi Domain - True BusinessID Wildcard - True BusinessID with EV - True BusinessID with EV Multi Domain - Unified Communications http_dc_validation : False Set to ``True`` if a Comodo certificate and validation should be done with files instead of emails and to return the info to do so CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_ssl.parse_csr my-csr-file PremiumSSL """ valid_certs = ( "QuickSSL Premium", "RapidSSL", "RapidSSL Wildcard", "PremiumSSL", "InstantSSL", "PositiveSSL", "PositiveSSL Wildcard", "True BusinessID with EV", "True BusinessID", "True BusinessID Wildcard", "True BusinessID Multi Domain", "True BusinessID with EV Multi Domain", "Secure Site", "Secure Site Pro", "Secure Site with EV", "Secure Site Pro with EV", "EssentialSSL", "EssentialSSL Wildcard", "InstantSSL Pro", "PremiumSSL Wildcard", "EV SSL", "EV SSL SGC", "SSL123", "SSL Web Server", "SGC Supercert", "SSL Webserver EV", "EV Multi Domain SSL", "Multi Domain SSL", "PositiveSSL Multi Domain", "Unified Communications", ) if certificate_type not in valid_certs: log.error("Invalid option for certificate_type=%s", certificate_type) raise SaltInvocationError("Invalid option for certificate_type=" + certificate_type) opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "namecheap.ssl.parseCSR") with salt.utils.files.fopen(csr_file, "rb") as csr_handle: opts["csr"] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode( opts["CertificateType"] = certificate_type if http_dc_validation: opts["HTTPDCValidation"] = "true" response_xml = namecheap.post_request(url, opts) sslparseresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("SSLParseCSRResult")[0] return namecheap.xml_to_dict(sslparseresult)
[docs] def get_list(**kwargs): """ Returns a list of SSL certificates for a particular user ListType : All Possible values: - All - Processing - EmailSent - TechnicalProblem - InProgress - Completed - Deactivated - Active - Cancelled - NewPurchase - NewRenewal SearchTerm Keyword to look for on the SSL list Page : 1 Page number to return PageSize : 20 Total number of SSL certificates to display per page (minimum: ``10``, maximum: ``100``) SoryBy One of ``PURCHASEDATE``, ``PURCHASEDATE_DESC``, ``SSLTYPE``, ``SSLTYPE_DESC``, ``EXPIREDATETIME``, ``EXPIREDATETIME_DESC``, ``Host_Name``, or ``Host_Name_DESC`` CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_ssl.get_list Processing """ opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "namecheap.ssl.getList") for key, value in kwargs.items(): opts[key] = value response_xml = namecheap.get_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return [] ssllistresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("SSLListResult")[0] result = [] for e in ssllistresult.getElementsByTagName("SSL"): ssl = namecheap.atts_to_dict(e) result.append(ssl) return result
[docs] def get_info(certificate_id, returncertificate=False, returntype=None): """ Retrieves information about the requested SSL certificate. Returns a dictionary of information about the SSL certificate with two keys: - **ssl** - Contains the metadata information - **certificate** - Contains the details for the certificate such as the CSR, Approver, and certificate data certificate_id Unique ID of the SSL certificate returncertificate : False Set to ``True`` to ask for the certificate in response returntype Optional type for the returned certificate. Can be either "Individual" (for X.509 format) or "PKCS7" .. note:: Required if ``returncertificate`` is ``True`` CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_ssl.get_info my-cert-id """ opts, url = namecheap.get_opts(__salt__["config.option"], "namecheap.ssl.getinfo") opts["certificateID"] = certificate_id if returncertificate: opts["returncertificate"] = "true" if returntype is None: log.error("returntype must be specified when returncertificate is set to True") raise SaltInvocationError( "returntype must be specified when returncertificate is set to True" ) if returntype not in ["Individual", "PKCS7"]: log.error( "returntype must be specified as Individual or PKCS7, not %s", returntype, ) raise SaltInvocationError( "returntype must be specified as Individual or PKCS7, not " + returntype ) opts["returntype"] = returntype response_xml = namecheap.get_request(url, opts) if response_xml is None: return {} sslinforesult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("SSLGetInfoResult")[0] return namecheap.xml_to_dict(sslinforesult)