Source code for saltext.vault.states.vault_pki

Manage the Vault PKI secret engine and Vault-issued X.509 certificates.

.. versionadded:: 1.1.0

.. important::
    This module requires the general :ref:`Vault setup <vault-setup>`.

import base64
import logging
import os

import salt.utils.files
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError

from saltext.vault.utils.vault.helpers import filter_state_internal_kwargs
from saltext.vault.utils.vault.helpers import timestring_map
from saltext.vault.utils.vault.pki import check_cert_for_changes

    import salt.utils.x509 as x509util

except ImportError:

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "vault_pki"

def __virtual__():
    if "x509.encode_certificate" not in __salt__:
        return (
            "x509_v2 needs to be explicitly enabled by setting `x509_v2: true` "
            "in the minion configuration value `features` until Salt 3008 (Argon).",
        return (False, "Could not load cryptography")
    return __virtualname__


[docs] def certificate_managed( name, common_name, role_name, private_key, mount="pki", ttl="720h", ttl_remaining="168h", issuer_ref=None, encoding="pem", append_ca_chain=False, sign_verbatim=False, private_key_passphrase=None, reissue=False, **kwargs, ): """ Ensure an X.509 certificate is present as specified. .. note:: The state can use ``sign-verbatim`` endpoint of Vault in which case CSR subject is fully translated. If not used, anything from CSR subject, except CN is ignored. Check `this issue <>`__ for more information. Required policy: .. code-block:: vaultpolicy # Need to read the role configuration in case of missing issuer_ref path "{mount}/roles/*" { capabilities = ["read"] } path "{mount}/issuer/{issuer_ref}/sign/{role_name}" { capabilities = ["update"] } # in case of sign_verbatim path "{mount}/issuer/{issuer_ref}/sign-verbatim/{role_name}" { capabilities = ["update"] } name Path to the certificate file. common_name Common name to be set for the certificate. role_name PKI role to be used for issuing the certificate from Vault. private_key Path or PEM formatted text of the private key used to sign CSR for the certificate. mount The mount path the PKI backend is mounted to. Defaults to ``pki``. ttl Specifies the Time To Live value to be used for the validity period of the requested certificate, provided as a string duration with time suffix. Hour is the largest suffix. Defaults to ``720h`` or 30 days. ttl_remaining Specifies the Time To Live value to be used for checking remaining period before expiration after which certificate should be renewed. Provided as a string duration with time suffix. Hour is the largest suffix. Defaults to ``168h`` or 7 days. issuer_ref Override role's issuer for the certificate. Defaults to the one specified in the role. encoding Encoding to be used for the certificate file. Valid options are ``pem``, ``pkcs7_pem``, ``der``, ``pkcs7_der``. Defaults to ``pem``. append_ca_chain If set to true will append CA chain to the certificate. Defaults to ``false``. .. note:: This will append all CA certificates except self-signed (as they shouldn't be in the chain anyway)! sign_verbatim If set to true, the resulting certificate follows the CSR exactly. Otherwise, only ``CN`` can be set for the subject, any other subject parameters (like ``O``) are ignored. .. warning:: This option is using a potentially dangerous endpoint. Be careful when using that option, as roles are not restricting what can be issued anymore. private_key_passphrase Password for the private key if encrypted. reissue Always reissue the certificate. Defaults to ``false``. kwargs Any other parameter accepted by ``file_managed`` execution module or Vault PKI :obj:`sign_certificate <saltext.vault.modules.vault_pki.sign_certificate>` execution module. """ ret = { "name": name, "changes": {}, "result": True, "comment": "The certificate is in the correct state", } changes = {} ca_chain = [] verb = "create" file_args, cert_args = _split_file_kwargs(filter_state_internal_kwargs(kwargs)) try: if encoding not in ["der", "pem", "pkcs7_der", "pkcs7_pem"]: raise SaltInvocationError( f"Invalid value '{encoding}' for encoding. Valid: der, pem, pkcs7_der, pkcs7_pem" ) if timestring_map(ttl_remaining, cast=int) >= timestring_map(ttl, cast=int): raise SaltInvocationError("The ttl_remaning cannot be larger or equal to ttl.") # check file.managed changes early to avoid using unnecessary resources file_managed_test = _file_managed(name, test=True, replace=False, **file_args) if file_managed_test["result"] is False: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Problem while testing file.managed changes, see its output" _add_sub_state_run(ret, file_managed_test) return ret if "is not present and is not set for creation" in file_managed_test["comment"]: _add_sub_state_run(ret, file_managed_test) return ret # handle follow_symlinks if __salt__["file.is_link"](name): if file_args.get("follow_symlinks", True): name = os.path.realpath(name) else: # workaround __salt__["file.remove"](name) changes["replaced"] = True replace = False file_exists = __salt__["file.file_exists"](name) if issuer_ref is None: issuer_ref = __salt__["vault_pki.read_role"](role_name, mount=mount)["issuer_ref"] if issuer_ref is None: raise CommandExecutionError(f"role {role_name} does not exists.") issuer_info = __salt__["vault_pki.read_issuer"](issuer_ref, mount=mount) if append_ca_chain: ca_chain = [x509util.load_cert(x) for x in issuer_info["ca_chain"]] if file_exists: if reissue: # No need to make any checks, just replace the cert changes["replaced"] = True else: changes = check_cert_for_changes( current=name, append_chain=ca_chain, common_name=common_name, encoding=encoding, issuer=issuer_info["certificate"], private_key=private_key, private_key_passphrase=private_key_passphrase, common_name_only=not sign_verbatim, expire_tolerance=ttl_remaining, **cert_args, ) else: changes["created"] = True if not changes and file_managed_test["result"] and not file_managed_test["changes"]: _add_sub_state_run(ret, file_managed_test) return ret ret["changes"] = changes if changes and file_exists: verb = "reissue" if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None if changes else True ret["comment"] = ( f"The certificate would have been {verb}d" if changes else ret["comment"] ) _add_sub_state_run(ret, file_managed_test) return ret if changes: if not set(changes) - { "ca_chain", "encoding", }: verb = "recreate" cert = __salt__["x509.encode_certificate"]( name, append_certs=ca_chain, encoding=encoding, ) else: issued_cert = __salt__["vault_pki.sign_certificate"]( common_name=common_name, role_name=role_name, private_key=private_key, private_key_passphrase=private_key_passphrase, ttl=ttl, issuer_ref=issuer_ref, mount=mount, sign_verbatim=sign_verbatim, remove_roots_from_chain=False, **cert_args, ) cert = __salt__["x509.encode_certificate"]( issued_cert["certificate"], append_certs=ca_chain if encoding in ["pem", "pkcs7_pem"] else [], encoding=encoding, ) ret["comment"] = f"The certificate has been {verb}d" if encoding not in ["pem", "pkcs7_pem"]: # file.managed does not support binary contents, so create # an empty file first (makedirs). This will not work with check_cmd! file_managed_ret = _file_managed(name, replace=False, **file_args) _add_sub_state_run(ret, file_managed_ret) if not _check_file_ret(file_managed_ret, ret, name): return ret _safe_atomic_write(name, base64.b64decode(cert), file_args.get("backup", "")) if not changes or encoding in ["pem", "pkcs7_pem"]: replace = bool(encoding in ["pem", "pkcs7_pem"] and changes) contents = cert if replace else None file_managed_ret = _file_managed(name, contents=contents, replace=replace, **file_args) _add_sub_state_run(ret, file_managed_ret) if not _check_file_ret(file_managed_ret, ret, file_exists): return ret except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) ret["changes"] = {} return ret
[docs] def role_managed(name, mount="pki", issuer_ref=None, ttl=None, max_ttl=None, **kwargs): """ Ensures PKI role is present and configured as required. name The name of the role. mount The mount path the PKI backend is mounted to. Defaults to ``pki``. issuer_ref Issuer reference for the role. Can be name, id or literal ``default``. ttl Specifies the Time To Live value to be used for the validity period of the requested certificate, provided as a string duration with time suffix. Hour is the largest suffix. The value specified is strictly used for future validity. If not set, uses the system default value or the value of ``max_ttl``, whichever is shorter. max_ttl Specifies the maximum Time To Live provided as a string duration with time suffix. Hour is the largest suffix. If not set, defaults to the system maximum lease TTL. kwargs Any other parameter accepted by Vault :obj:`write_role <saltext.vault.modules.vault_pki.write_role>` execution module or Vault update role API method. """ ret = { "name": name, "result": True, "comment": "The role is present as specified", "changes": {}, } kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if not k.startswith("_")} def _diff_params(current): nonlocal issuer_ref, ttl, max_ttl, kwargs diff_params = ( ("issuer_ref", issuer_ref), ("ttl", timestring_map(ttl, cast=int)), ("max_ttl", timestring_map(max_ttl, cast=int)), ) changed = {} for param, arg in diff_params: if arg is None: continue if current[param] != arg: changed.update( { param: { "old": current.get(param), "new": arg, } } ) for param, arg in kwargs.items(): if param in current and current[param] != arg: changed.update( { param: { "old": current.get(param), "new": arg, } } ) return changed changes = {} try: current = __salt__["vault_pki.read_role"](name, mount=mount) if current: changes = _diff_params(current) if not changes: return ret ret["changes"].update(changes) if not current: ret["changes"]["created"] = name if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = ( f"PKI role `{name}` would have been {'updated' if current else 'created'}" ) return ret __salt__["vault_pki.write_role"]( name=name, mount=mount, issuer_ref=issuer_ref, ttl=ttl, max_ttl=max_ttl, **kwargs ) ret["comment"] = f"PKI role `{name}` has been {'updated' if current else 'created'}" except (CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError) as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) ret["changes"] = {} return ret
[docs] def role_absent(name, mount="pki"): """ Ensure PKI role is absent. name The name of the role. mount The mount path the PKI backend is mounted to. Defaults to ``pki``. """ ret = { "name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}, } try: current = __salt__["vault_pki.read_role"](name, mount=mount) if current is None: ret["comment"] = f"Role `{name}` is already absent." return ret ret["changes"]["deleted"] = name if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] = f"PKI role `{name}` would have been deleted" return ret __salt__["vault_pki.delete_role"](name, mount=mount) ret["comment"] = f"Connection `{name}` has been deleted." except CommandExecutionError as err: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = str(err) ret["changes"] = {} return ret
def _split_file_kwargs(kwargs): file_args = {"show_changes": False} extra_args = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in VALID_FILE_ARGS: file_args[k] = v else: extra_args[k] = v if "file_encoding" in file_args: file_args["encoding"] = file_args.pop("file_encoding") return file_args, extra_args def _add_sub_state_run(ret, sub): sub["low"] = { "name": ret["name"], "state": "file", "__id__": __low__["__id__"], "fun": "managed", } if "sub_state_run" not in ret: ret["sub_state_run"] = [] ret["sub_state_run"].append(sub) def _file_managed(name, test=None, **kwargs): if test not in [None, True]: raise SaltInvocationError("test param can only be None or True") # work around test = test or __opts__["test"] res = __salt__["state.single"]("file.managed", name, test=test, **kwargs) return res[next(iter(res))] def _safe_atomic_write(dst, data, backup): """ Create a temporary file with only user r/w perms and atomically copy it to the destination, honoring ``backup``. """ tmp = salt.utils.files.mkstemp(prefix=salt.utils.files.TEMPFILE_PREFIX) with salt.utils.files.fopen(tmp, "wb") as tmp_: tmp_.write(data) salt.utils.files.copyfile( tmp, dst, __salt__["config.backup_mode"](backup), __opts__["cachedir"] ) salt.utils.files.safe_rm(tmp) def _check_file_ret(fret, ret, current): if fret["result"] is False: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = ( f"Could not {'create' if not current else 'update'} file, see file.managed output" ) ret["changes"] = {} return False return True