Source code for saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix

Support for Zabbix

:optdepends:    - zabbix server

:configuration: This module is not usable until the zabbix user and zabbix password are specified either in a pillar
    or in the minion's config file. Zabbix url should be also specified.

    .. code-block:: yaml

        zabbix.user: Admin
        zabbix.password: mypassword

    Connection arguments from the minion config file can be overridden on the CLI by using arguments with
    ``_connection_`` prefix.

    .. code-block:: bash

        zabbix.apiinfo_version _connection_user=Admin _connection_password=zabbix _connection_url=http://host/zabbix/

:codeauthor: Jiri Kotlin <>

import logging
import os
import socket
import urllib.error

import salt.utils.files
import salt.utils.http
import salt.utils.json
from salt.exceptions import SaltException
from salt.utils.versions import Version

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

INTERFACE_DEFAULT_PORTS = [10050, 161, 623, 12345]


# Zabbix object and its ID name mapping
    "action": "actionid",
    "alert": "alertid",
    "application": "applicationid",
    "dhost": "dhostid",
    "dservice": "dserviceid",
    "dcheck": "dcheckid",
    "drule": "druleid",
    "event": "eventid",
    "graph": "graphid",
    "graphitem": "gitemid",
    "graphprototype": "graphid",
    "history": "itemid",
    "host": "hostid",
    "hostgroup": "groupid",
    "hostinterface": "interfaceid",
    "hostprototype": "hostid",
    "iconmap": "iconmapid",
    "image": "imageid",
    "item": "itemid",
    "itemprototype": "itemid",
    "service": "serviceid",
    "discoveryrule": "itemid",
    "maintenance": "maintenanceid",
    "map": "sysmapid",
    "usermedia": "mediaid",
    "mediatype": "mediatypeid",
    "proxy": "proxyid",
    "screen": "screenid",
    "screenitem": "screenitemid",
    "script": "scriptid",
    "template": "templateid",
    "templatescreen": "screenid",
    "templatescreenitem": "screenitemid",
    "trend": "itemid",
    "trigger": "triggerid",
    "triggerprototype": "triggerid",
    "user": "userid",
    "usergroup": "usrgrpid",
    "usermacro": "globalmacroid",
    "valuemap": "valuemapid",
    "httptest": "httptestid",

# Define the module's virtual name
__virtualname__ = "zabbix"

[docs] def __virtual__(): """ Only load the module if all modules are imported correctly. """ return __virtualname__
def _frontend_url(): """ Tries to guess the url of zabbix frontend. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 """ hostname = socket.gethostname() frontend_url = "http://" + hostname + "/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php" try: try: response = salt.utils.http.query(frontend_url) error = response["error"] except urllib.error.HTTPError as http_e: error = str(http_e) if error.find("412: Precondition Failed"): return frontend_url else: raise KeyError except (ValueError, KeyError): return False def _query(method, params, url, auth=None): """ JSON request to Zabbix API. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param method: actual operation to perform via the API :param params: parameters required for specific method :param url: url of zabbix api :param auth: auth token for zabbix api (only for methods with required authentication) :return: Response from API with desired data in JSON format. In case of error returns more specific description. .. versionchanged:: 2017.7.0 """ unauthenticated_methods = [ "user.login", "apiinfo.version", ] header_dict = {"Content-type": "application/json"} data = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "method": method, "params": params} if method not in unauthenticated_methods: data["auth"] = auth data = salt.utils.json.dumps(data)"_QUERY input:\nurl: %s\ndata: %s", str(url), str(data)) try: result = salt.utils.http.query( url, method="POST", data=data, header_dict=header_dict, decode_type="json", decode=True, status=True, headers=True, )"_QUERY result: %s", str(result)) if "error" in result: raise SaltException(f"Zabbix API: Status: {result['status']} ({result['error']})") ret = result.get("dict", {}) if "error" in ret: raise SaltException(f"Zabbix API: {ret['error']['message']} ({ret['error']['data']})") return ret except ValueError as err: raise SaltException(f"URL or HTTP headers are probably not correct! ({err})") from err except OSError as err: raise SaltException(f"Check hostname in URL! ({err})") from err def _login(**kwargs): """ Log in to the API and generate the authentication token. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: On success connargs dictionary with auth token and frontend url, False on failure. """ connargs = {} def _connarg(name, key=None): """ Add key to connargs, only if name exists in our kwargs or, as zabbix.<name> in __opts__ or __pillar__ Evaluate in said order - kwargs, opts, then pillar. To avoid collision with other functions, kwargs-based connection arguments are prefixed with 'connection_' (i.e. '_connection_user', etc.). Inspired by mysql salt module. """ if key is None: key = name if name in kwargs: connargs[key] = kwargs[name] else: prefix = "_connection_" if name.startswith(prefix): try: name = name[len(prefix) :] except IndexError: return val = __salt__["config.get"](f"zabbix.{name}", None) or __salt__["config.get"]( f"zabbix:{name}", None ) if val is not None: connargs[key] = val _connarg("_connection_user", "user") _connarg("_connection_password", "password") _connarg("_connection_url", "url") if "url" not in connargs: connargs["url"] = _frontend_url() try: if connargs["user"] and connargs["password"] and connargs["url"]: params = {"user": connargs["user"], "password": connargs["password"]} method = "user.login" ret = _query(method, params, connargs["url"]) auth = ret["result"] connargs["auth"] = auth connargs.pop("user", None) connargs.pop("password", None) return connargs else: raise KeyError except KeyError as err: raise SaltException(f"URL is probably not correct! ({err})") from err def _params_extend(params, _ignore_name=False, **kwargs): """ Extends the params dictionary by values from keyword arguments. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param params: Dictionary with parameters for zabbix API. :param _ignore_name: Salt State module is passing first line as 'name' parameter. If API uses optional parameter 'name' (for ex. host_create, user_create method), please use 'visible_name' or 'firstname' instead of 'name' to not mess these values. :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Extended params dictionary with parameters. """ # extend params value by optional zabbix API parameters for key, val in kwargs.items(): if not key.startswith("_"): params.setdefault(key, val) # ignore name parameter passed from Salt state module, use firstname or visible_name instead if _ignore_name: params.pop("name", None) if "firstname" in params: params["name"] = params.pop("firstname") elif "visible_name" in params: params["name"] = params.pop("visible_name") return params def _map_to_list_of_dicts(source, key): """ Maps list of values to list of dicts of values, eg: [usrgrpid1, usrgrpid2, ...] => [{"usrgrpid": usrgrpid1}, {"usrgrpid": usrgrpid2}, ...] :param source: list of values :param key: name of dict key :return: List of dicts in format: [{key: elem}, ...] """ output = [] for elem in source: output.append({key: elem}) return output
[docs] def get_zabbix_id_mapper(): """ .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Make ZABBIX_ID_MAPPER constant available to state modules. :return: ZABBIX_ID_MAPPER CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.get_zabbix_id_mapper """ return ZABBIX_ID_MAPPER
[docs] def substitute_params(input_object, extend_params=None, filter_key="name", **kwargs): """ .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Go through Zabbix object params specification and if needed get given object ID from Zabbix API and put it back as a value. Definition of the object is done via dict with keys "query_object" and "query_name". :param input_object: Zabbix object type specified in state file :param extend_params: Specify query with params :param filter_key: Custom filtering key (default: name) :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Params structure with values converted to string for further comparison purposes CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.substitute_params '{"query_object": "object_name", "query_name": "specific_object_name"}' """ if extend_params is None: extend_params = {} if isinstance(input_object, list): return [ substitute_params(oitem, extend_params, filter_key, **kwargs) for oitem in input_object ] elif isinstance(input_object, dict): if "query_object" in input_object: query_params = {} if input_object["query_object"] not in ZABBIX_TOP_LEVEL_OBJECTS: query_params.update(extend_params) try: query_params.update({"filter": {filter_key: input_object["query_name"]}}) return get_object_id_by_params(input_object["query_object"], query_params, **kwargs) except KeyError as err: raise SaltException( f"Querying object ID requested but object name not provided: {input_object}" ) from err else: return { key: substitute_params(val, extend_params, filter_key, **kwargs) for key, val in input_object.items() } else: # Zabbix response is always str, return everything in str as well return str(input_object)
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-nested-blocks
[docs] def compare_params(defined, existing, return_old_value=False): """ .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Compares Zabbix object definition against existing Zabbix object. :param defined: Zabbix object definition taken from sls file. :param existing: Existing Zabbix object taken from result of an API call. :param return_old_value: Default False. If True, returns dict("old"=old_val, "new"=new_val) for rollback purpose. :return: Params that are different from existing object. Result extended by object ID can be passed directly to Zabbix API update method. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.compare_params new_zabbix_object_dict existing_zabbix_onject_dict """ # Comparison of data types if not isinstance(defined, type(existing)): raise SaltException( f"Zabbix object comparison failed (data type mismatch). Expecting {type(existing)}," f' got {type(defined)}. Existing value: "{existing}", defined value: "{defined}").' ) # Comparison of values if not if str(defined) != str(existing) and return_old_value: return {"new": str(defined), "old": str(existing)} elif str(defined) != str(existing) and not return_old_value: return str(defined) # Comparison of lists of values or lists of dicts if isinstance(defined, list): if len(defined) != len(existing):"Different list length!") return {"new": defined, "old": existing} if return_old_value else defined else: difflist = [] for ditem in defined: d_in_e = [] for eitem in existing: comp = compare_params(ditem, eitem, return_old_value) if return_old_value: d_in_e.append(comp["new"]) else: d_in_e.append(comp) if all(d_in_e): difflist.append(ditem) # If there is any difference in a list then whole defined list must be returned and provided for update if any(difflist) and return_old_value: return {"new": defined, "old": existing} elif any(difflist) and not return_old_value: return defined # Comparison of dicts if isinstance(defined, dict): try: # defined must be a subset of existing to be compared if set(defined) <= set(existing): intersection = set(defined) & set(existing) diffdict = {"new": {}, "old": {}} if return_old_value else {} for i in intersection: comp = compare_params(defined[i], existing[i], return_old_value) if return_old_value: if comp or (not comp and isinstance(comp, list)): diffdict["new"].update({i: defined[i]}) diffdict["old"].update({i: existing[i]}) else: if comp or (not comp and isinstance(comp, list)): diffdict.update({i: defined[i]}) return diffdict return {"new": defined, "old": existing} if return_old_value else defined except TypeError as err: raise SaltException( f"Zabbix object comparison failed (data type mismatch). Expecting {type(existing)}," f' got {type(defined)}. Existing value: "{existing}", defined value: "{defined}").' ) from err
[docs] def get_object_id_by_params(obj, params=None, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Get ID of single Zabbix object specified by its name. :param obj: Zabbix object type :param params: Parameters by which object is uniquely identified :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: object ID CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.get_object_id_by_params object_type params=zabbix_api_query_parameters_dict """ if params is None: params = {} res = run_query(obj + ".get", params, **connection_args) if res and len(res) == 1: return str(res[0][ZABBIX_ID_MAPPER[obj]]) else: raise SaltException( "Zabbix API: Object does not exist or bad Zabbix user permissions or other" f" unexpected result. Called method {obj}.get with params {params}. Result: {res}" )
[docs] def apiinfo_version(**connection_args): """ Retrieve the version of the Zabbix API. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: On success string with Zabbix API version, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.apiinfo_version """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "apiinfo.version" params = {} ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return False
[docs] def user_create(alias, passwd, usrgrps, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Create new zabbix user .. note:: This function accepts all standard user properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param alias: user alias :param passwd: user's password :param usrgrps: user groups to add the user to :param _connection_user: zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param firstname: string with firstname of the user, use 'firstname' instead of 'name' parameter to not mess with value supplied from Salt sls file. :return: On success string with id of the created user. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.user_create james password007 '[7, 12]' firstname='James Bond' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False username_field = "alias" # Zabbix 5.4 changed object fields if Version(zabbix_version) > Version("5.2"): username_field = "username" try: if conn_args: method = "user.create" params = {username_field: alias, "passwd": passwd, "usrgrps": []} # User groups if not isinstance(usrgrps, list): usrgrps = [usrgrps] params["usrgrps"] = _map_to_list_of_dicts(usrgrps, "usrgrpid") params = _params_extend(params, _ignore_name=True, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["userids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def user_delete(users, **connection_args): """ Delete zabbix users. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param users: array of users (userids) to delete :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: On success array with userids of deleted users. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.user_delete 15 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "user.delete" if not isinstance(users, list): params = [users] else: params = users ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["userids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def user_exists(alias, **connection_args): """ Checks if user with given alias exists. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param alias: user alias :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: True if user exists, else False. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.user_exists james """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False username_field = "alias" # Zabbix 5.4 changed object fields if Version(zabbix_version) > Version("5.2"): username_field = "username" try: if conn_args: method = "user.get" # Zabbix 5.4 changed object fields params = {"output": "extend", "filter": {username_field: alias}} ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return bool(ret["result"]) raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def user_get(alias=None, userids=None, **connection_args): """ Retrieve users according to the given parameters. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param alias: user alias :param userids: return only users with the given IDs :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Array with details of convenient users, False on failure of if no user found. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.user_get james """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False username_field = "alias" # Zabbix 5.4 changed object fields if Version(zabbix_version) > Version("5.2"): username_field = "username" try: if conn_args: method = "user.get" params = { "output": "extend", "selectUsrgrps": "extend", "selectMedias": "extend", "selectMediatypes": "extend", "filter": {}, } if not userids and not alias: return { "result": False, "comment": ("Please submit alias or userids parameter to retrieve users."), } if alias: params["filter"].setdefault(username_field, alias) if userids: params.setdefault("userids", userids) params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] if ret["result"] else False else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def user_update(userid, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Update existing users .. note:: This function accepts all standard user properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param userid: id of the user to update :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Id of the updated user on success. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.user_update 16 visible_name='James Brown' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False medias = connection_args.pop("medias", None) if medias is None: medias = connection_args.pop("user_medias", None) else: medias.extend(connection_args.pop("user_medias", [])) try: if conn_args: method = "user.update" params = { "userid": userid, } if Version(zabbix_version) < Version("3.4") and medias is not None: ret = { "result": False, "comment": "Setting medias available in Zabbix 3.4+", } return ret elif Version(zabbix_version) > Version("5.0") and medias is not None: params["medias"] = medias elif medias is not None: params["user_medias"] = medias if "usrgrps" in connection_args: params["usrgrps"] = _map_to_list_of_dicts( connection_args.pop("usrgrps"), "usrgrpid" ) params = _params_extend(params, _ignore_name=True, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["userids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def user_getmedia(userids=None, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Retrieve media according to the given parameters .. note:: This function accepts all standard usermedia.get properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param userids: return only media that are used by the given users :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: List of retrieved media, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.user_getmedia """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False if Version(zabbix_version) > Version("3.4"): users = user_get(userids=userids, **connection_args) medias = [] for user in users: medias.extend(user.get("medias", [])) return medias try: if conn_args: method = "usermedia.get" params = {} if userids: params["userids"] = userids params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def user_addmedia(userids, active, mediatypeid, period, sendto, severity, **connection_args): """ Add new media to multiple users. Available only for Zabbix version 3.4 or older. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param userids: ID of the user that uses the media :param active: Whether the media is enabled (0 enabled, 1 disabled) :param mediatypeid: ID of the media type used by the media :param period: Time when the notifications can be sent as a time period :param sendto: Address, user name or other identifier of the recipient :param severity: Trigger severities to send notifications about :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: IDs of the created media. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.user_addmedia 4 active=0 mediatypeid=1 period='1-7,00:00-24:00' sendto='' severity=63 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False method = "user.addmedia" if Version(zabbix_version) > Version("3.4"): ret = { "result": False, "comment": f"Method '{method}' removed in Zabbix 4.0+ use 'user.update'", } return ret try: if conn_args: method = "user.addmedia" params = {"users": []} # Users if not isinstance(userids, list): userids = [userids] for user in userids: params["users"].append({"userid": user}) # Medias params["medias"] = [ { "active": active, "mediatypeid": mediatypeid, "period": period, "sendto": sendto, "severity": severity, }, ] ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["mediaids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def user_deletemedia(mediaids, **connection_args): """ Delete media by id. Available only for Zabbix version 3.4 or older. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param mediaids: IDs of the media to delete :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: IDs of the deleted media, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.user_deletemedia 27 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False method = "user.deletemedia" if Version(zabbix_version) > Version("3.4"): ret = { "result": False, "comment": f"Method '{method}' removed in Zabbix 4.0+ use 'user.update'", } return ret try: if conn_args: if not isinstance(mediaids, list): mediaids = [mediaids] params = mediaids ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["mediaids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def user_list(**connection_args): """ Retrieve all of the configured users. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Array with user details. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.user_list """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "user.get" params = {"output": "extend"} ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usergroup_create(name, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Create new user group .. note:: This function accepts all standard user group properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param name: name of the user group :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: IDs of the created user groups. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_create GroupName """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "usergroup.create" params = {"name": name} params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["usrgrpids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usergroup_delete(usergroupids, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param usergroupids: IDs of the user groups to delete :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: IDs of the deleted user groups. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_delete 28 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "usergroup.delete" if not isinstance(usergroupids, list): usergroupids = [usergroupids] params = usergroupids ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["usrgrpids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usergroup_exists(name=None, node=None, nodeids=None, **connection_args): """ Checks if at least one user group that matches the given filter criteria exists .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param name: names of the user groups :param node: name of the node the user groups must belong to (This will override the nodeids parameter.) :param nodeids: IDs of the nodes the user groups must belong to :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: True if at least one user group that matches the given filter criteria exists, else False. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_exists Guests """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: # usergroup.exists deprecated if Version(zabbix_version) > Version("2.5"): if not name: name = "" ret = usergroup_get(name, None, **connection_args) return bool(ret) # zabbix 2.4 and earlier else: method = "usergroup.exists" params = {} if not name and not node and not nodeids: return { "result": False, "comment": ( "Please submit name, node or nodeids parameter to check if " "at least one user group exists." ), } if name: params["name"] = name # deprecated in 2.4 if Version(zabbix_version) < Version("2.4"): if node: params["node"] = node if nodeids: params["nodeids"] = nodeids ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usergroup_get(name=None, usrgrpids=None, userids=None, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Retrieve user groups according to the given parameters .. note:: This function accepts all usergroup_get properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param name: names of the user groups :param usrgrpids: return only user groups with the given IDs :param userids: return only user groups that contain the given users :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Array with convenient user groups details, False if no user group found or on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_get Guests """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "usergroup.get" # Versions above 2.4 allow retrieving user group permissions if Version(zabbix_version) > Version("2.5"): params = {"selectRights": "extend", "output": "extend", "filter": {}} else: params = {"output": "extend", "filter": {}} if not name and not usrgrpids and not userids: return False if name: params["filter"].setdefault("name", name) if usrgrpids: params.setdefault("usrgrpids", usrgrpids) if userids: params.setdefault("userids", userids) params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return False if not ret["result"] else ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usergroup_update(usrgrpid, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Update existing user group .. note:: This function accepts all standard user group properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param usrgrpid: ID of the user group to update. :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: IDs of the updated user group, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_update 8 name=guestsRenamed """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "usergroup.update" params = {"usrgrpid": usrgrpid} params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["usrgrpids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usergroup_list(**connection_args): """ Retrieve all enabled user groups. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Array with enabled user groups details, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_list """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "usergroup.get" params = { "output": "extend", } ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def host_create(host, groups, interfaces, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Create new host .. note:: This function accepts all standard host properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param host: technical name of the host :param groups: groupids of host groups to add the host to :param interfaces: interfaces to be created for the host :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :param visible_name: string with visible name of the host, use 'visible_name' instead of 'name' parameter to not mess with value supplied from Salt sls file. return: ID of the created host. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.host_create technicalname 4 interfaces='{type: 1, main: 1, useip: 1, ip: "", dns: "", port: 10050}' visible_name='Host Visible Name' inventory_mode=0 inventory='{"alias": "something"}' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "host.create" params = {"host": host} # Groups if not isinstance(groups, list): groups = [groups] params["groups"] = _map_to_list_of_dicts(groups, "groupid") # Interfaces if not isinstance(interfaces, list): interfaces = [interfaces] params["interfaces"] = interfaces params = _params_extend(params, _ignore_name=True, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["hostids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def host_delete(hostids, **connection_args): """ Delete hosts. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param hostids: Hosts (hostids) to delete. :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: IDs of the deleted hosts. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.host_delete 10106 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "host.delete" if not isinstance(hostids, list): params = [hostids] else: params = hostids ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["hostids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def host_exists(host=None, hostid=None, name=None, node=None, nodeids=None, **connection_args): """ Checks if at least one host that matches the given filter criteria exists. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param host: technical name of the host :param hostids: Hosts (hostids) to delete. :param name: visible name of the host :param node: name of the node the hosts must belong to (zabbix API < 2.4) :param nodeids: IDs of the node the hosts must belong to (zabbix API < 2.4) :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: IDs of the deleted hosts, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.host_exists 'Zabbix server' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: # hostgroup.exists deprecated if Version(zabbix_version) > Version("2.5"): if not host: host = None if not name: name = None if not hostid: hostid = None ret = host_get(host, name, hostid, **connection_args) return bool(ret) # zabbix 2.4 nad earlier else: method = "host.exists" params = {} if hostid: params["hostid"] = hostid if host: params["host"] = host if name: params["name"] = name # deprecated in 2.4 if Version(zabbix_version) < Version("2.4"): if node: params["node"] = node if nodeids: params["nodeids"] = nodeids if not hostid and not host and not name and not node and not nodeids: return { "result": False, "comment": ( "Please submit hostid, host, name, node or nodeids" " parameter tocheck if at least one host that matches the" " given filter criteria exists." ), } ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def host_get(host=None, name=None, hostids=None, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Retrieve hosts according to the given parameters .. note:: This function accepts all optional host.get parameters: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param host: technical name of the host :param name: visible name of the host :param hostids: ids of the hosts :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Array with convenient hosts details, False if no host found or on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.host_get 'Zabbix server' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "host.get" params = {"output": "extend", "filter": {}} if not name and not hostids and not host: return False if name: params["filter"].setdefault("name", name) if hostids: params.setdefault("hostids", hostids) if host: params["filter"].setdefault("host", host) params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] if ret["result"] else False else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def host_update(hostid, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Update existing hosts .. note:: This function accepts all standard host and host.update properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see the documentation for `host objects`_ and the documentation for `updating hosts`_. .. _`host objects`: .. _`updating hosts`: :param hostid: ID of the host to update :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :param visible_name: string with visible name of the host, use 'visible_name' instead of 'name' parameter to not mess with value supplied from Salt sls file. :return: ID of the updated host. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.host_update 10084 name='Zabbix server2' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "host.update" params = {"hostid": hostid} if "groups" in connection_args: params["groups"] = _map_to_list_of_dicts(connection_args.pop("groups"), "groupid") params = _params_extend(params, _ignore_name=True, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["hostids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def host_inventory_get(hostids, **connection_args): """ Retrieve host inventory according to the given parameters. See: .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 :param hostids: ID of the host to query :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Array with host inventory fields, populated or not, False if host inventory is disabled or on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.host_inventory_get 101054 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "host.get" params = {"selectInventory": "extend"} if hostids: params.setdefault("hostids", hostids) params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ( ret["result"][0]["inventory"] if ret["result"] and ret["result"][0]["inventory"] else False ) else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def host_inventory_set(hostid, **connection_args): """ Update host inventory items NOTE: This function accepts all standard host: keyword argument names for inventory see: .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 :param hostid: ID of the host to update :param clear_old: Set to True in order to remove all existing inventory items before setting the specified items :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: ID of the updated host, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.host_inventory_set 101054 asset_tag=jml3322 type=vm clear_old=True """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: params = {} clear_old = False method = "host.update" if connection_args.get("clear_old"): clear_old = True connection_args.pop("clear_old", None) inventory_mode = connection_args.pop("inventory_mode", "0") inventory_params = dict(_params_extend(params, **connection_args)) for key in inventory_params: params.pop(key, None) if hostid: params.setdefault("hostid", hostid) if clear_old: # Set inventory to disabled in order to clear existing data params["inventory_mode"] = "-1" ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) # Set inventory mode to manual in order to submit inventory data params["inventory_mode"] = inventory_mode params["inventory"] = inventory_params ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def host_list(**connection_args): """ Retrieve all hosts. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Array with details about hosts, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.host_list """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "host.get" params = { "output": "extend", } ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def hostgroup_create(name, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Create a host group .. note:: This function accepts all standard host group properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param name: name of the host group :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: ID of the created host group. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_create MyNewGroup """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "hostgroup.create" params = {"name": name} params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["groupids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def hostgroup_delete(hostgroupids, **connection_args): """ Delete the host group. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param hostgroupids: IDs of the host groups to delete :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: ID of the deleted host groups, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_delete 23 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "hostgroup.delete" if not isinstance(hostgroupids, list): params = [hostgroupids] else: params = hostgroupids ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["groupids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def hostgroup_exists(name=None, groupid=None, node=None, nodeids=None, **connection_args): """ Checks if at least one host group that matches the given filter criteria exists. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param name: names of the host groups :param groupid: host group IDs :param node: name of the node the host groups must belong to (zabbix API < 2.4) :param nodeids: IDs of the nodes the host groups must belong to (zabbix API < 2.4) :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: True if at least one host group exists, False if not or on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_exists MyNewGroup """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: # hostgroup.exists deprecated if Version(zabbix_version) > Version("2.5"): if not groupid: groupid = None if not name: name = None ret = hostgroup_get(name, groupid, **connection_args) return bool(ret) # zabbix 2.4 nad earlier else: params = {} method = "hostgroup.exists" if groupid: params["groupid"] = groupid if name: params["name"] = name # deprecated in 2.4 if Version(zabbix_version) < Version("2.4"): if node: params["node"] = node if nodeids: params["nodeids"] = nodeids if not groupid and not name and not node and not nodeids: return { "result": False, "comment": ( "Please submit groupid, name, node or nodeids parameter" " tocheck if at least one host group that matches the given" " filter criteria exists." ), } ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def hostgroup_get(name=None, groupids=None, hostids=None, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Retrieve host groups according to the given parameters .. note:: This function accepts all standard hostgroup.get properities: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param name: names of the host groups :param groupid: host group IDs :param node: name of the node the host groups must belong to :param nodeids: IDs of the nodes the host groups must belong to :param hostids: return only host groups that contain the given hosts :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Array with host groups details, False if no convenient host group found or on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_get MyNewGroup """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "hostgroup.get" params = {"output": "extend"} if not groupids and not name and not hostids: return False if name: name_dict = {"name": name} params.setdefault("filter", name_dict) if groupids: params.setdefault("groupids", groupids) if hostids: params.setdefault("hostids", hostids) params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] if ret["result"] else False else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def hostgroup_update(groupid, name=None, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Update existing hosts group .. note:: This function accepts all standard host group properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param groupid: ID of the host group to update :param name: name of the host group :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: IDs of updated host groups. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_update 24 name='Renamed Name' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "hostgroup.update" params = {"groupid": groupid} if name: params["name"] = name params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["groupids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def hostgroup_list(**connection_args): """ Retrieve all host groups. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Array with details about host groups, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_list """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "hostgroup.get" params = { "output": "extend", } ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def hostinterface_get(hostids, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Retrieve host groups according to the given parameters .. note:: This function accepts all standard hostinterface.get properities: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param hostids: Return only host interfaces used by the given hosts. :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: Array with host interfaces details, False if no convenient host interfaces found or on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.hostinterface_get 101054 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "hostinterface.get" params = {"output": "extend"} if hostids: params.setdefault("hostids", hostids) params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] if ret["result"] else False else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def hostinterface_create( hostid, ip_, dns="", main=1, if_type=1, useip=1, port=None, **connection_args ): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Create new host interface .. note:: This function accepts all standard host group interface: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param hostid: ID of the host the interface belongs to :param ip_: IP address used by the interface :param dns: DNS name used by the interface :param main: whether the interface is used as default on the host (0 - not default, 1 - default) :param port: port number used by the interface :param type: Interface type (1 - agent; 2 - SNMP; 3 - IPMI; 4 - JMX) :param useip: Whether the connection should be made via IP (0 - connect using host DNS name; 1 - connect using host IP address for this host interface) :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: ID of the created host interface, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.hostinterface_create 10105 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False if not port: port = INTERFACE_DEFAULT_PORTS[if_type] try: if conn_args: method = "hostinterface.create" params = { "hostid": hostid, "ip": ip_, "dns": dns, "main": main, "port": port, "type": if_type, "useip": useip, } params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["interfaceids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def hostinterface_delete(interfaceids, **connection_args): """ Delete host interface .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 :param interfaceids: IDs of the host interfaces to delete :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: ID of deleted host interfaces, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.hostinterface_delete 50 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "hostinterface.delete" if isinstance(interfaceids, list): params = interfaceids else: params = [interfaceids] ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["interfaceids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def hostinterface_update(interfaceid, **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Update host interface .. note:: This function accepts all standard hostinterface: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param interfaceid: ID of the hostinterface to update :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: ID of the updated host interface, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.hostinterface_update 6 ip_= """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "hostinterface.update" params = {"interfaceid": interfaceid} params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["interfaceids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usermacro_get( macro=None, hostids=None, templateids=None, hostmacroids=None, globalmacroids=None, globalmacro=False, **connection_args, ): """ Retrieve user macros according to the given parameters. Args: macro: name of the usermacro hostids: Return macros for the given hostids templateids: Return macros for the given templateids hostmacroids: Return macros with the given hostmacroids globalmacroids: Return macros with the given globalmacroids (implies globalmacro=True) globalmacro: if True, returns only global macros optional connection_args: _connection_user: zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) _connection_password: zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) _connection_url: url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) Returns: Array with usermacro details, False if no usermacro found or on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_get macro='{$SNMP_COMMUNITY}' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "usermacro.get" params = {"output": "extend", "filter": {}} if macro: # Python mistakenly interprets macro names starting and ending with '{' and '}' as a dict if isinstance(macro, dict): macro = "{" + str(next(iter(macro))) + "}" if not macro.startswith("{") and not macro.endswith("}"): macro = "{" + macro + "}" params["filter"].setdefault("macro", macro) if hostids: params.setdefault("hostids", hostids) elif templateids: params.setdefault("templateids", hostids) if hostmacroids: params.setdefault("hostmacroids", hostmacroids) elif globalmacroids: globalmacro = True params.setdefault("globalmacroids", globalmacroids) if globalmacro: params = _params_extend(params, globalmacro=True) params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] if ret["result"] else False else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usermacro_create(macro, value, hostid, **connection_args): """ Create new host usermacro. :param macro: name of the host usermacro :param value: value of the host usermacro :param hostid: hostid or templateid :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) return: ID of the created host usermacro. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_create '{$SNMP_COMMUNITY}' 'public' 1 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: params = {} method = "usermacro.create" if macro: # Python mistakenly interprets macro names starting and ending with '{' and '}' as a dict if isinstance(macro, dict): macro = "{" + str(next(iter(macro))) + "}" if not macro.startswith("{") and not macro.endswith("}"): macro = "{" + macro + "}" params["macro"] = macro params["value"] = value params["hostid"] = hostid params = _params_extend(params, _ignore_name=True, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["hostmacroids"][0] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usermacro_createglobal(macro, value, **connection_args): """ Create new global usermacro. :param macro: name of the global usermacro :param value: value of the global usermacro :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) return: ID of the created global usermacro. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_createglobal '{$SNMP_COMMUNITY}' 'public' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: params = {} method = "usermacro.createglobal" if macro: # Python mistakenly interprets macro names starting and ending with '{' and '}' as a dict if isinstance(macro, dict): macro = "{" + str(next(iter(macro))) + "}" if not macro.startswith("{") and not macro.endswith("}"): macro = "{" + macro + "}" params["macro"] = macro params["value"] = value params = _params_extend(params, _ignore_name=True, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["globalmacroids"][0] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usermacro_delete(macroids, **connection_args): """ Delete host usermacros. :param macroids: macroids of the host usermacros :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) return: IDs of the deleted host usermacro. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_delete 21 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "usermacro.delete" if isinstance(macroids, list): params = macroids else: params = [macroids] ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["hostmacroids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usermacro_deleteglobal(macroids, **connection_args): """ Delete global usermacros. :param macroids: macroids of the global usermacros :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) return: IDs of the deleted global usermacro. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_deleteglobal 21 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "usermacro.deleteglobal" if isinstance(macroids, list): params = macroids else: params = [macroids] ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["globalmacroids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usermacro_update(hostmacroid, value, **connection_args): """ Update existing host usermacro. :param hostmacroid: id of the host usermacro :param value: new value of the host usermacro :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) return: ID of the update host usermacro. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_update 1 'public' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: params = {} method = "usermacro.update" params["hostmacroid"] = hostmacroid params["value"] = value params = _params_extend(params, _ignore_name=True, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["hostmacroids"][0] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def usermacro_updateglobal(globalmacroid, value, **connection_args): """ Update existing global usermacro. :param globalmacroid: id of the host usermacro :param value: new value of the host usermacro :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) return: ID of the update global usermacro. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_updateglobal 1 'public' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: params = {} method = "usermacro.updateglobal" params["globalmacroid"] = globalmacroid params["value"] = value params = _params_extend(params, _ignore_name=True, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["globalmacroids"][0] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def mediatype_get(name=None, mediatypeids=None, **connection_args): """ Retrieve mediatypes according to the given parameters. Args: name: Name or description of the mediatype mediatypeids: ids of the mediatypes optional connection_args: _connection_user: zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) _connection_password: zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) _connection_url: url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) all optional mediatype.get parameters: keyword argument names depends on your zabbix version, see: Returns: Array with mediatype details, False if no mediatype found or on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.mediatype_get name='Email' salt '*' zabbix.mediatype_get mediatypeids="['1', '2', '3']" """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "mediatype.get" params = {"output": "extend", "filter": {}} if name: # since zabbix API 4.4, mediatype has new attribute: name if Version(zabbix_version) >= Version("4.4"): params["filter"].setdefault("name", name) else: params["filter"].setdefault("description", name) if mediatypeids: params.setdefault("mediatypeids", mediatypeids) params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] if ret["result"] else False else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def mediatype_create(name, mediatype, **connection_args): """ Create new mediatype .. note:: This function accepts all standard mediatype properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param mediatype: media type - 0: email, 1: script, 2: sms, 3: Jabber, 100: Ez Texting :param exec_path: exec path - Required for script and Ez Texting types, see Zabbix API docs :param gsm_modem: exec path - Required for sms type, see Zabbix API docs :param smtp_email: email address from which notifications will be sent, required for email type :param smtp_helo: SMTP HELO, required for email type :param smtp_server: SMTP server, required for email type :param status: whether the media type is enabled - 0: enabled, 1: disabled :param username: authentication user, required for Jabber and Ez Texting types :param passwd: authentication password, required for Jabber and Ez Texting types :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) return: ID of the created mediatype. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.mediatype_create 'Email' 0 smtp_email='' smtp_server='' smtp_helo='' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "mediatype.create" # since zabbix 4.4 api, mediatype has new attribute: name if Version(zabbix_version) >= Version("4.4"): params = {"name": name} _ignore_name = False else: params = {"description": name} _ignore_name = True params["type"] = mediatype params = _params_extend(params, _ignore_name, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["mediatypeid"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def mediatype_delete(mediatypeids, **connection_args): """ Delete mediatype :param interfaceids: IDs of the mediatypes to delete :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: ID of deleted mediatype, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.mediatype_delete 3 """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "mediatype.delete" if isinstance(mediatypeids, list): params = mediatypeids else: params = [mediatypeids] ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["mediatypeids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def mediatype_update(mediatypeid, name=False, mediatype=False, **connection_args): """ Update existing mediatype .. note:: This function accepts all standard mediatype properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here__. .. __: :param mediatypeid: ID of the mediatype to update :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) :return: IDs of the updated mediatypes, False on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_update 8 name="Email update" """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "mediatype.update" params = {"mediatypeid": mediatypeid} if name: params["description"] = name if mediatype: params["type"] = mediatype params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"]["mediatypeids"] else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def template_get(name=None, host=None, templateids=None, **connection_args): """ Retrieve templates according to the given parameters. Args: host: technical name of the template name: visible name of the template hostids: ids of the templates optional connection_args: _connection_user: zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) _connection_password: zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) _connection_url: url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) all optional template.get parameters: keyword argument names depends on your zabbix version, see: Returns: Array with convenient template details, False if no template found or on failure. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.template_get name='Template OS Linux' salt '*' zabbix.template_get templateids="['10050', '10001']" """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: method = "template.get" params = {"output": "extend", "filter": {}} if name: params["filter"].setdefault("name", name) if host: params["filter"].setdefault("host", host) if templateids: params.setdefault("templateids", templateids) params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) return ret["result"] if ret["result"] else False else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def run_query(method, params, **connection_args): """ Send Zabbix API call Args: method: actual operation to perform via the API params: parameters required for specific method optional connection_args: _connection_user: zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) _connection_password: zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) _connection_url: url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) all optional template.get parameters: keyword argument names depends on your zabbix version, see: Returns: Response from Zabbix API CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.run_query proxy.create '{"host": "", "status": "5"}' """ conn_args = _login(**connection_args) ret = False try: if conn_args: params = _params_extend(params, **connection_args) ret = _query(method, params, conn_args["url"], conn_args["auth"]) if isinstance(ret["result"], bool): return ret["result"] return ret["result"] if ret["result"] else False else: raise KeyError except KeyError: return ret
[docs] def configuration_import(config_file, rules=None, file_format="xml", **connection_args): """ .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Imports Zabbix configuration specified in file to Zabbix server. :param config_file: File with Zabbix config (local or remote) :param rules: Optional - Rules that have to be different from default (defaults are the same as in Zabbix web UI.) :param file_format: Config file format (default: xml) :param _connection_user: Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_password: Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module's docstring) :param _connection_url: Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module's docstring) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' zabbix.configuration_import salt://zabbix/config/zabbix_templates.xml \ "{'screens': {'createMissing': True, 'updateExisting': True}}" """ zabbix_version = apiinfo_version(**connection_args) if rules is None: rules = {} default_rules = { "discoveryRules": { "createMissing": True, "updateExisting": True, "deleteMissing": False, }, "graphs": { "createMissing": True, "updateExisting": True, "deleteMissing": False, }, "groups": {"createMissing": True}, "hosts": {"createMissing": False, "updateExisting": False}, "images": {"createMissing": False, "updateExisting": False}, "items": { "createMissing": True, "updateExisting": True, "deleteMissing": False, }, "maps": {"createMissing": False, "updateExisting": False}, "screens": {"createMissing": False, "updateExisting": False}, "templateLinkage": {"createMissing": True}, "templates": {"createMissing": True, "updateExisting": True}, "templateScreens": { "createMissing": True, "updateExisting": True, "deleteMissing": False, }, "triggers": { "createMissing": True, "updateExisting": True, "deleteMissing": False, }, "valueMaps": {"createMissing": True, "updateExisting": False}, } if Version(zabbix_version) >= Version("3.2"): # rules/httptests added default_rules["httptests"] = { "createMissing": True, "updateExisting": True, "deleteMissing": False, } if Version(zabbix_version) >= Version("3.4"): # rules/applications/upateExisting deprecated default_rules["applications"] = {"createMissing": True, "deleteMissing": False} else: default_rules["applications"] = { "createMissing": True, "updateExisting": True, "deleteMissing": False, } new_rules = dict(default_rules) if rules: for rule in rules: if rule in new_rules: new_rules[rule].update(rules[rule]) else: new_rules[rule] = rules[rule] if "salt://" in config_file: tmpfile = salt.utils.files.mkstemp() cfile = __salt__["cp.get_file"](config_file, tmpfile) if not cfile or os.path.getsize(cfile) == 0: return { "name": config_file, "result": False, "message": "Failed to fetch config file.", } else: cfile = config_file if not os.path.isfile(cfile): return { "name": config_file, "result": False, "message": "Invalid file path.", } with salt.utils.files.fopen(cfile, mode="r") as fp_: xml = if "salt://" in config_file: salt.utils.files.safe_rm(cfile) params = {"format": file_format, "rules": new_rules, "source": xml}"CONFIGURATION IMPORT: rules: %s", str(params["rules"])) try: run_query("configuration.import", params, **connection_args) return { "name": config_file, "result": True, "message": 'Zabbix API "configuration.import" method called successfully.', } except SaltException as exc: return {"name": config_file, "result": False, "message": str(exc)}