
Support for Zabbix

  • zabbix server


This module is not usable until the zabbix user and zabbix password are specified either in a pillar or in the minion’s config file. Zabbix url should be also specified.

zabbix.user: Admin
zabbix.password: mypassword

Connection arguments from the minion config file can be overridden on the CLI by using arguments with _connection_ prefix.

zabbix.apiinfo_version _connection_user=Admin _connection_password=zabbix _connection_url=http://host/zabbix/

Jiri Kotlin <>


Only load the module if all modules are imported correctly.


Added in version 2017.7.0.

Make ZABBIX_ID_MAPPER constant available to state modules.



CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.get_zabbix_id_mapper
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.substitute_params(input_object, extend_params=None, filter_key='name', **kwargs)[source]

Added in version 2017.7.0.

Go through Zabbix object params specification and if needed get given object ID from Zabbix API and put it back as a value. Definition of the object is done via dict with keys “query_object” and “query_name”.

  • input_object – Zabbix object type specified in state file

  • extend_params – Specify query with params

  • filter_key – Custom filtering key (default: name)

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Params structure with values converted to string for further comparison purposes

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.substitute_params '{"query_object": "object_name", "query_name": "specific_object_name"}'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.compare_params(defined, existing, return_old_value=False)[source]

Added in version 2017.7.0.

Compares Zabbix object definition against existing Zabbix object.

  • defined – Zabbix object definition taken from sls file.

  • existing – Existing Zabbix object taken from result of an API call.

  • return_old_value – Default False. If True, returns dict(“old”=old_val, “new”=new_val) for rollback purpose.


Params that are different from existing object. Result extended by object ID can be passed directly to Zabbix API update method.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.compare_params new_zabbix_object_dict existing_zabbix_onject_dict
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.get_object_id_by_params(obj, params=None, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2017.7.0.

Get ID of single Zabbix object specified by its name.

  • obj – Zabbix object type

  • params – Parameters by which object is uniquely identified

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


object ID

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.get_object_id_by_params object_type params=zabbix_api_query_parameters_dict

Retrieve the version of the Zabbix API.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


On success string with Zabbix API version, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.apiinfo_version
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.user_create(alias, passwd, usrgrps, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Create new zabbix user


This function accepts all standard user properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • alias – user alias

  • passwd – user’s password

  • usrgrps – user groups to add the user to

  • _connection_user – zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • firstname – string with firstname of the user, use ‘firstname’ instead of ‘name’ parameter to not mess with value supplied from Salt sls file.


On success string with id of the created user.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.user_create james password007 '[7, 12]' firstname='James Bond'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.user_delete(users, **connection_args)[source]

Delete zabbix users.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • users – array of users (userids) to delete

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


On success array with userids of deleted users.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.user_delete 15
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.user_exists(alias, **connection_args)[source]

Checks if user with given alias exists.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • alias – user alias

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


True if user exists, else False.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.user_exists james
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.user_get(alias=None, userids=None, **connection_args)[source]

Retrieve users according to the given parameters.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • alias – user alias

  • userids – return only users with the given IDs

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with details of convenient users, False on failure of if no user found.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.user_get james
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.user_update(userid, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Update existing users


This function accepts all standard user properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • userid – id of the user to update

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Id of the updated user on success.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.user_update 16 visible_name='James Brown'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.user_getmedia(userids=None, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Retrieve media according to the given parameters


This function accepts all standard usermedia.get properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • userids – return only media that are used by the given users

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


List of retrieved media, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.user_getmedia
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.user_addmedia(userids, active, mediatypeid, period, sendto, severity, **connection_args)[source]

Add new media to multiple users. Available only for Zabbix version 3.4 or older.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • userids – ID of the user that uses the media

  • active – Whether the media is enabled (0 enabled, 1 disabled)

  • mediatypeid – ID of the media type used by the media

  • period – Time when the notifications can be sent as a time period

  • sendto – Address, user name or other identifier of the recipient

  • severity – Trigger severities to send notifications about

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


IDs of the created media.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.user_addmedia 4 active=0 mediatypeid=1 period='1-7,00:00-24:00' sendto=''
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.user_deletemedia(mediaids, **connection_args)[source]

Delete media by id. Available only for Zabbix version 3.4 or older.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • mediaids – IDs of the media to delete

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


IDs of the deleted media, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.user_deletemedia 27

Retrieve all of the configured users.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with user details.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.user_list
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usergroup_create(name, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Create new user group


This function accepts all standard user group properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • name – name of the user group

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


IDs of the created user groups.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_create GroupName
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usergroup_delete(usergroupids, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • usergroupids – IDs of the user groups to delete

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


IDs of the deleted user groups.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_delete 28
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usergroup_exists(name=None, node=None, nodeids=None, **connection_args)[source]

Checks if at least one user group that matches the given filter criteria exists

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • name – names of the user groups

  • node – name of the node the user groups must belong to (This will override the nodeids parameter.)

  • nodeids – IDs of the nodes the user groups must belong to

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


True if at least one user group that matches the given filter criteria exists, else False.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_exists Guests
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usergroup_get(name=None, usrgrpids=None, userids=None, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Retrieve user groups according to the given parameters


This function accepts all usergroup_get properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • name – names of the user groups

  • usrgrpids – return only user groups with the given IDs

  • userids – return only user groups that contain the given users

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with convenient user groups details, False if no user group found or on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_get Guests
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usergroup_update(usrgrpid, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Update existing user group


This function accepts all standard user group properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • usrgrpid – ID of the user group to update.

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


IDs of the updated user group, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_update 8 name=guestsRenamed

Retrieve all enabled user groups.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with enabled user groups details, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_list
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.host_create(host, groups, interfaces, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Create new host


This function accepts all standard host properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • host – technical name of the host

  • groups – groupids of host groups to add the host to

  • interfaces – interfaces to be created for the host

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • visible_name – string with visible name of the host, use ‘visible_name’ instead of ‘name’ parameter to not mess with value supplied from Salt sls file.

return: ID of the created host.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.host_create technicalname 4
interfaces='{type: 1, main: 1, useip: 1, ip: "", dns: "", port: 10050}'
visible_name='Host Visible Name' inventory_mode=0 inventory='{"alias": "something"}'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.host_delete(hostids, **connection_args)[source]

Delete hosts.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • hostids – Hosts (hostids) to delete.

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


IDs of the deleted hosts.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.host_delete 10106
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.host_exists(host=None, hostid=None, name=None, node=None, nodeids=None, **connection_args)[source]

Checks if at least one host that matches the given filter criteria exists.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • host – technical name of the host

  • hostids – Hosts (hostids) to delete.

  • name – visible name of the host

  • node – name of the node the hosts must belong to (zabbix API < 2.4)

  • nodeids – IDs of the node the hosts must belong to (zabbix API < 2.4)

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


IDs of the deleted hosts, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.host_exists 'Zabbix server'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.host_get(host=None, name=None, hostids=None, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Retrieve hosts according to the given parameters


This function accepts all optional host.get parameters: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • host – technical name of the host

  • name – visible name of the host

  • hostids – ids of the hosts

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with convenient hosts details, False if no host found or on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.host_get 'Zabbix server'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.host_update(hostid, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Update existing hosts


This function accepts all standard host and host.update properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see the documentation for host objects and the documentation for updating hosts.

  • hostid – ID of the host to update

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • visible_name – string with visible name of the host, use ‘visible_name’ instead of ‘name’ parameter to not mess with value supplied from Salt sls file.


ID of the updated host.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.host_update 10084 name='Zabbix server2'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.host_inventory_get(hostids, **connection_args)[source]

Retrieve host inventory according to the given parameters. See:

Added in version 2019.2.0.

  • hostids – ID of the host to query

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with host inventory fields, populated or not, False if host inventory is disabled or on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.host_inventory_get 101054
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.host_inventory_set(hostid, **connection_args)[source]

Update host inventory items NOTE: This function accepts all standard host: keyword argument names for inventory see:

Added in version 2019.2.0.

  • hostid – ID of the host to update

  • clear_old – Set to True in order to remove all existing inventory items before setting the specified items

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


ID of the updated host, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.host_inventory_set 101054 asset_tag=jml3322 type=vm clear_old=True

Retrieve all hosts.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with details about hosts, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.host_list
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.hostgroup_create(name, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Create a host group


This function accepts all standard host group properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • name – name of the host group

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


ID of the created host group.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_create MyNewGroup
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.hostgroup_delete(hostgroupids, **connection_args)[source]

Delete the host group.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • hostgroupids – IDs of the host groups to delete

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


ID of the deleted host groups, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_delete 23
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.hostgroup_exists(name=None, groupid=None, node=None, nodeids=None, **connection_args)[source]

Checks if at least one host group that matches the given filter criteria exists.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • name – names of the host groups

  • groupid – host group IDs

  • node – name of the node the host groups must belong to (zabbix API < 2.4)

  • nodeids – IDs of the nodes the host groups must belong to (zabbix API < 2.4)

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


True if at least one host group exists, False if not or on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_exists MyNewGroup
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.hostgroup_get(name=None, groupids=None, hostids=None, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Retrieve host groups according to the given parameters


This function accepts all standard hostgroup.get properities: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • name – names of the host groups

  • groupid – host group IDs

  • node – name of the node the host groups must belong to

  • nodeids – IDs of the nodes the host groups must belong to

  • hostids – return only host groups that contain the given hosts

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with host groups details, False if no convenient host group found or on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_get MyNewGroup
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.hostgroup_update(groupid, name=None, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Update existing hosts group


This function accepts all standard host group properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • groupid – ID of the host group to update

  • name – name of the host group

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


IDs of updated host groups.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_update 24 name='Renamed Name'

Retrieve all host groups.

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with details about host groups, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.hostgroup_list
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.hostinterface_get(hostids, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Retrieve host groups according to the given parameters


This function accepts all standard hostinterface.get properities: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • hostids – Return only host interfaces used by the given hosts.

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with host interfaces details, False if no convenient host interfaces found or on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.hostinterface_get 101054
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.hostinterface_create(hostid, ip_, dns='', main=1, if_type=1, useip=1, port=None, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Create new host interface


This function accepts all standard host group interface: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • hostid – ID of the host the interface belongs to

  • ip – IP address used by the interface

  • dns – DNS name used by the interface

  • main – whether the interface is used as default on the host (0 - not default, 1 - default)

  • port – port number used by the interface

  • type – Interface type (1 - agent; 2 - SNMP; 3 - IPMI; 4 - JMX)

  • useip – Whether the connection should be made via IP (0 - connect using host DNS name; 1 - connect using host IP address for this host interface)

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


ID of the created host interface, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.hostinterface_create 10105
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.hostinterface_delete(interfaceids, **connection_args)[source]

Delete host interface

Added in version 2016.3.0.

  • interfaceids – IDs of the host interfaces to delete

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


ID of deleted host interfaces, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.hostinterface_delete 50
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.hostinterface_update(interfaceid, **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2016.3.0.

Update host interface


This function accepts all standard hostinterface: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • interfaceid – ID of the hostinterface to update

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


ID of the updated host interface, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.hostinterface_update 6 ip_=
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usermacro_get(macro=None, hostids=None, templateids=None, hostmacroids=None, globalmacroids=None, globalmacro=False, **connection_args)[source]

Retrieve user macros according to the given parameters.

  • macro – name of the usermacro

  • hostids – Return macros for the given hostids

  • templateids – Return macros for the given templateids

  • hostmacroids – Return macros with the given hostmacroids

  • globalmacroids – Return macros with the given globalmacroids (implies globalmacro=True)

  • globalmacro – if True, returns only global macros

  • connection_args (optional) – _connection_user: zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring) _connection_password: zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring) _connection_url: url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)


Array with usermacro details, False if no usermacro found or on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_get macro='{$SNMP_COMMUNITY}'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usermacro_create(macro, value, hostid, **connection_args)[source]

Create new host usermacro.

  • macro – name of the host usermacro

  • value – value of the host usermacro

  • hostid – hostid or templateid

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)

return: ID of the created host usermacro.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_create '{$SNMP_COMMUNITY}' 'public' 1
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usermacro_createglobal(macro, value, **connection_args)[source]

Create new global usermacro.

  • macro – name of the global usermacro

  • value – value of the global usermacro

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)

return: ID of the created global usermacro.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_createglobal '{$SNMP_COMMUNITY}' 'public'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usermacro_delete(macroids, **connection_args)[source]

Delete host usermacros.

  • macroids – macroids of the host usermacros

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)

return: IDs of the deleted host usermacro.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_delete 21
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usermacro_deleteglobal(macroids, **connection_args)[source]

Delete global usermacros.

  • macroids – macroids of the global usermacros

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)

return: IDs of the deleted global usermacro.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_deleteglobal 21
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usermacro_update(hostmacroid, value, **connection_args)[source]

Update existing host usermacro.

  • hostmacroid – id of the host usermacro

  • value – new value of the host usermacro

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)

return: ID of the update host usermacro.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_update 1 'public'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.usermacro_updateglobal(globalmacroid, value, **connection_args)[source]

Update existing global usermacro.

  • globalmacroid – id of the host usermacro

  • value – new value of the host usermacro

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)

return: ID of the update global usermacro.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usermacro_updateglobal 1 'public'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.mediatype_get(name=None, mediatypeids=None, **connection_args)[source]

Retrieve mediatypes according to the given parameters.

  • name – Name or description of the mediatype

  • mediatypeids – ids of the mediatypes

  • connection_args (optional) –

    _connection_user: zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring) _connection_password: zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring) _connection_url: url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

    all optional mediatype.get parameters: keyword argument names depends on your zabbix version, see:


Array with mediatype details, False if no mediatype found or on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.mediatype_get name='Email'
salt '*' zabbix.mediatype_get mediatypeids="['1', '2', '3']"
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.mediatype_create(name, mediatype, **connection_args)[source]

Create new mediatype


This function accepts all standard mediatype properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • mediatype – media type - 0: email, 1: script, 2: sms, 3: Jabber, 100: Ez Texting

  • exec_path – exec path - Required for script and Ez Texting types, see Zabbix API docs

  • gsm_modem – exec path - Required for sms type, see Zabbix API docs

  • smtp_email – email address from which notifications will be sent, required for email type

  • smtp_helo – SMTP HELO, required for email type

  • smtp_server – SMTP server, required for email type

  • status – whether the media type is enabled - 0: enabled, 1: disabled

  • username – authentication user, required for Jabber and Ez Texting types

  • passwd – authentication password, required for Jabber and Ez Texting types

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)

return: ID of the created mediatype.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.mediatype_create 'Email' 0 smtp_email=''
smtp_server='' smtp_helo=''
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.mediatype_delete(mediatypeids, **connection_args)[source]

Delete mediatype

  • interfaceids – IDs of the mediatypes to delete

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


ID of deleted mediatype, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.mediatype_delete 3
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.mediatype_update(mediatypeid, name=False, mediatype=False, **connection_args)[source]

Update existing mediatype


This function accepts all standard mediatype properties: keyword argument names differ depending on your zabbix version, see here.

  • mediatypeid – ID of the mediatype to update

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)


IDs of the updated mediatypes, False on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.usergroup_update 8 name="Email update"
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.template_get(name=None, host=None, templateids=None, **connection_args)[source]

Retrieve templates according to the given parameters.

  • host – technical name of the template

  • name – visible name of the template

  • hostids – ids of the templates

  • connection_args (optional) –

    _connection_user: zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring) _connection_password: zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring) _connection_url: url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

    all optional template.get parameters: keyword argument names depends on your zabbix version, see:


Array with convenient template details, False if no template found or on failure.

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.template_get name='Template OS Linux'
salt '*' zabbix.template_get templateids="['10050', '10001']"
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.run_query(method, params, **connection_args)[source]

Send Zabbix API call

  • method – actual operation to perform via the API

  • params – parameters required for specific method

  • connection_args (optional) –

    _connection_user: zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring) _connection_password: zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring) _connection_url: url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

    all optional template.get parameters: keyword argument names depends on your zabbix version, see:


Response from Zabbix API

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.run_query proxy.create '{"host": "", "status": "5"}'
saltext.zabbix.modules.zabbix.configuration_import(config_file, rules=None, file_format='xml', **connection_args)[source]

Added in version 2017.7.0.

Imports Zabbix configuration specified in file to Zabbix server.

  • config_file – File with Zabbix config (local or remote)

  • rules – Optional - Rules that have to be different from default (defaults are the same as in Zabbix web UI.)

  • file_format – Config file format (default: xml)

  • _connection_user – Optional - zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_password – Optional - zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar, see module’s docstring)

  • _connection_url – Optional - url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts, pillar, see module’s docstring)

CLI Example:

salt '*' zabbix.configuration_import salt://zabbix/config/zabbix_templates.xml         "{'screens': {'createMissing': True, 'updateExisting': True}}"